Mr. Seward to Mr. Corwin

No. 77.]

Sir: I enclose, herewith, a copy of a despatch, dated the 4th of March, from the United States consul at Matamoras, and a translation of the order referred to, which points out the practical discrimination in favor of the rebels in Texas, and of their illicit traffic across the frontier resulting from that order.

I have to request you to invite the attention of the Mexican government to this cause of complaint, and to request the adoption of such measures as will correct the evil.

The attention of Rear-Admiral Farragut has been called by the Secretary of the Navy to the suggestion of Consul Rice, as to the importance of having a vessel-of-war in that quarter.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Thomas Corwin, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Mexico.