Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward

No. 107.]

Sir: Since my last despatch I have had the pleasure of reading to and hearing, with the minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Hall, the resolutions of the United States Congress on foreign interference. They received his unqualified assent. With these before the world, and an energetic enforcement of the conscription at home, Europe will learn that we are not under the control of the mob, as she has been taught. It now looks as if by another year we can put down the rebellion by starvation, if in no other way. I have also communicated to this government, as directed, the letter of the Postmaster General in relation to the postal convention at Paris for the 11th May proximo.

I remain, &c., your obedient servant,

BRADFORD R. WOOD, Minister Resident.

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.