Mr. Thayer to Mr.
No. 34.]
United States Consulate
General, Alexandria,
May 8, 1863.
Sir: Letters from Khartoum (of April 2) mention
the arrival from the upper country of Captains Speke and Grant, the
Englishmen who, about two years ago, set out on an expedition to
discover the sources of the Nile, which, it is gratifying to learn, have
at last been found.
Captain Speke is expected to arrive at Alexandria in a few days. The
explorers started from Zanzibar, on the west coast of Africa, and,
proceeding westwardly on the line of five degrees south latitude, came
upon a very large lake, which they circumnavigated, and from which, it
seems, the White Nile takes its rise. To this lake (which is entirely
distinct from the neighboring lake, Nyanzi, already discovered) Captain
Speke gave the name of Victoria. Coming down the river, he arrived about
the 1st day of April at Khartoum, his party having been reduced by
desertions, hostile attacks of the natives, and disease, from seventy to
seventeen. It is said he reports wonderful stories of the ivory and
other resources of the countries he has visited.
News comes, also, of the safety of Mr. Petherick, the English explorer,
who, in the summer of 1861, went up the Nile to meet and carry
assistance to Captain Speke’s party on their voyage home. Mr. Petherick,
who was sent by the Royal Geographical Society principally to establish
a grain supply for the expedition at Gondokora, (a place a little less
than five degrees north of the equator,) had been reported to be
drowned, with all his companions; but this welcome intelligence shows
that he has been able to fulfil the purpose of his voyage.
Meanwhile Mr. Baker, an Englishman, is said to have left Khartoum, on an
expedition of eighteen months, to explore the newly discovered lake.
It thus appears that the source of the Nile, the problem which has
puzzled mankind from the earliest antiquity, has been found at a
distance of over 2,500 miles from its mouth.
The English government and the Porte have lately interested themselves in
regard to the Suez canal, which the former, in consequence, it is
believed, of Sir Henry Bulwer’s late visit here, begins to see is really
in danger of being successfully completed. The Porte objects to two
things: First, to the system of forced labor; and secondly, to the
surrender of lands along the bank of the canal to the company.
It says to the Viceroy, if you will abolish forced labor, we will
co-operate with you in trying to complete the work, which we admit to be
a work of necessity and importance to the Ottoman empire. If you will
annul the concession of lands, we are willing that you should make good
to the company their value in money, or some other form, although that
concession was unauthorized by the Porte and ought not to have been
made. We consider that such a concession involves the risk of French
colonization, and the virtual establishment of an imperium in imperio. For, according to the capitulation,
foreigners, settling in Ottoman territories, are exempt from local
jurisdiction, and are subject solely to their own government.
To this Mr. de Lesseps, president of the company, replies by two notes,
in one of which (herewith sent, marked A,) dated April 14, 1863, he
argues at length that the labor of the canal is not
forced, in the offensive sense of the term. The Egyptian
government, he says, furnishes laborers according to the plan of
compulsion employed in public works and canals since the earliest times,
and without which Egypt would be a desert; but the rigors of the system
are mitigated by kind treatment, the short period of toil, viz.,
[Page 1210]
(twenty-five days for each
man,) and by a sure reward, at least equal to the average wages of
laborers throughout Egypt.
As for the question of surrendering lands granted by the Viceroy, he says
it has been done already on the fresh-water canal from Cairo to the
Wady, and that a further surrender would injure the interests of the
company and of the public generally. He refers also to the appropriation
of public lands in the United States to companies, in order to enable
them to complete important public works, and where, as in this case, the
possession is given without carrying with it the right of
The company, he avers, does not ask sovereignty, and all its colonies
will be under local jurisdiction. He then renews the proposition
formerly made to guarantee to all nations in the most conclusive manner
the neutrality of the canal. These propositions are given in another
note to the Porte, also dated April 14, of which I transmit a copy
(marked B.)
No final action has been taken on the demands of the Porte, and the works
on the canal go on as usual. But the Viceroy is occupying himself with
the warm question of effecting an arrangement with the company, which
will, without impairing its interests, remove the objections of the
Sultan. Although there are difficulties in the way of a solution, yet
there is no doubt that, in any case, the labors on the canal will
continue uninterrupted.
