Mr. Seward to Mr. Stoeckl
Sir: I have the honor to communicate a copy of an instruction of this department of the 17th instant, addressed to Mr. Koerner, the United States minister at Madrid,* in which he is directed to employ his good offices towards adjusting the differences which have recently arisen between Spain and Peru. If it should be deemed to comport with the views of the government of his imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia to give similar orders to the diplomatic representatives of that empire accredited to her Catholic Majesty, no doubt could be entertained that the success of the object of this government in giving the instruction referred to would be rendered much more probable.
I will, consequently, thank you to bring the matter to the notice of the cabinet of St. Petersburg, in order that its powerful moral support may, if deemed advisable, contribute towards the preservation of peace, and the restoration of entire harmony between the countries adverted to.
Accept, sir, the renewed assurance of my high consideration.
Mr. Edward de Stoeckl, &c., &c., &c.
- See No. 93, May 17, 1864, to Mr. Koerner, published elsewhere in this correspondence.↩