Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay

No. 85.]

Sir: Mr. Hiram Sibley embarked on Wednesday last to visit St. Petersburg. He goes out as representative of the association which has assumed the construction of the intercontinental telegraph between America and Asia across Behring’s straits.

I am informed and believe that the company has obtained adequate subscriptions to its stock, and has already made important orders for materials for their great work.

You are aware of the deep interest with which this government regards the enterprise. The President. desires that Mr. Sibley may find needful support and co-operation at St. Petersburg. With this view, I send you two copies of an official letter which I addressed to Mr. Chandler, of the Senate Committee on Commerce, in which the argument in favor of the enterprise is discussed. I have to request you to present Mr. Sibley to Prince Grortchacow, and, if leave shall be obtained, to present Mr. Sibley also to his Majesty the Emperor; and I have further to request that you will afford all other facilities in your power to Mr. Sibley, that he may receive the Emperor’s favorable consideration for the project. I shall deem it a favor if his Imperial Majesty and the Prince will deign to receive the copies of my letter before mentioned. It will serve to show them how sincerely desirous this government is to cultivate an intimate friendship with Russia, and how carefully we follow here in her great cause of moral, material, and social melioration. You will be at liberty to read this note to Prince Grortchacow.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Cassius M. Clay, Esq., &c., &c., &c.