- Abd al–Hadi, Awni, 279
- Achilles, Theodore C., 375n, 394, 884n
- Adams, Sherman, 550n, 553, 641n, 648n, 717n, 864
- Ad–Din, Zakaria Muhyi, 355, 360
- Aden Protectorate, 710
- Adenauer, Konrad, 698
- Afghanistan, 545
- Africa (see also North Africa), 541, 658, 717, 786, 808–809
- African–Asian Conference.See Bandung Conference.
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (P.L.480),1954, 110, 617
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 128–129, 208, 474–475, 565n, 632–636, 643, 650, 733, 836
- Algeria, 304
- Ali, Mohammed, 72
- Allen, George V., 45n, 92n, 114n, 127n, 209n, 214n, 215n, 309n, 330n, 331n, 334n, 351n, 365n, 406n, 432n, 446n, 491n, 507n, 569n, 630n, 660n, 686n, 692n, 713n, 736n, 804n, 820n, 835n, 837n, 884n, 888n
- Alpha Operation, 34, 118, 120, 146n, 169n, 199, 210n, 341–343, 823n, 826
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 351–353, 712
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 129, 181–182, 251–253, 431, 459, 461, 463, 498, 857
- Arab nationalism, 573
- Aswan Dam, 743, 778, 798, 801
- Border incidents, 142, 404, 443, 445, 712, 775, 856–857
- Czech arms deal, 502, 511n, 533–535, 537–540, 542, 551–552, 570, 604, 641n
- Egypt, 263, 273n, 327, 332–334, 398, 528, 572, 677
- Gaza attack, 571, 575
- Iraq, 345, 677
- Israel, 180, 573–574, 718–719, 848, 856–857, 889
- Jerusalem, Western policy toward, 325
- Jordan River Development Plan, 110–112, 268, 575
- Near East, 707
- Sinai, 379n, 398
- Syria, 677
- Tripartite Declaration, 849
- Alpha Operation (see also
Arab–Israeli dispute; Arab–Israeli settlement), 2n, 156–157, 166–167, 175–176, 185–186, 393, 408, 485, 491, 493–495, 725
- Arab League role, 13, 419
- Arab reactions, 342
- Arab States, approaches to, 419–420, 489
- Arab States, role in, 749, 781, 783
- Baghdad Pact, 13, 45, 98, 151, 211, 232, 488–489, 821
- Balance of power, 828, 891–892
- Bandung Conference and, 132–133, 154
- Border incidents, 406–407, 420–422
- British position, 93, 210n, 433–435, 797
- British public statement, 407, 419, 420n, 720–721
- British role, 6–7, 36, 97, 100, 181–182, 206, 489, 828, 878–881
- British Zionists, approaches to, 97
- Chiefs of Mission communications, 341–343, 420–421
- Costs, 42, 51, 53–54, 105, 107, 113–114, 153, 176, 179, 184, 802
- Czech arms deal and, 518–519, 609–611, 621, 681
- Documents and maps, 96–97
- Egypt, approaches to, 6, 120–125, 129–133, 141, 169,
724, 732, 820
- Aswan Dam, 206, 210, 231
- Bandung Conference, 115, 117, 127–129, 132, 141
- Border incidents, 206, 421
- British position, 129, 146, 434
- Eden–Nasser talks, 26, 30–31, 35, 50, 59–62, 207
- Eisenhower letter, 207
- Israeli position, 154
- Near East regional defense, 127–128
- Personnel, 489
- Timing, 11, 26, 30, 35–36, 91, 93–95, 99–100, 114–115, 199, 201–202, 206
- Tripartite démarches, 221, 230n
