
Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward.

No. 34.]

Sir: Your despatches, No. 17, of February 18, No. 18, of February 25, and No. 19, of March 3, have been received. The expression of the President’s satisfaction with my course since this legation was left in my charge is especially gratifying, now that my official duties are drawing to an end. It will always be a source of honest pride to me that I have been enabled to represent the interests of the United States at this court, during what I trust will prove to have been the most critical phase of our foreign relations.

I had an interview with Prince Gortchacow on Friday last, when I took occasion to remark to him, as you desired, the coincidence between the views of Russia, as expressed to you by M. Stoeckl, and the same as reported in my despatches. The Prince was gratified to find that the understanding was now complete and final. He observed that M. Stoeckl’s despatches to him had, in like manner, proved the correctness of my reports to the Department of State. He also received with great pleasure the information that Mr. Burlingame is in perfect accord with Mr. Balluzeck, the Russian ambassador at Pekin, in regard to the policy to be observed towards the Chinese government.

Since my last despatch I have had two interviews with the Emperor, but beyond the expression of the interest with which he awaited news of our naval operations, nothing was said of sufficient importance to communicate.

The case of books intended for presentation to the Russian government, the forwarding of which was announced in your despatch No. 18, of November 18, 1862, has just arrived. I shall transmit the volumes to the ministry of foreign affairs without delay.

I called upon Prince Gortchacow this morning, by appointment, in order to communicate to him the concurrent resolutions of Congress on the subject of foreign intervention. He stated that he had that very moment received them from M. Stoeckl, with a long explanatory despatch, but that, as the resolutions were suggested by the action of France, it was not necessary, on his part, to do [Page 865] more than accept them as the declared policy of the United States on the subject. I replied that nothing further was desired, and left with him one of the copies. * * * * *

I am, sir, with the highest respect, your obedient servant,

BAYARD TAYLOR, Chargé d’Affaires.

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.