Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward.


No. 6.]

Sir: Immediately after closing my last despatch I wrote to Mr. Thouvenel a note apprising him that I was fully authorized to enter into a convention with the government of France in respect to privateering, the rights of neutrals, and the matter of blockade, and requesting him, if disposed to renew negotiations upon these subjects, to name a day for conference.

My note was not sent until the 25th instant. A copy is attached, marked letter A.

On the same day, to wit, the 25th of the present month, I sent to Mr. Thouvenel a copy of the President’s proclamation of the blockade of the ports of Virginia and North Carolina, referring, at the same time, to the previous blockade of the other southern ports. A copy of my note is attached, marked letter C.

On the 24th instant I received from the minister of war a note as to certain fire-arms for the State of Virginia, applied for by my predecessor, Mr. Faulkner; a copy of which note, marked D, together with my answer thereto, marked E, is hereunto attached.

* * * * * *

I recently received from the agent of our Havre line of steamers a request that I would (by application to the government for munitions of war) aid him to put the steamer Fulton in a condition of defence on her homeward voyage; which I did, so far as I could, by presenting his request to the government. A copy of his request, indorsed by me, is herewith attached, marked II. I presume the request was granted, as I have heard nothing since from the agent, and the steamer leaves her port to-day.

I have just received the despatches, by the last steamer, directed to Mr. Sanford, to whom I immediately delivered them; and likewise your circular to me upon the subject of passports, with which I shall carefully comply.

Mr. Thouvenel has promptly answered my note informing him I was authorized to enter into a convention as to privateering, &c., and has designated to-morrow, at 4 p. m., for a conference. In my next despatch I shall be able, doubtless, to give you some information as to the views of the French government on this subject. Mr. Marsh has been here, engaged in doing good service by matter communicated for use through the English press.

Mr. Burlingame is remaining here for a short time, acting under the advice of his brother diplomatists, owing to matter confidentially communicated from Vienna.

With much consideration, your obedient servant,


Hon. Wm. H. Seward,
Secretary of State.

[Page 213]


Sir: I have the honor to inform your excellency that I am fully authorized by my government to enter into a convention with the government of France in reference to the subject of privateering, the rights of neutrals, and the matter of blockade.

If, therefore, the government of his Imperial Majesty remains disposed to renew negotiations upon these subjects, I shall be happy to have a conference with your excellency at such time as your excellency may indicate.

With great respect, I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


Mr. Thouvenel, Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Sir: I beg to enclose to your excellency a copy of a proclamation issued by the President of the United States on the 27th of April last, establishing a blockade of the ports of the States of Virginia and North Carolina.

A prior proclamation, dated 19th April last, established a blockade of the ports of the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, of which your excellency has doubtless had notice.

With much respect, I have the honor to be your excellency’s obedient servant,


Mr. Thouvenel, Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Sir: The 27th September, 1860, your predecessor having requested me to have the goodness to deliver to him, from the state arsenal, four fire-arms (4 armes à feu) and two other arms (armes blanches) for the State of Virginia, I authorized the said delivery, with the approbation of the Emperor; and the 22d of October, 1860, I informed Mr. Faulkner that the artillery board of Paris held these arms at the disposition of the Virginia commissioners.

Up to this moment there has not been a delivery, and the letters of the director colonel of artillery, as also my despatch of the 21st of March last to Mr. Faulkner, remain unanswered.

Interpreting this silence as a renunciation of the request of the State of Virginia, I have the honor to inform you that, unless you intimate a desire to the contrary in the course of a few days, I shall order the director of artillery at Paris to consider the authorization of the 22d of October, 1860, as null.

Accept, sir, the assurance of the most distinguished consideration with which I have the honor to be your very humble and very obedient servant,

Le Marechal de France, Ministre Secretaire d’etat de la Guerre.
[Page 214]


Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 24th instant, calling my attention to the fact that my predecessor, on the 21th of September last, requested you to have the goodness to deliver to him, from the government arsenal, four fire-arms (4 armes à feu) and two other arras (armes blanches) for the State of Virginia, and that you authorized the said delivery, with the approbation of the Emperor, on the 22d of October, 1860; and that you informed Mr. Faulkner that the artillery board of Paris held those arms at the disposition of the Virginia delegates; that up to the date of your note to me the letter from the colonel of the artillery staff and your own despatches of the 21st of March last, addressed to Mr. Faulkner, have remained unanswered, &c.

I beg to say to your excellency that I am altogether ignorant of the causes of delay on the part of my predecessor in answering the communications referred to, and asking for the delivery of the arms in question.

I pray you, sir, to accept for yourself, and convey to the Emperor, my grateful acknowledgments, in behalf of the United States, for the courtesy extended in the expression of a readiness to grant the request of my predecessor; while I deem it proper to say at once that the request for the arms referred to will not, under existing circumstances, be renewed by me in behalf of the State of Virginia.

I beg to assure you, sir, of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


Mons. le Marechal Comte Randon,
Minister de la Guerre.


Excellency: The necessity which exists for arming our steamer, the Fulton, against any attack of the privateers of the southern confederacy obliges Captain Walton to provide himself with two hundred rifles. These guns, which we have purchased at Leige, (Belgium,) will be delivered to-day or to-morrow at Havre.

But we have no cartridges for these guns, and are obliged to buy them in France, and cannot obtain them without an authorization from the minister of war. We are thus obliged to appeal to you, to beg your powerful influence in obtaining the necessary munitions.

We desire that the French government furnish us, delivered on board the steamer Fulton, at Havre, twenty thousand cartouches for hunting rifles, of the calibre 17 8/10 for the muzzle of the guns. Either our house, at Paris, or that of Messrs. W. Selim & Co., at Havre, will pay the bills.

The steamer Fulton will quit Havre Tuesday morning, 28th instant, and it will be necessary that the munition should be delivered Monday.

We pray your excellency to accept, in entram, the expression of the profound gratitude and our distinguished consideration of your excellency’s most obedient servants,

8 Place de la Bourse.

His Excellency Mr. Dayton,
Minister of the United States of America, Paris.