Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward
The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of her Catholic Majesty, has had the honor to receive the note which, under date of yesterday, the honorable Secretary of State has been pleased to address to him, transmitting to him a communication from the honorable Secretary of War, with another from General Butler, complaining of the conduct of the Spanish vessels-of-war Pinta, Mari Galante, and Blasco de Garay, at New Orleans.
The undersigned declines to believe that the commanders of the vessels referred to have been wanting, at least voluntarily, in the duties of neutrality; but he will assure that the proper investigation will be made; and the honorable Secretary trusts with reason, that the satisfactory explanations which the case may call for shall be given,
In reference to the conduct in general of the Spanish employés in their relations with this country during the present crisis, besides many other proofs known to the honorable Secretary, there exists the well-authenticated evidence of General Butler himself in an expressive paragraph of another recent document (his report in the affair of the quarantine) communicated to this legation by your department.
The undersigned avails himself of this opportunity to renew to the honorable W. H. Seward the assurances of his highest consideration.
William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States.