Mr. Seward to Mr. Bates.

Sir: The consul of the United States at Nassau having called the attention of the department, in his despatches Nos. 34 and 39, to the clearance of vessels intending to run the blockade, from New York for neutral ports, I referred these despatches to the Secretary of the Treasury.

Mr. Secretary Chase has returned them to this department, with a suggestion that they be referred to you for an opinion upon the question presented by Consul Hawley, namely: whether the act of despatching an American vessel to a neutral port in ballast, though its ultimate destination as a blockade runner is all but certain, is an offence against the laws of the United States, and for which arrests may be made, and parties concerned in such enterprises may be prosecuted, and, if convicted, punished.

I will thank you to furnish this department, for its guidance, with your views upon this question.

For your further information the letter of the Secretary of the Treasury is herewith enclosed.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. Edmund Bates, Attorney General.