Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd

No. 44.]

Sir: Your despatch of the 12th of November (No. 34) has been received.

The case of the Essex having been submitted to this department by his excellency the Baron Von Gerolt, the views of this government thereupon have been communicated to him, and, as I learn, he has referred them to the minister of foreign affairs at Berlin for instructions. While at present I see no reason to doubt the correctness of those views, there is at the same time the utmost readiness on the part of the United States to hear and consider any reply that may be presented by the Prussian government. Prussia, as well as other European powers, will see in the sequel that the United States preseveringly regulate their whole conduct of foreign affairs upon the principle of a due observance of the law of nations.

The President profoundly desires the security and welfare of Prussia, and he therefore earnestly hopes that, by wise and just counsels, the difficulties which are now threatening the peace of the kingdom may be averted without a sacrifice of the liberties of its very enlightened and generous people.

This government has not been seriously disturbed by the machinations of its disloyal citizens in Europe; but it has improved them for the purpose of preparations which have at least placed it beyond the reach of danger from [Page 1020] foreign enemies. It is a pleasure, in this connexion, to renew the acknowledgments which have been heretofore made of the loyal and friendly disposition towards our country which has been constantly manifested by the King of Prussia.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Norman B. Judd, Esq., &c., &c., Berlin.