Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn

No. 29.]

Sir: Your despatch of September 18 (No. 50) has been submitted to the President.

The tragical transaction which it relates has made a very painful impression upon this government, as doubtless it has also made upon the government of [Page 1055] Great Britain and the other western maritime powers. Your own proceedings in the matter are approved, and it is hoped that the Japanese authorities have seen it to be their duty to bring the offenders to punishment, and to make reparation, so far as was possible, without delay. You cannot too strongly advise the government of Japan that it can only have friendship, or even peace with the United States, by protecting citizens and subjects of foreign powers from domestic violence.

I have communicated to the Secretary of the Navy so much of your despatch as relates to the desirableness of a visit from an American war vessel in the waters of Japan.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Robert H. Pruyn, Esq., &c., &c., Yedo.