The Sultan and Viceroy are warm supporters of the enterprise, and the
only opposition it experiences relates not to the work itself, but to
collateral questions of management and detail.
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Note upon the contingent of laborers on the
works of the Suez Canal Company.
The fertility of the soil depends in Egypt on a single fact, the
existence of the Nile, whose annual floods come to refresh and
fertilize the soil. Deprived of irrigation, Egypt would be nothing
but a desert. It exists only by the force of the phenomenon of
periodic floods, whose return is, happily, as regular as the
revolution of the planets.
But the river does not itself extend its bounties beyond its shores.
Hence the necessity of recourse to artificial means to manage and
direct the waters in such manner as to spread them over the most
distant parts of the territory; hence the need of a vast system of
canalization and of embankments and dykes, the upholding of which
may not be neglected a single day, without exposing part of the
country to barrenness and ruin.
But it may be assumed as certain that these tracts of land requiring
general and continuous attention, as well as great executive means
and considerable outlay, would never be reclaimed if they were
abandoned to the carelessness of individuals whose resources are,
besides, too limited to suffice for the attainment of the end.
It pertains to the local administration to provide for this, and that
cannot provide for it unless by temporary drafts of young laborers,
who thus discharge their personal obligations to the country.
[Page 1211]
Placed on the confines of Africa and Asia, washed on one side by the
Red sea, on the other by the Mediterranean, Egypt is the shortest
and most direct route between the western and eastern world—the
central point of the vast relations which at this day connect Europe
and America with oriental Africa, the Indies, China, Oceanica.
The Egyptian government, struck with the benefits which would spread
over its own territory, could it any longer delay to open to the
advantage of all nations the great channel of communication which
secures its moral existence just as the upholding of its inland
canalization assures its material existence? Could it avoid
supplying the contingents of workmen necessary to the completion of
these indispensable works of public usefulness?
Its right had not been disputed by England, and it had been very
severely tested at the solicitation and to the satisfaction of
British agents on the work of the railroad from Alexandria to Suez,
where, on the section from Cairo to Suez, especially, it may be said
the rails are laid on thousands of Egyptian skeletons.
But the Egyptian government understood that the immemorial right of
drafting laborers for works of public benefit must be enforced on
humane conditions; and that in place of being a gratuitous duty—that
is, a toll which is still levied in many European countries—it
should be a source of gain to its people.
The Suez Canal Company has had the honor, by
paying their laborers, by watching over their health and
welfare, of inaugurating the new system of the abolition of compelled labor, which his Highness Ismail
Pacha declared he would extend thenceforward to all other works in
Egypt. In fact, there will be no more compelled labor, from the day
when labor is everywhere justly recompensed, as it now is on the
The convention made on this head with the Egyptian government is
dated July 20, 1856, and is thus expressed:
We, Mohammed Said, Viceroy of Egypt, desiring to assure the
completion of the works of the Suez canal, to provide for the good
treatment of the Egyptian laborer who will be employed there, and,
at the same time, to watch over the interests of the farmers,
owners, and contractors of the country, have established, in concert
with Mr. Ferdinand de Lesseps, as president, founder of the
Universal Company of the Suez Canal, the following regulations:
Article 1. The laborers who shall be
employed on the company’s works shall be supplied by the Egyptian
government on the application of the engineers-in-chief, according
to their need.
Art. 2. The pay granted to the workmen
shall be fixed, according to the average price paid on the works of
private persons, at the sum of three piasters a day, not including
the rations, which shall be furnished by the company to the value of
one piaster. In cases where it is sure that the laborers who ask it
are able to provide themselves, the ration shall be given to them in
money. The duty of supplying potable water, in abundance, for all
the wants of the laborers, shall be at the charge of the
Art. 3. The number of laborers employed
shall be determined by taking into consideration the periods of
agricultural labor.
According to this convention the laborers employed by the company
must earn at the rate of four piasters a day—120 piasters—say twenty
francs for thirty days’ labor.
At this time, and in the ordinary condition of the ground, the
contingents of laborers are paid at the rate of forty centimes the
metre cubic. When
[Page 1212]
receive forty centimes, they do in twenty to twenty-five days, at
most, a stint of sixty cubic metres, which gives them one hundred
and twenty piasters, or twenty francs.
