Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons.

My Lord: In reply to the letter of this department, which was accompanied by a copy of your note of the 4th instant, relative to the circumstances under which the United States ship Tuscarora recently exercised the belligerent right of visit in the case of the British merchant vessel Thistle, the Secretary of the Navy states that the commander of the Tuscarora, Commander T. A. M. Craven, reported to the Navy Department merely the facts of the visit, without any detail of the circumstances attending it; that if the facts have been correctly represented to the British government by the parties complaining, the conduct of Commander Craven is deemed censurable; that the department has written to him to that effect, instructing him as to the error which he is supposed to have committed; that it is not probable that he intended any offence, or knew that he was giving any just ground of complaint; and that he has been required to furnish the department with a more detailed report of the occurrence.

I have the honor to be, with high consideration, your lordship’s obedient servant,


Right Hon. Lord Lyons, &c., &c., &c.