- Egypt, inducements for, 28, 36, 489
- Egyptian political situation, 611
- Egyptian position, 116, 141, 234n
- Egyptian role, 8, 101, 118–119, 121, 473, 749–750
- Gaza attack and, 82–83, 90–92, 98–100, 122, 609
- Iraq, approaches to, 36, 97–98
- Israel, approaches to, 91, 155, 472, 491, 610–611, 793–796, 798, 826–836, 841–843
- Israel, inducements for, 13–14, 26, 37, 101
- Israeli political situation, 879
- Israeli position, 199, 843–844, 890–891
- Israeli role, 878–880
- Jordan, approaches to, 26–28, 30, 36, 91, 99–100, 202, 211, 231–232
- Jordan, inducements for, 17–18, 212, 293
- Jordan River Development Plan and, 27, 35, 98, 101, 115, 176, 251–252, 283, 494–495
- Jordanian position, 379n
- Lebanon, approaches to, 26, 30, 36, 211, 231–232
- Lebanon, inducements for, 18–19, 213–214
- Methods of negotiation (see also Public statement below), 133, 154–155, 359, 489–491, 695, 737–738
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 471, 488–489
- Order of approach, 11, 18, 24, 26–28, 30, 35, 91, 154
- Pakistani role, 92, 99, 107
- Points of agreement, 34–42, 45–47, 98–107, 200–204
- Public relations, 14, 475
- Public statement (see also
British public statement
- Ambassadors’ letter, 310–313
- Arab League reactions, 419, 432–434, 454–455, 495
- Arab reactions, 417–418, 420–421, 432–435, 439, 461, 468, 473, 606–607
- Baghdad Pact and, 287–288, 294, 296–298, 301, 309, 320, 335, 345–346, 653
- British position, 231, 279–280, 287–288, 289, 293–297, 301–302, 322, 335–336, 370–371, 373–374, 419, 420n
- Chiefs of Mission communications, 209, 210, 231, 343, 375–380, 384–386
- Draft memoranda, 222–226, 314–318
- Egypt, approaches to, 376–378, 434, 473
- Egyptian reactions, 387–389, 402–403, 405, 468, 485, 552, 674
- France, approaches to, 350, 375, 378–380, 394
- Iraq, approaches to, 350
- Iraqi reactions, 287, 294, 301, 321, 405–406, 417–418, 434, 454
- Israel, approaches to, 350, 375–376, 384–386, 466–467
- Israeli reactions, 293–294, 296, 391–392, 402–403, 414, 439, 451, 457–461, 485, 498–499, 610, 775
- Jordan, approaches to, 350, 378–379
- Jordan River Development Plan and, 284–285, 292–293, 295, 297, 322, 343, 349, 362, 364, 392, 410–411
- Jordanian reactions, 409–411, 434
- Lebanese reactions, 419
- Palestinian refugee reactions, 287, 293
- Palestinian refugees, 224, 316, 335–336, 343, 350, 370–371, 402, 458, 824
- Publicity, 374, 402–403, 410, 422, 468, 499
- Saudi reactions, 408–409, 422–423
- Secrecy, 290, 295, 310–311, 343
- Security guarantees, 224–225, 289, 312, 316, 350, 368n, 385–386, 402–403, 452, 459, 693
- Soviet involvement in Near East, 364
- Syrian reactions, 417, 434
- Territorial adjustments, 224, 233, 289, 316–317, 367–368, 371, 381–383, 452, 459–461, 498–499, 802, 827
- Timing, 364, 366–371, 376
- Turkey, approaches to, 379–380
- U.N. position, 383, 420
- United Nations, approaches to, 290, 313