On difficult ground the cubic metre is paid for at seventy centimes,
but then the stint is reduced. In this case the laborer does not
earn less than twenty francs. It sometimes happens that they earn
thirty, and even forty.
As to good treatment, of which they are the objects, it has become
publicly notorious. The number of sick is insignificant, and the
mortality is less among the contingents of the isthmus than in the
most salubrious villages in Egypt.
Translation of the concession of uncultivated
lands on the isthmus to the Suez Canal Company.
By the terms of the act of concession, dated January 5, 1855:
Article 4. The canal for irrigation,
appropriated to fluvial navigation, under the conditions of the
programme of the international scientific commission, will have its
origin in the proximity of the city of Cairo, will follow the valley
(Onady) Toumilat, and will empty into Lake Tomsah.
Art. 5. The branches of the said canal,
which shall be detached from it, shall empty into Lake Tomsah; from
this point they shall be turned, on one side in the direction of
Suez, on the other, to that of Pelusium, parallel with the great
maritime canal.
Art. 10. For the construction of the canals
and dependencies mentioned in the preceding articles, the Egyptian
government abandons to the company without any impost or return the
enjoyment of all the lands which do not belong to individuals which
shall be necessary.
It likewise abandons to it the enjoyment of all the land at present
uncultivated, and not belonging to individuals, which shall be
irrigated and placed under cultivation by its care and at its
expense, with this difference: 1st. That the lands comprised in this
last category shall be exempt from any impost during ten years only
from date of putting them in condition. 2d. That after this term
they shall be subject during the rest of the concession to the
obligations and imposts to which, under similar circumstances, lands
in other provinces of Egypt shall be subjected. 3d. That the company
shall after that, of itself, or through those having right, hold the
enjoyment of these lands, and of the drains of water necessary for
their fertilization, at the charge of paying to the Egyptian
government the imposts established on the lands in like
After the act of concession, the Suez Canal Company retroceded to the
Egyptian government its rights and obligations on the taking of
water from the fresh-water canal at Cairo, and all that part
comprised between Cairo and the Wady Toumilat; but the convention
which regulates this retrocession especially confirms the rights and
obligations of the company over the other sections of the canal of
fresh water, and over the lands which will depend upon it. The
company has accorded all that it could accord without injury to the
interest confided to it, and the purpose of general advantage which
it proposes to attain.
If the governments see fit to notice it, it renews the propositions
which its president and founder made in 1860, during his sojourn at
[Page 1213]
to the
Ottoman government and the representatives of the great maritime
1st. The complete neutrality of the great maritime canal from Suez to
Port Said, and freedom of passage, at all times, even during war,
should be proclaimed to general commerce of whatever nationality, in
consideration of the payment of duties which should be alike for
all. This neutrality is already consecrated in principle, in article
14 of the act of concession granted by the Viceroy of Egypt, but
that act, binding only on the Viceroy and the company, it will be
necessary to make it the subject of agreement between all the
2d. Passage through the Suez canal shall be interdicted to
vessels-of-war, unless by special authorization from the local
3d. The company shall be especially interdicted from erecting any
work of defence, or any fortification, either at the entrance, or
along the banks of the canal, or on the lands, the use and enjoyment
of which it may possess on the isthmus; nor can it found colonies of
cultivators who shall not be subject to the local government.
4th. Vessels passing through the canal cannot land troops on the
isthmus, unless in cases of sickness, of injuries and mishaps, and
on this hypothesis, it shall be necessary to obtain the
authorization by the Viceroy, an authorization which shall, besides,
be limited by the fortuitous circumstances which we have just
(England is the country which this regulation more particularly
interests, as it is she that would most often have to claim its
5th. The lands granted to the company cannot be utilized under the
authority of the local government, unless in view of agricultural
improvements; and if it should happen that the company should
strengthen or aliene all or portions of its lands, it shall be held
to do so in the point of view exclusively of financial interests,
without exception of persons or distinctions of nationality.
In America land is used to pay the cost of vast public works. The
grants of land, granted with the right of enjoyment, and not with
the right of sovereignty, (which is quite another thing,) is a
necessary complement of the grant, and gives to parties concerned a
guarantee for profits. The use of these lands being well defined,
their possession by the company will cause no umbrage to any one,
whilst it will be a new source of prosperity to Egypt, and of
production to the government treasury.
