Mr. Seward to Mr. Harris.

No. 23.]

Sir: Your despatch of the 9th of July (No. 28) has been received.

The assaults committed upon the minister of Great Britain and the other members of that legation, in violation of express treaty, of the laws of nations, and of the principles of common humanity, have excited a deep concern on the part of the President.

Your prompt, earnest, and decided proceedings in aid of the just desire of her Britannic Majesty’s minister to obtain adequate satisfaction for that outrage meet his emphatic approval. I have lost no time in assuring the British government directly of the willingness of the United States to co-operate with it in any judicious measure it may suggest to insure safety hereafter to diplomatic and consular representatives of the western powers in Japan, with due respect to the sovereignties in whose behalf their exposure to such grave perils is incurred.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Townsend Harris, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Yedo.