- U.S. military aid to Iraq, 287, 294, 296, 298, 301–303, 309, 335, 339–341, 373–374
- U.S. position, 50, 206, 232–233, 248–249, 277, 282–283, 285–286, 296–297, 311–312, 367, 610, 829–830
- Regional defense and, 13
- Revolutionary Command Council role, 783
- Secrecy, 36, 50, 96, 114, 121–122, 202, 489
- Soviet military aid to Egypt and, 358–359, 367
- Soviet Union, approaches to, 349
- Syria, approaches to, 19, 26, 36
- Timing, 29–30, 46, 70, 96, 99
- U.N. role, 124, 202, 490
- U.S. communication centers, 113
- U.S. Government involvement, 31, 51, 166, 184, 188, 200, 349
- U.S. military aid to Israel and, 890n, 891
- U.S. political situation, 232–233, 282, 296, 879
- U.S. position, 3, 32, 53–54, 113, 209, 891
- U.S. Zionists’ role, 14, 30–31, 61, 97
- Alphand, Hervé, 502, 687, 701
- Amer, Abdel Hakim:
- American Friends Service Committee (see also Jackson negotiations), 431–432, 447
- Amin, Mustapha, 403
- Ammoun, Fouad, 291n, 450
- Anderson mission, 674–675, 725, 736, 810, 836, 888–889
- Anderson, Dillon, 175, 303, 307, 320–325, 553–557, 588, 616–618, 626–627, 667, 699, 812–813
- Anderson, Robert B., 307, 320–322, 339–340, 675n, 725, 736, 810, 836, 888–889
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 6, 474, 624, 639n, 768, 791, 793, 823, 829, 831, 842
- Arab–Israeli dispute:
- Arab–Israeli settlement (see also
Alpha Operation; Arab–Israeli
settlement subheadings under other subjects;
Arab secondary boycott of Israel; Communications
arrangementsunder Arab States; Security
guarantees; Suez Canal; Territorial adjustments):
- Arab position, 469
- Borders. See Territorial adjustments.
- British position, 26, 720, 733
- British public opinion, 828
- Cease–fire, 872
- Egyptian position, 9, 98, 129–130, 132, 296, 493, 609, 674, 695, 768, 871
- Egyptian role, 2–3, 5, 11, 77, 89, 91, 421, 454, 462, 722
- French role, 7, 36, 42
- Instruments of settlement, 40–41, 105–106, 132
- Iraqi position, 19, 651–652, 871
- Iraqi role, 2–3, 11
- Israeli position, 5–7, 27, 172–173, 174n, 180–181, 823–825, 827, 842–843, 871
- Israeli role, 13–14
- Jordanian role, 11
- Lebanese position, 124
- Lebanese role, 11
- Peace treaties, 31–32, 41, 45, 105, 201, 459, 498–499, 842
- Saudi position, 19
- Saudi role, 11
- Soviet role, 586, 766, 858–859
- Syrian position, 19
- Syrian role, 11
- Tripartite role, 252–253
- Turkish role, 3, 36, 42
- U.N. resolution,1947 (see also under Territorial adjustments), 611, 674, 737, 766, 775
- U.N. role, 42, 92, 107, 132
- U.S. aid to Israel and, 847–848, 886–887
- U.S.–British position, 708–709, 729–730, 830, 833
- U.S. political situation, 31, 61, 265
- U.S. position, 841–842
- U.S. public opinion on, 610, 828
- Arab League, 5, 10, 17, 55, 769
- Arab Legion, 125n, 126
- Arab Refugees Office, New York, 418
- Arab secondary boycott of Israel.See under Israel.
