Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward

No. 380.]

Sir: In the course of my conversation with Mr. Drouyn de l’Huys yesterday, I referred briefly to what he had some time since said to me in reference to an early acknowledgment of the new government of Mexico. He said, pleasantly, that he feared he had been too sanguine. I told him that our kind relations with the Juarez government were unbroken, and that we did not anticipate an early and permanent establishment of a monarchy in Mexico. In the present condition of things, therefore, you did not feel at liberty to consider the question he had propounded. I do not think that he was either surprised or disappointed by this answer.

He informed me that the Emperor had been much gratified by your recent action in forbidding the recruitment of men in the United States for Mexico. This had been reported to him by Mr. Mercier. I reminded him, in passing, that this action seemed to contrast somewhat with that of the French authorities, in permitting the shipment of a crew for the Florida in a French port. It seemed to me that the allusion was felt. He made a note of it, as I supposed, and the conversation there dropped. I reminded him, however, that I had some time since sent him a copy of that despatch in reference to Russian privateers, sent to us at the beginning of the Crimean war. He said that, owing to his absence, he had not yet seen it, nor my communication which accompanied it.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward.

P. S.—The proposition for a congress yet engrosses all attention; but each of the great powers is distrustful of the others, and I am greatly mistaken if the proposition does not turn out an abortion.