Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley
Sir: Your despatch of the first of June (No. 26) has been received and read with much interest.
If even the wisest administration in the most enlightened states could always be relied upon to act upon just principles, or at least in conformity with the suggestions of its own real and permanent interests, we should have very small occasion to study the signs of the political weather in Europe. But, unfortunately, the state of morals yet remains such that a nation which has the misfortune to lose its prestige by falling into either foreign or civil war, very soon finds itself obliged to be cautious and watchful against new enemies in quarters before peaceful and friendly. Your review of the political situation in Europe is, in this respect, useful. While, happily for the interests of humanity, there is reason to believe that no speedy enlargement of the boundaries of war on that continent is to be apprehended, it appears, on the other hand, that there is so much of uneasiness prevailing there, as to render it improbable that rash and reckless counsels, injurious to ourselves, will be adopted by any of the western powers.
I can give you, of course, no special information concerning our internal affairs. We are in the midst of a great campaign. Important marches and protracted sieges engage the attention of the government and of the country. News of the results, sped by the telegraph, would outstrip anticipations travelling by slower processes. The country, although it exhibits the same mercurial temper which it has maintained throughout the whole war, is, nevertheless, sound in its resolution to suppress a needless and dangerous insurrection; and the government is performing its painful duty with no abatement of energy, and no diminution of confidence.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
J. Lothrop Motley, Esq., &c., &c., &c.