In 1855 the Porte caused to be written to the Viceroy of Egypt,
through Kiamil Pacha, at the solicitation of the English ambassador,
to ask if the grant of lands to the company was not contrary to
ancient usages, and to the principles settled by Mehemet Ali.
His Highness, Mohammed Said, replied:
“The concessions of lands made to the canal company in districts to
this time uncultivated, and destined to be fertilized by an inland
canal drawn from the Nile, will be an advantage to Egypt, whose
government should look to the increase of its prosperity and
revenues; if a like example could be pursued in other provinces of
the empire, where mal-administration, as well as prejudices destined
to disappear, have impoverished both the people and the country, it
would be needful, instead of creating obstacles, to favor those who
would offer in exchange for sterile and unproductive lands to pay
the usual impost, and, besides, abandon to the treasury a part of
their profits.
“There is, however, nothing contrary to precedents nor to existing
usages in a grant of uncultivated lands made to an anonymous Egyptian company, whose social establishment
is at Alexandria, formed, as has been said, by capitalists of every
country, who consequently will not bring with them the
characteristics of any particular nationality.
[Page 1214]
“The Mohammedan law says, positively, ‘he who makes an unproductive
tract of land productive shall have the use of it so long as he pays
the taxes.’
“In what touches Mehemet Ali, he has not only allowed the benefit of
this law to natives, but has extended its advantages to all
foreigners who have asked him for lands that were disposable. About
1843, especially, he distributed as well to English as to other
foreigners around Alexandria, and on the banks of the Mahmoudie
canal up to the desert, more than 30,000 foddams of land.
“It is in great part to this measure that the enormous increase in
the prosperity of Alexandria is owing; that city which scarcely
reckoned 40,000 people in 1835, at this time counts more than
This reply was published in 1860, at Constantinople; the explanations
given by the Viceroy were regarded as satisfactory. Kiamil Pacha, as
well as other functionaries, were much blamed for the manner in
which they had sought, through their private correspondence, to turn
the Viceroy from his object.
Cairo, April 14,
Mr. l’Ambassadeur: You will remark, on
reading article No. 1, which follows, that some years ago the
Sublime Porte was seized with the question of the canal of Suez,
reserving to itself to set the conditions on the other parts of the
project of the contract which was submitted to it, and declared that
it desired to see a previous understanding established between the
two greatest maritime powers on the exterior guarantees which the
opening of this important way demanded.
Until now this understanding has not taken place, and the new
governor general of Egypt, his Highness Ismail Pacha, having
addressed to the government of his Imperial Majesty the Sultan the
official demand by letter to the Grand Vizir, of which you will find
a copy annexed, marked No. 2, to regularize the position in this
regard, and to give him clear and precise instructions as to what he
should do and say, we found it our duty to make him know all the
conditions to which the authorization of the Sublime Porte has
always been subordinate, conditions which, by the order of our
august master, we submit to the equitable and friendly appreciation
of the august allies of his Imperial Majesty.
We thought it still more our duty to express ourselves without
further delay, as we have the regret to see the works advance more
and more without the previous resolution of important questions
which are connected with it. It has become necessary for us, in
consideration of the interests of the empire, to state frankly that
it will be required to have the authorization of the sovereign of
the country before this work can become realizable.
It does not enter into the thought of the Porte to desire to prevent
the realization of a project which could be of general utility, but
it cannot consent to it, 1st, without having the certainty of having
international stipulations which would guarantee complete
neutrality, as that of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus; 2d,
only with conditions of a nature to protect and to insure the
important interests which it is called to protect.
Now the actual project does not offer any of these indispensable
Since its origin there are two facts, above all others, which have
[Page 1215]
our most serious
attention, as follows: 1st. Notwithstanding the abolition of forced
labor, and the last decree of the Viceroy, establishing the same
prohibition, the prefatory work is entirely effected by this system.