- Arab States (see also
Arab League; Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Lebanon; Saudi Arabia;
- Border incidents, coordination of, 126
- Communications arrangements (see also Land connectionbelow), 39–41, 104–106, 203, 212, 795, 824, 842
- Cooperation, 13, 128
- Egypt, relations with, 119, 678, 729
- Egyptian leadership, 2–3, 16, 24, 30, 36–37, 101, 333–334, 421, 473
- Federation, possible, 19
- France, relations with, 403, 608n, 705, 741
- Iraq, relations with, 482
- Iraqi leadership, 2–3, 16, 403, 768–769
- Jordan, relations with, 17, 206
- Land connection (see also Communications arrangements above;Negev; Territorial adjustments):
- Lebanon, relations with, 213
- Military capabilities, 698
- Neutralism, 579, 584
- North Africa Conference, 417, 420, 423
- Oil industry, 302, 621, 623, 657–658
- Political situation, 140
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 729
- Soviet military aid to, 305, 483, 682, 705, 852
- Soviet Union, relations with, 504–505, 678, 741–742
- Sterling balances, 792
- Turkey, relations with, 123, 725
- United Kingdom, relations with, 608n, 754–755, 767
- U.S. interests, 611–612
- U.S. military aid to, 15, 50, 70, 182, 572
- United States, relations with, 9, 145, 611–612, 684, 717, 851–852, 868
- West, relations with, 9, 78–79, 620–621
- Western military aid to (see also under Near East), 27, 608
- Arab Technical Committee, 464–465
- Arabian Peninsula, 877
- Aranne, Zalman, 140, 196n, 882–883
- Armed attack, possible (see also
Security guarantees):
- Baghdad Pact and, 595
- British response (see also Western collaboration under U.S. responsebelow), 243, 269–270, 352, 578, 583, 594, 598, 792
- Czech arms deal and, 502, 509, 525, 546, 562, 578, 580–582, 590–591, 593–598, 689, 735, 872, 880
- Egyptian response, 428
- Iraqi response, 595
- Israeli military capabilities and, 578–579, 698, 739–740
- Israeli position, 590–591, 622, 628, 651, 657, 682, 712, 734–735, 872, 879–880
- NATO response, 588
- Saudi response, 595
- Security guarantees, 578–579, 582
- Sinai, 397
- Soviet role, 246, 250, 583, 594–595, 599–600, 689, 766
- Tripartite response, 243, 248–251, 253–254, 600–602, 659, 792
- U.N. meeting proposal, 242, 247–249, 253–254
- U.N. response, 247–251, 254, 556, 595, 597–599, 625, 699
- U.S. position, 270, 609, 610n, 611–612, 659, 876–877
- U.S. response, 351, 582–583, 594–595, 659, 826
- Approaches to Near Eastern countries, 243, 245, 601–603, 615, 626–629, 641, 668
- Blockade, 244, 352, 555, 588, 597, 603, 614, 618–619, 623, 640, 650, 664–667
- Economic sanctions, 242–245, 247, 270, 352, 596, 602, 623–625, 628–630, 640, 663–664, 667, 698, 792
- Egyptian position, 238–239, 770–771
- Israel, approaches to, 666
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 555, 614–616, 619–620, 625–628, 640, 649–650, 664–665
- Military intervention, 245, 269–270, 352–353, 598, 603, 614–615, 619–620, 624, 627–628, 649–650, 664–668
- NSC discussion, 555, 557–558, 639–641, 663–668, 698
- Oil industry and, 618
- United Nations, consultation with, 245–248, 250, 270, 597, 599–600, 615, 640, 668
- Western collaboration, 244, 269–270, 352, 596–597, 600, 603, 615, 620, 625, 640–641, 668, 792
- Zionists’ role, 652, 698
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 507–508
- Arthur, Geoffrey George, 3n, 21, 90, 197, 287, 485, 493
- al–Asali, Sabri, 423, 434
- Asbjornson, Mildred J., 363
- Asian–African Conference.See Bandung Conference.
