Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward

No. 30.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith No. 1, copy of a letter from our consul at Nagasaki, informing me of a murderous and unprovoked attack on an Englishman by a Japanese at that place.

It is supposed that diligent efforts are being made to discover the perpetrator of this outrage, though it is doubtful, judging from past experience, whether the satisfaction will ever be afforded me of informing you that he has been found and brought to punishment.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,

ROBERT H. PRUYN, Minister Resident in Japan.

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.

No. 1.

Mr. Walsh to Mr. Pruyn

No. 27.]

Sir: I regret to have to inform you that a murderous attack on a foreigner by a Japanese was made at this port in the foreign quarter, on the night of the 3d instant. It is the first occurrence of the kind that has taken place here, and has created a very unsatisfactory feeling among the foreign residents. The victim is an Englishman named Sutton; well known to every one as a sober, [Page 488] peaceable, inoffensive man. He received a severe sword cut on the neck, and two on the left arm—one of the latter severing the bones. The blow at the neck was evidently intended to take the head off, and only failed in its object by coming in contact with a thick coat collar.

Sutton still lives, and there are good hopes of his recovery, although the wounds are severe. The ruffian who made the assault escaped and has not yet been arrested. The British consul informed me yesterday that the local authorities express much regret at the occurrence, and profess the greatest desire to arrest the perpetrator, saying they were making the greatest efforts to do so. I may say that Sutton is personally known to me, and I am convinced there could have been no provocation to the assault on his part, either at the time or at any other time. The assault occurred at about 8 o’clock, or soon after dark.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

J. G. WALSH, United States Consul.

Hon. R. H. Pruyn, United States Minister Resident, Kanagawa.