404. Telegram From the Delegation at the Foreign Ministers Meeting to the Department of State1

Secto 282. At meeting of Secretary,Macmillan and Margerie (who said he fully authorized by Pinay speak for him) yesterday2Macmillan summarized UK views with respect recent developments in Middle East as follows. Clear Soviets have decided open up cold war in new part of world and not going to be moved to give up that effort. Western Powers must formulate both short and long term policy. Matter of first importance for West have majority people in area on side of West.

Must of course fulfill obligations to Israel including those under 1950 declaration. At same time must make clear to Israel we cannot let Soviets gain Moslem world. This also to Israelis benefit as we cannot protect Israel unless on good terms with Moslems. We have strong assets. Most important immediate question is determine on policy re shipment of arms to Israel and neighboring Arab states. Western Powers should make clear not going into arms race.

As result ensuing discussion it was agreed that representatives of three delegations would draw up paper for approval three ministers3 along following lines:

[Page 741]
The French and British Ambassadors in Washington, working with a representative of the State Department, will formulate procedures to maintain consultation with respect to arms deliveries to Israel and Arab states bordering on it. They should consider what functions the existing NEACC can usefully perform as a part of these procedures. In formulation of these procedures they should take into account desirability of including in such coordination shipments to the area by other friendly governments.
Three governments agree they will make no shipments on contracts for sale heavy military equipment without consultation.
With respect types of light equipment agreed upon, shipments may be made without consultation but there should be current and complete exchanges of information.
Pending establishment of agreed procedures, existing contracts may be carried out except where substantial quantities involved. Information about all existing contracts should be exchanged.
Governments concerned should continue accordance tripartite declaration oppose arms race between Arab states and Israel. As regards deliveries to Israel, however, not policy of three governments approve shipments in amount to balance current Soviet deliveries to Egypt. Would give priority to defensive equipment as opposed weapons of offense.
Committee should draw attention of governments to cases in which representations might usefully be made to other friendly governments about supply of arms to countries concerned. In any event, committee should take into account shipments made by other friendly powers in determining upon advisability of shipments by any one of three governments.
Committee should examine relative strengths in armaments Israel and bordering Arab states and exchange intelligence.
Desirable full and early agreement be reached in Washington on detailed arrangements.

Macmillan said we should not consider Nasser as determined put Egypt in Soviet hands. While Nasser undoubtedly feels he has scored a popular success and is in good bargaining position he is also probably somewhat alarmed by what has happened and time may soon come when he will wish return to closer association with West.

Margerie said that despite hostility of Arabs in North Africa and in UN, bilateral relations between France and Arab states very good and political relations in North Africa improving. France has come to understanding with Nasser whereby it releasing arms which Egypt had already paid for in return for Egyptian agreement cease Cairo radio attacks and prevent smuggling of arms through Egypt to North Africa. He agreed game by no means lost in Arab world. France quite ready reaffirm its solidarity behind 1950 tripartite declaration.

Secretary agreed nothing irrevocable has happened as far as losing area to West concerned. Have two assets: (1) Arab states dependent upon West for sale of oil: (2) Moslem religion strongly [Page 742] opposed to communism. While Arabs may be inclined play us off against Soviet that is far cry from their coming under Soviet control. It is US policy to follow along lines 1950 declaration. Secretary said he had made clear to Sharett that if Israel started war we would have to take financial and economic measures against Israel. Israel could not exist long without governmental and private aid from us. We do not intend engage in arms race. We must all work hard for settlement along lines August 26 speech.Macmillan said UK strongly supported tripartite declaration policies.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–GE/11–1355. Secret. Received at 3:31 p.m.
  2. The memorandum of this conversation is not printed (Ibid., Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627,CF 583)
  3. See Document 409.