- A, Bureau of Administration, Department of State
- AHA, American Historical Association
- APSA, American Political Science Association
- ASIL, American Society of International Law
- CDC (also A/CDC), Classification/Declassification Center, Bureau of Administration, Department of State
- CDF, Department of State Central Decimal File, RG 59, NARA
- CFPF, Department of State Central Foreign Policy File, RG 59, NARA
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CREST, CIA Records Search Tool, electronic database of released CIA records located at the National Archives building in College Park, MD
- CSI, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
- DO, Directorate of Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- DOD, Department of Defense
- DOS, Department of State
- DP, Division of Publications (see appendix D)
- DS, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Department of State
- EAP, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State
- EDC, European Defense Community
- EO, (Presidential) Executive Order
- EAP, Bureau East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- FAIM, Foreign Affairs Information Management Center, Department of State
- FAIM/PS, Publishing Services Division, Department of State
- FCO, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom
- FE, Division of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States
- FGI, foreign government information
- FO, Foreign Office, United Kingdom
- FOIA, Freedom of Information Act
- FMP (also M/FMP), Bureau of Financial and Management Policy, reporting to the Under Secretary of State for Management, Department of State
- FPC, Office of Freedom of Information, Privacy, and Classification Review, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Department of State
- FPC/HDR (also HDR), Historical Documents Review Division within the Office of Freedom of Information, Privacy, and Classification Review
- FRUS, Foreign Relations of the United States
- GOJ, Government of Japan
- GPO, Government Printing Office (1861–present)
- H, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of State
- H. Doc., House Document
- H. Rpt., House Report
- HA, Office of the Historical Adviser (see appendix D)
- HAC, Historical Advisory Committee (full title from 1958–1978: Advisory Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States; after 1978: Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation), advisory body to the Department of State
- HD, Historical Division (see appendix D)
- HED, House Executive Document
- HLP, High Level Panel
- HMG, Her (or His) Majesty’s Government (United Kingdom)
- HO, Historical Office, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State, or Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State (see appendix D)
- HRP, Historical Review Panel, advisory body to the Director of Central Intelligence
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- ISOO, Information Security Oversight Office (U.S. Government)
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JFK, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
- L, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- M, Under Secretary of State for Management, Department of State
- MO (also M/MO), Management Operations, reporting to Under Secretary of State for Management, Department of State
- MOU, memorandum of understanding
- MP (also M/MP), Management Policy, reporting to Under Secretary of State for Management, Department of State
- NARA, National Archives and Records Administration, United States
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NCCPH, National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History
- NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- NSC, National Security Council
- OAH, Organization of American Historians
- OSS, Office of Strategic Services
- P, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State (see appendix D)
- PA, Office of Public Affairs, Department of State; after 1957, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State (see appendix D)
- PB, (also PBR) Division of Publications, Bureau of Administration, Department of State
- RE, Division of Research and Publications, Department of State (see appendix D)
- RG, Record Group
- RP, Division of Research and Publications, Department of State (see appendix D)
- S. Doc., Senate Document
- SAS, State Archiving System, electronic database used by the Department of State for electronic cables
- SED, Senate Executive Document
- Ser, Serial
- SHAFR, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
- SR (also CDC/SR), Office of Systematic Review, Classification/Declassification Center, Bureau of Administration, Department of State
- UK, United Kingdom
- UKNA, National Archives, United Kingdom (Kew)
- USG, United States Government
- WTC, War Time Conference