Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb
Sir: Your despatch of August 23 (No. 22) has been submitted to the President.
The incidents which you have given to illustrate the relations between Brazil and European powers are interesting and instructive.
You will already have received the instructions concerning four insurgent vessels at Rio Janeiro, which you seem to have been expecting at the time when your despatch was written.
Your further proceedings in that case as reported are approved.
The President approves, also, your prompt and energetic proceedings in regard to the officers of the Palmetto, and he will not suffer himself to doubt that the Brazilian government will promptly yield the satisfaction which you have so peremptorily claimed, if the facts, as presented to you, shall not be successfully controverted.
In conclusion, I have the pleasure of assuring you that the vigilance, activity, and energy with which you are discharging the responsibilities of your important mission are recognized and gratefully acknowledged by the President.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
James Watson Webb, Esq.