Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy

Sir: Recurring to your note of the 17th instant, relating to the importation of brandies and spirits at New Orleans, notwithstanding the prohibition thereof, [Page 218] I have the honor to enclose, in reply, a copy of a letter of the 26th instant, from the Secretary of the Treasury, on the subject, from which it appears that foreigners, as well as citizens of the United States, are permitted to engage in such trade, under certain restrictions, explained in the printed regulations which accompany his letter. The instructions to consuls of the United States, mentioned in the last paragraph of that letter, were given some time since.

Accept, sir, a renewed assurance of my high consideration.


Mr. L. de Geofroy, &c., &c., &c.

Mr. Chase to Mr. Seward

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22d instant, enclosing a translation of the note of M. de Geofroy, relative to the alleged introduction of brandies and spirits into New Orleans, notwithstanding the prohibition made by the instructions of this department, when the blockade of that port was relaxed.

Brandies and spirits may be transported to New Orleans under the 38th regulation of trade, issued September 11, 1863, by the special direction of the supervising special agent, sanctioned by the general commanding; and I have reason to believe that all spirituous liquors sold in that city are transported thither in accordance with that regulation.

The operation of this rule is not restricted to citizens of the United States, but subjects of foreign governments are at liberty to avail themselves of the advantages of such trade on complying with the laws and regulations referred to.

To accomplish this, however, it will probably be necessary for your department to issue instructions to United States consuls to grant licenses for shipment of liquors to the reopened ports, the shipment.of which is previously approved by the general commanding and supervising special agents as above.

With great respect,

S. P. CHASE, Secretary of the Treasury.

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.