92. Memorandum From President Nixon to Director of Central Intelligence Helms and the Acting Chairman of the Under Secretaries Committee (Johnson)1 2

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  • Insurgency in Bolivia and Latin America

I have reviewed the August 22 memorandum from the Under Secretaries Committee regarding Bolivian insurgency. I note that that memorandum indicates gaps in our information which make it difficult to assess the guerrilla capability in Bolivia. I have also noted that intelligence reports received subsequent to the August 22 memorandum indicate increasing evidence of international participation with the Bolivian guerrillas, including the possible formation of a continent-wide revolutionary group to organize and coordinate revolutionary activity (CIB of 5 Sept. 70).

The question of subversion and international coordination of such activities in the hemisphere is a matter of considerable concern, and I want to be sure that we know as much about it as we can and that we carefully analyze and assess that information. This item should be given priority in our intelligence-collection effort. I also ask that high priority be given to the study of international links among Latin American insurgent groups which the August 22 memorandum indicated is being prepared by the Under Secretaries Committee. I would like to receive a summary of that study’s findings as soon as possible.

Richard Nixon
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, ARA Assistant Secretary Subject and Country Files: Lot 73 D 115, White House Correspondence, 1970. Secret; Limdis. The CIB was not found. On December 1, Hartman circulated Nixon’s memorandum to Packard, Kissinger, Helms, Moorer, and Hannah. (Washington National Records Center, OASD Files: FRC 330–760–067, B 1970) A summary of the Under Secretaries report is published as Document 33.
  2. President Nixon, citing intelligence reports, stated that a continent-wide revolutionary group might be forming in South America. He asked the Under Secretaries Committee to write a report on insurgencies in the region.