288. Editorial Note
Vice President Hubert Humphrey traveled to Malaysia after attending the inauguration of President Thieu and Vice President Ky in South Vietnam on October 30, 1967. On November 2 Humphrey met with Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and his Cabinet. The Prime Minister told Humphrey in this meeting that Malaysia was “keenly [Page 639] interested” in Indonesia’s economic recovery, but felt the Indonesians were not receptive to Malaysian offers of assistance. The Tunku suggested that some sort of international committee should be established to this end, and Humphrey agreed. (Telegram VIPTO 64/1728 from Kuala Lumpur; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 7 US/HUMPHREY)
Also at this meeting, the Tunku raised the problem of the Philippines claim to Sabah, saying that Malaysia was not going to surrender part of its soil to a claim based on Spanish and American rulers nor after the Philippines waited 17 years to bring the issue up. Humphrey confided to the group that the Philippines press was keeping the issue alive and hoped that Malaysia would continue bilateral negotiations to resolve the issue. (Telegram VIPTO 65/1729 from Kuala Lumpur, November 2; ibid.)
Humphrey and Malaysian Cabinet members discussed economic problems, including increasing rice production, financing low cost housing, and the problem of rubber, especially in the face of synthetics. Humphrey encouraged the Cabinet to consider economic diversification. (Telegram VIPTO 66/1730 from Kuala Lumpur; November 2; ibid.) The Cabinet and Humphrey then discussed Vietnam at some length. The Tunku urged South Vietnamese-Viet Cong talks, which even if they failed would demonstrate South Vietnam’s desire for peace. (Telegram VIPTO 67/1731 from Kuala Lumpur; November 2; ibid.)