Mr. Seward to Mr. Thayer

No. 22.]

Sir: Your despatch of the 30th of April (No. 33) has been received. It is accompanied by a map of the isthmus of Suez and by copies of two conventions [Page 1217] lately concluded between the Viceroy and the Suez Canal Company, insuring the continued support of the Egyptian government to the enterprise of establishing a navigable canal between the Mediterranean and the Red sea.

The Viceroy has exhibited commendable liberality with regard to the progress of this important undertaking, and it is a matter of congratulation to his government that so high an authority as the President of the London Society of Engineers has borne testimony to the practicability of the proposed canal.

I am, sir, your obedient servant.


William S. Thayer, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Alexandria.