- Aswan Dam (see also
Nile River issue), 188n, 818–819
- British proposals, 632–636, 760, 800, 808–809
- Consortium, 632–636, 646, 656, 660, 696, 743, 760, 800, 808–809, 813, 869–870, 877
- Czech arms deal and, 633
- Egypt, approaches to, 660–661, 818–819, 860, 868–870
- Egyptian contribution, 645–646, 760, 815, 819, 850
- Egyptian economic situation, 634–635, 672, 694, 696, 751, 758–761, 778–779, 800–801, 817, 850, 861
- Egyptian position, 862, 870
- French position, 875
- IBRD loan for, 205, 276,
743, 760, 808–809, 815, 818–819, 870
- British cooperation, 813
- British position, 634–635, 723, 734, 742
- Egyptian economic situation, 850, 861
- Egyptian position, 333, 656, 696, 770, 800
- Nile River issue, 333, 377, 644, 647, 678, 710n, 760, 780, 799, 818–819, 850, 861
- U.S.–British–IBRD talks, 778–780
- U.S. position, 647, 660, 669, 678–679, 742, 798, 800
- IBRD studies, 16, 328, 371–372, 377, 634, 645–646
- Jordan River Development Plan and, 372
- Negotiated contract vs. competitive bidding, 647, 669, 808–809, 850, 861–865, 870
- Soviet aid for, 540n, 542, 544, 606
- U.S. aid for, 646, 838
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 16, 24, 37, 51, 101, 107, 200, 204–206, 210, 231, 283, 816
- British position, 635–636, 655
- Czech arms deal, 544
- Egyptian position, 606, 696, 770, 799
- NSC discussion, 813–817
- U.S. economic aid to Egypt and, 377, 696, 814–815, 850–851, 861–862
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 525, 694, 851–852
- U.S.–British aid for, 644, 647, 660, 669, 743, 817–819, 830, 850–851, 860–861
- U.S.–British cooperation, 669, 710–711, 808–810, 813, 849–851, 860–862, 877
- U.S. cotton surplus, 660, 801, 815, 838
- U.S. firms, participation of, 646, 660, 734, 800, 809, 861, 864–865
- U.S. position, 328, 643–644, 877
- Atomic energy, 16, 20, 527
- Avidar, Joseph, 528
- al–Azhari, Ismail, 372, 711n, 743n
- al–Azm, Khalid Pasha, 65, 218, 306n, 450
- Baghdad Pact (see also
Northern Tier
Near East: Regional
defense), 9–10, 27, 45
- Alpha Operation and, 13, 45, 98, 151, 211, 232, 488–489, 821
- Arab States, Egyptian leadership of, 754, 768
- Arab States’ participation, 361, 377
- Armed attack, possible, 595
- British military aid to, 708, 721–722
- British participation, 98, 170, 296
- British position, 71, 94, 146–147
- Czech arms deal and, 517, 547, 559, 562, 609, 691
- Egypt, relations with, 746
- Egyptian participation, 127–129, 147
- Egyptian position, 29, 70–72, 78–79, 101, 116–117, 127, 338, 575, 583
- ESS Pact and, 361
- French position, 72, 705
- Iranian participation, 471, 517, 547, 559, 721, 731
- Iraqi participation, 324, 361
- Israeli position, 63, 83–85, 87, 118, 149, 170–171
- Israeli security treaty and, 13, 547, 653, 719, 722, 730, 821
- Jordan River Development Plan and, 55, 480
- Jordanian participation, 118, 146, 211, 517, 680, 708, 713–714, 722, 754, 821
- Lebanese participation, 118, 211, 517, 708, 713, 754, 821
- Pakistani participation, 471
- Pakistani position, 72
- Security guarantees, 13
- Soviet position, 691, 731
- Soviet–Western relations, 730
- Syrian participation, 94, 118, 754
- Syrian political situation and, 585
- Turkish participation, 380
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 147, 264, 695–696
- U.S. military aid to, 713–714, 721–722, 731–732
- U.S. participation, 298, 309, 323–324, 345–346, 367, 492, 547, 708
- U.S. position, 127, 146–147, 327, 713, 731
- Bailey, Ronald W., 21, 243n, 269–270, 335, 888n
- Banat Yaqub project.See under Jordan River Development Plan.