The Egyptian administration forces twenty thousand men to abandon
their families and pursuits to labor on the canal. These people are
obliged to return to their homes at their own expense, and the
greater part thereof have a long distance to go, without considering
the loss they experience at the forced abandonment of their
interests. The number of hands thus taken away from industry,
agriculture, and commerce, does not limit itself solely to the
twenty thousand. Whilst 20,000 are at work, 40,000 are on the route,
or engaged in preparing to go there; so that 60,000 are continually
removed from their firesides and occupations.
I think it superfluous to enlarge on the disastrous effects of such a
system. It is very striking. The Sublime Porte sees the
impossibility of sanctioning the practice of such a measure in
Egypt, when it does not permit it in the other portions of the
The second of these two facts, and which I express with more force,
is the concession to the company of fresh-water canals the entire
territory which surrounds them. According to the terms of the
contract, wherever the canals in question would extend, the company
would have the right to claim as its property the territory on its
banks. In this manner the cities of Suez, Timsah, Port Said, and all
the frontier of Syria, would naturally pass into the hands of an
anonymous company, composed in a great measure of strangers,
submissive to the jurisdiction of their respective countries. It
then would be optional with the company to create at important
points in the territory of the Ottoman empire colonies almost
independent of that empire.
We do not think there exists a government which has some sense of
independence and its duties which could subscribe to a transaction
of this nature.
Consequently, the Sublime Porte would fail in all its duties, and
lose the esteem of all its friends, and would permit a state of
affairs to be established destined to lead to continual conflicts,
did it not declare that that clause would never be sanctioned by
In recapitulation, the consent of the Sublime Porte is, and should
be, indissolubly united to the previous solution of these questions
following, to wit: the stipulation of the neutrality of the canal,
the abolition of forced labor, the relinquishment by the company of
the clause which concerns fresh-water canals, and the concession of
surrounding territory. Once these three points decided, the
government of his Majesty the Sultan, in union with his Highness
Ismail Pacha, will hasten to take into serious consideration each of
the other articles of the project of the contract.
As to the whole of the question, it only exists in a state of
projection. You are aware it has never been approved by the Sublime
Porte. The company itself cannot say it ignored the necessity to
obtain the previous sanction of the Sublime Porte, since that
article figures in the project of the contract as one of the
fundamental conditions of its award. It is further known later, when
M. de Lesseps asked new favors of the deceased Viceroy for the
company, he engaged by contract to obtain this franchise in a term
of 18 months, an engagement which has never been fulfilled.
Now the Sublime Porte addresses itself particularly, and with the
greatest confidence, to its two most sincere allies, to ask them
what they would have done in a similar circumstance.
Shall we permit an anonymous society to establish itself on the
territory of the empire, and there to arrogate to itself rights
which the Sublime Porte could not recognize, as a sequel of a
promised concession of the high personage
[Page 1216]
who governs that territory, under the
sovereignty of the Sultan, on the express condition of obtaining the
confirmation of the territorial sovereign?
All that remains for us to do to give a renewed proof of the good
will with which our august master is animated is, to repeat once
more that, notwithstanding the infractions we have to complain of,
when once the inadmissible clauses which I have pointed out
preceding, shall have been withdrawn, we will be ready to examine
the other dispositions of the contract without the least prejudice.
According to the strictest equity, the company will not have the
right to say that it has already incurred expense.
It knew that one of the principal conditions of the contract not
being filled, it incurred those expenses at its own risk and peril.
Notwithstanding the Sublime Porte is disposed to take into
consideration private interests which find themselves engaged in
this enterprise, and will endeavor, in conjunction with his Highness
Ismail Pacha, to combine the necessary means to return the money
which the company has expended, in case it does not desire to
continue the work without the advantages which cannot be conceded to
it, then the said company should naturally cede the work it has
already commenced, and all the territory it considers as its
We should also, in the hypothesis foreseen above, when the company
would renounce the prosecution of the projected work, the Sublime
Porte, sincerely desirous of doing all in its power which depends on
it to facilitate the communications, and always in concert with the
Viceroy, would adopt the most proper measures to realize the
We are certain, M. l’Ambassadeur, that the frank and loyal
explanations which precede will not fail to meet the entire
approbation of the cabinet of his Majesty the Emperor; consequently
I wrote you to read this despatch to the minister of foreign
affairs, and to leave him a copy.
Accept, &c., &c.,