Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward
Sir: I beg to congratulate the President on the splendid successes of our armies in every direction—north, west, and south—the news of which has reached us by the ordinary channels since the receipt of your last despatch of June 29. The news from Gettysburg, from Vicksburg, Helena, and from Tennessee, is the best possible answer from America to the machinations of rebel sympathizers in Europe. These had recently taken somewhat alarming proportions, and seemed to indicate a proximate attempt at intervention, and the possible recognition of southern independence. In the face of these victories, I am certain that no such attempt will be made. The gloomiest moment of our great struggle, as seen from Europe, has been succeeded by the brightest with a rapidity almost dazzling. It is hard to keep all the coolness of one’s judgment in such a moment; but I am glad to believe that the turning point of the long contest was reached and passed on the fourth day of July last. That day becomes henceforth doubly hallowed, as marking, by a notable coincidence, the two great crises of our nation’s history. The series of our victories will continue now. The military power of the rebellion is broken at its strongest joint and must hereafter rapidly diminish. The vital question of our existence, whether we are to continue to be a nation, or only a loose agglomeration of petty states, wrangling between themselves, is solved at last in favor of our nationality. The exaggerated assertion of State rights will no longer put the sword in the hands of our citizens. The great question of our interior polity and progress will hereafter be settled definitely by peaceful debates in Congress, and the ultimate appeal to the ballot of the whole people.
[Page 982]Tell the President that the respect of Europe is secured. I have to-day had an important interview with the Marquis of Miraflores on the subject of recognition; the field here is won.
I shall report to you as soon as the memorandum, which has been drawn up, is read and approved by the marquis, which will probably be to-morrow.
With sentiments of the highest respect, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.