- Bandung Conference, 8, 207, 238, 262, 590, 754, 765, 822
- Barbour, Walworth, 335
- Barco, James W., 246n, 247n, 703n, 806
- Barnes, George, 21, 44, 218n, 291n, 306n, 331n, 334n, 365n, 450
- Barnes, Robert G., 393n, 407, 520n, 522n, 641n
- Bashayan, Burhan al–Din, 406, 417–418, 421, 433n, 454, 514n
- Bat Galim incident, 1–2, 6, 76, 87–89, 138, 822
- Beale, Wilson T.M., Jr., 787n
- Beeley, Harold, 90
- Beersheba, 152, 737–738
- Beit Awwa, 64n
- Belgium, 1, 503
- Belgrave, Thomas Pobea Dalrymple, 90n
- Ben Gurion, David:
- Africa, 786
- Alpha Operation, 491, 744–745, 772, 784–785, 789, 826, 872–873, 881, 890
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 580
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 871–872
- Armed attack, possible, 639n, 812
- Border incidents, 126, 148n, 163, 196n, 222, 236, 456, 834–835, 859, 882–884
- Czech arms deal, 591n, 784–785, 811, 821–822, 872
- Egypt, 236, 521, 784–785, 871–872
- Gaza attack, 82, 86–87
- Israeli political situation, 85, 140, 186, 234, 376, 399, 415, 500, 538, 569n, 576n, 689, 692n, 894
- Italy, 784
- Jackson negotiations, 431–432, 439–440, 456, 470
- Jerusalem, Western policy toward, 326, 344, 423–424, 726n
- Jordan River Development Plan, 66
- Soviet policy toward the Near East, 786
- Territorial adjustments, 152, 402, 785
- Ben Zvi, Itzhak, 399n
- Bennett, Sir John Cecil Sterndale, 96n
- Bentley, Alvin M., 182
- Bergus, Donald C., 21, 92n, 142n, 180, 191n, 214n, 215n, 218n, 219n, 231n, 242n, 243n, 334n, 344n, 451, 464n, 466n, 528n, 569n, 570, 630n, 686n, 713n, 718n, 746n, 856, 889n
- Bernadotte, Count Folke, 737n
- Bernadotte proposals,1948, 737, 828, 857
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 369n, 425, 509n, 510n, 511n, 533n, 534n, 810n
- Berncastle, J.M., 90n
- Bevin, Ernest, 559n
- Billotte, Gen. Pierre, 803
- Birgi, Nuri, 380n
- Black, Eugene R., 632, 634–636, 643–647, 742, 778–779, 799–801, 860, 862–863, 868
- Boardman, Francis, 334n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 349, 680, 689n
- Bolton, Francis, 883
- Bond, Niles, 703n
- Border incidents (see also
Armed attack, possible; Gaza
attack; Lake Tiberias attack):
- Alpha Operation and, 406–407, 420–422
- Armistice Conference, 440
- Barricades, 135, 158, 165, 167, 184, 230, 259–260, 299, 348, 449, 476, 563–564
- Beit Awwa, 64n
- Border markers, 496, 535–536
- British position, 208, 216–217, 243, 247–248, 257, 445
- Cease–fire, 416, 425, 439, 443n, 445–446
- Czech arms deal and, 579
- Demilitarized zone.See Neutral zone below.
- Direct communications, 184, 230, 259–260, 281, 299–300, 319, 348, 364–365
- Egyptian irregular troops.See Fedayeen below.
