Mr. Seward to Mr. De Stoeckl.
Washington, September 7, 1861.
The Secretary of State of the United States is authorized by the President to express to Mr. De Stoeckl, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor of Russia, his profound sense of the liberal, friendly, and magnanimous sentiments of his Majesty on the subject of the internal differences which for a time have seemed to threaten the American Union, as they are communicated in the instruction from Prince Gortchacow, and by him read, by his Majesty’s direction, to the President of the United States and Secretary of State. Mr. De Stoeckl will express to his government the satisfaction with which the President regards this new guarantee of a friendship between the two countries, which had its beginning with the national existence of the United States.
The Secretary of State offers to Mr. De Stoeckl renewed assurances of his high consideration.
Mr. Edward de Stoeckl, &c., &c., &c.