Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Winthrop.

No. 75.]

Sir: Your despatch, No. 50, in regard to the employment of foreign officers in our service, has been received.

The course which you have adopted does not meet with the approval of the department.

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Its views upon this subject were communicated to you and the other consular officers of the United States in circular No. 11, on the 8th of May last. A copy of that circular is herewith again transmitted, by which you will be careful hereafter to be guided.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

F. W. SEWARD, Assistant Secretary.

W. Winthrop, Esq., United States Consul, Malta.

[Circular to Consular Officers, No. 11.]

Sir: You are doubtless aware that since the outbreak of the rebellion in this country, many military officers who have served with distinction in the armies of Europe have arrived here for the purpose of offering their services to this government.

Some of those who brought testimonials from United States ministers abroad have been furnished with commissions.

As, however, it is not now in contemplation to increase the number either in officers or soldiers already in the field, you will inform all such foreign officers as may apply to you for service in the army of the United States, that the government, while grateful for such offers, must, for the future, decline accepting them, as the list of officers is complete, and recruiting for the rank and file has been ordered to cease.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


W. Winthrop, Consul of the United States, Malta.