Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris
Sir: Your despatch of November 6 (No. 33) has been received. The President regrets the delay which has occurred in the execution of the sentence which was passed upon the three assassins of the late Rev. Mr. Merriam. He confides, however, in the justice of the Sultan, and relies upon your assurances of diligent efforts to secure the necessary vindication of the rights and dignity of the United States.
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The information concerning the condition of the Sultan’s health, which you have given me, excites much interest. His reign has been regarded here as a wise, beneficent and auspicious one. It is to be hoped that it may not be suddenly arrested.
You will accept my acknowledgments for the interesting exposition you have made of the political situation in Greece, which is ever, here, a subject of profound inquiry.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
E. Joy Morris, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Constantinople.