Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford
Sir: * * * * * * * *
Since I last wrote you, it would seem that the patience of Europe, in regard to our civil war, has been again abused by practices designed to procure a recognition of the insurgents by some of the chief maritime powers. Even at this moment, we do not know how far the apprehensions expressed on that subject by our representatives in London and Paris have been confirmed by hostile developments. The next steamer must bring us decisive intelligence, showing that we have occasion to practice with firmness the great national virtue of rejecting foreign interference, or else that the many alarms of that sort which have been so industriously sounded are entirely without foundation. In any event, it is a subject of congratulation that the great campaign in which we have been engaged has at last been crowned with successes which, while they will undoubtedly reassure the American people of a satisfactory issue of the fearful contest, will also produce no slight reaction of opinion on that subject in foreign countries.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Henry S. Sanford, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Brussels.