Mr. Chase to Mr. Seward.

Sir: I have the honor to return herewith despatch No. 16 from the United States consul at Munich, in which inquiry is made in regard to the exemption from duty in the custom-houses of the United States of articles furnished to Bavarian consuls in this country by their own government for official use.

I sent this despatch to the collector at New York for his report, which I enclose for your information, from which it will be seen that the difficulty experienced by our consul at Munich, in regard to the books, &c., would be obviated if these national presents were addressed to our minister there.

With great respect,

S. P. CHASE, Secretary of the Treasury.

Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State.


Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 13th instant, enclosing a communication from the honorable the Secretary of State, transmitting a despatch from the United States consul at Munich, in regard to the exemption from duty in the custom-houses of the United States of articles furnished by foreign governments for the use of their resident consuls.

In reply to the inquiry of your letter, I have to state that the practice of this office is to charge duty on all dutiable articles imported for the use of consuls, same as on any other importation of articles for personal use of persons residing in the United States. The only exceptions which international comity has made, are in behalf of ambassadors.

The decision and doctrine of the department on this question will be found on page 594 of general regulations of the treasury, of February 1, 1857.

It may not be improper here to remark that, the privileges of foreign ministers being reciprocal between all nations, the difficulty experienced by our consul at Munich in regard to the books, &c., would be obviated if these national presents were addressed to our minister there.

The documents enclosed in your letter are herewith returned.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

HIRAM BARNEY, Collector.

Hon. S. P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury.