Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame

No. 46.]

Sir: It affords me sincere gratification to be the medium for communicating to you of a copy of a note of the 27th ultimo, addressed to me by Count Piper, the chargé d’affaires of his Majesty the King of Denmark, accredited to this government, expressive of the grateful sense entertained by his Majesty’s government of the assistance rendered by you to Colonel Raasloff in his late negotiations with China.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Anson Burlingame, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


Count Piper to Mr. Seward

Mr. Secretary: The government of his Majesty the King of Denmark having had the satisfaction to be made aware of the particularly kind and efficacious manner in which the minister of the United States at Pekin sustained and seconded Colonel Raasloff in the negotiation of a treaty concluded this summer between Denmark and China, I have just received the order and hasten to become the interpreter to the government of the United States of the sincere gratitude which the Danish government entertains for the powerful aid with which the representative of the United States at Pekin, doubtless with the consent and order of his government, seconded and so largely contributed to the success of Colonel Raasloff’s efforts pending those negotiations.

I embrace, with eagerness, this occasion to offer to your excellency the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.