Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward.

Sir: I have the honor to call your attention to the enclosed copy of a letter addressed to me on the 12 instant by Mr. J. M. Vernon. I received a copy of the letter from her Majesty’s consul at New York the day before yesterday, but the original has not yet reached me.

Mr. Vernon states that he is a British subject; that he was a passenger on board the steamer Huntress, bound for Nassau, which was burned at sea, thirty miles from Charleston harbor; that he, with the crew of the Huntress, took to their boats, and that they were picked up at sea by the United States ship Quaker City on the 18th of January last; that he himself was afterwards detained on board various United States vessels, and that he has finally been sent as a prisoner to Fort Lafayette. He demands that his case be investigated, if there be any charge against him, or that he be immediately set at liberty.

Her Majesty’s consul at New York informs me that he finds, on inquiry, that Mr. Vernon is a British subject, born at Liverpool, and not naturalized in the United States. I therefore deem it my duty to recommend the case to your immediate consideration.

I have the honor, &c.,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.

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Mr. Vernon to Lord Lyons.

My Lord: I beg leave to place before your lordship the facts pertaining to my incarceration, and would most respectfully ask your lordship, as United States minister of her Britannic Majesty, to have the matter investigated, and that I may be set at liberty.

I am a subject of Great Britain, and have commercial relations and personal interests in New Orleans, Memphis, and the State of Georgia. I have been in England and the continent (except about three months) from 1858 to 1861. I returned to this country to protect my interests, and pursue my legitimate busi-of importing and exporting, and to protect my interest. My business and interests called me to London, and I took passage in the steamer Huntress, (bound for Nassau,) which was burned at sea, thirty miles off Charleston harbor. It was blowing almost a gale when we took to our boats, saving nothing but the clothes on our backs. We were four hours in the boats, and we were picked up as castaways at sea, on the 18th of January last, by the Quaker City, United States navy. We were detained on board this ship and the Powhattan until the 26th of January, when we were transferred to the Vermont at Helen Head, and then to the United States steamship Circassian, of United States navy, bound for New York. We were detained at Helen Head six days, and arrived at Fortress Monroe on the 2d of February, at which place I wrote to your lordship, and also demanded my release, or to be sent to Washington, which was refused.

We arrived in New York on the 8th instant; was detained on board until the 10th instant. I was then taken before the United States marshal, who asked me “who I was, and where born;” who peremptorily ordered me to the “house of detention.” On the 11th instant a gentleman called for me, then asked my name, age, nationality, &c. When given, I told him I had written to the marshal, and requested that I be taken before the British consul; that I was a British subject, and had been deprived of my liberty long enough; and that if the United States government had anything against me, I desired to know, and have the matter investigated. He told me all that would have his attention, and that he had a special despatch from Washington in relation to me. I learned afterwards that this was Mr. Murray, United States marshal. About an hour after this interview officers arrived and took me to this fort, with a fellow passenger, the captain of steamer, and three engineers.

I am here without any clothing save what I have worn since my capture.

I am confined, for what offence I know not, being picked up in an open boat, struggling for life as an outcast at sea, saved as a case of humanity, and now treated as a condemned prisoner in a United States fortress, without any trial whatsoever,

As a non-combatant, pursuing my own legitimate business, and owing to neither belligerents any allegiance whatever, I have been by force deprived of liberty, and even the necessary commodities pertaining to the wardrobe of a gentleman.

I do sincerely ask your lordship that this matter may be placed before the honorable Secretary of State at Washington, and that I be removed to Washington for investigation, should the United States government have any charges to prefer against me, or that I be immediately set at liberty.

I have the honor, &c.,


Lord Lyons.

P. S.—I would also state that I am the commercial and financial correspondent of the Times, Telegraph and Economist, London.