Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton

No. 291.]

Sir: Your despatch of January 8, No. 251, has been received. The misapprehensions of the European press, to which you refer, have been duly reproduced here to intensify public anxiety, and I am therefore thankful for your considerate correction of them.

We have reason to believe that a land and naval force, under direction of General McClernand, has ascended the White river from the post of Arkansas. The same forces which carried the latter important point so brilliantly are understood to have been largely augmented, and have returned to the siege of Vicksburg.

A very severe and protracted storm, which began on Monday, has prevented for the moment an advance which General Burnside had matured at Fredericksburg. The same accident has delayed the departure of the land and naval expedition against Charleston, and has caused some anxiety for the safety of two new iron-clad vessels which left New York on the 19th instant to join that expedition. We are now, however, assured of their safety.

Congress is diligently engaged upon the financial measures necessary for the prosecution of the war.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


William L. Dayton, Esq., &c., &c., &c.