- Egyptian position, 144, 221, 235n, 238, 281, 404, 427, 738
- Egyptian troop movements, 447–448
- El Auja, 187, 496, 515–516, 535–536, 563, 676, 687, 697–699, 712
- Fedayeen, 136, 138, 165, 167, 227, 448, 739–740, 804
- Gaza attack and, 75–76, 84, 89, 150
- Israel, approaches to, 211–212, 406–407, 412, 790–791, 794, 804
- Israeli patrols, 214, 217, 226
- Israeli position, 135–140, 142, 150, 158n, 165, 167–168, 194–197, 226, 242, 400–401, 412–415, 430, 441–442, 572, 794, 823
- Jackson negotiations, 456
- Joint patrols, 134, 217
- Jordan, 64, 126, 794, 804–805
- Lebanon, 575
- Meeting proposal, 148, 157–158, 160–161, 208, 242, 257, 267
- Meetings, 280–282, 299–300, 318–319, 347–348, 365
- Nahal Oz incident, 133–134
- Neutral zone, 217, 220, 227–230, 259, 264, 348, 476–477, 497
- NSC discussion, 663
- Palestinian refugees, 77, 126n, 437–438
- Palestinian soldiers (see also Fedayeen above), 165, 477
- Pattish incident, 120, 126, 134, 137, 144n
- Security guarantees and, 25, 41, 91, 99–100, 106
- Syria, 63–64, 125–126, 575, 859
- Tripartite responses, 208, 216–218, 243–244, 449, 515–516
- U.N. discussion of, 76–78, 134–135, 139, 687–688, 804–807
- U.N. position, 143n, 221, 443n, 445, 449, 676–677, 690–691, 700–704, 859
- U.N. resolutions, 145, 157–158, 195–196, 214, 257, 319, 449, 476–478
- U.N. role, 6, 160–161, 163, 187, 192–193, 230, 242, 319, 348, 416
- U.N. Security Council meeting proposal, 216–220, 229–230, 257–258, 305, 443, 445–446, 456, 687, 801, 806–807
- U.S. position, 130n, 142–143, 145, 158, 191, 214–216, 218–220, 441
- Bowie, Robert R., 146, 507n, 529, 553, 616, 689n, 812
- Brazil, 1
- Brosio, Manlio, 788n
- Brownell, George, 675
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 369, 592n, 612, 661, 664
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 46
- Bulganin, Nikolai, 509, 636–638
- Bunche, Ralph, 891
- Buraimi dispute, 560, 656, 671, 716, 821, 878
- Burdett, William C., 90, 95, 153n, 160n, 191n, 248n, 261n, 284, 291n, 293n, 306n, 309n, 310n, 330n, 331n, 341n, 345n, 351n, 371n, 376n, 382n, 397n, 420n, 425, 482n, 516, 540n, 674n, 692n, 713n, 774n, 787n, 788n, 820n, 841n, 888
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 778, 780, 849, 856n
- Burns, Maj. Gen. E.L.M., 32n
- Alpha Operation, 313
- Armed attack, possible, 246, 250, 254, 681
- Border incidents:
- Barricades, 448–449, 563–564
- Cease–fire, 416, 424–425, 427–428, 429–430, 440, 446–449, 535–536
- El Auja, 515, 516n, 712, 774, 834–835, 840
- Israeli position, 260, 572
- Joint patrols, 165, 167–168
- Lake Tiberias attack, 854–855, 859
- Meeting proposal, 157–158, 192–193, 208, 251–254, 443, 445
- Meetings, 280–282, 299–300, 318–319, 347–348, 364–365, 390, 687–688
- Neutral zone, 259, 476, 496–497
- Palestinian soldiers, 477
- U.N. resolution,1955, 448–449, 476–478
- U.N. Security Council report, 217–218
- U.N. statement, 676–677
- U.S. position, 216n
- Egypt, 134–136
- Gaza attack, 77–78, 80
- General Armistice Agreement, 894
- Israel, 64, 69, 134–136, 214
- Jackson negotiations, 456
- Jordan, 64
- Jordan River Development Plan, 44
- Syria, 69
- Burns, Robert L., 205n, 231
- Bustani, Emile, 501–502
- Butler, Richard A., 632, 635, 734, 800–801
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 190, 710–711
- Byroade, Henry A.:
- Alpha Operation, 34n, 113, 151, 166–167, 169n, 176,
489, 749
- Egypt, approaches to, 93–94, 117, 129, 166–167, 178–179, 204–207, 210, 230n, 231, 495, 820
- Egypt, discussions with, 120–125, 129–133, 146, 724–725, 732, 736, 749–750, 781–783, 790, 807–808
- Egypt, inducements for, 156, 204–205, 462–463
- Egyptian position, 141, 234n, 468–469, 494
- Egyptian role, 488–489, 749–750
- Israel, approaches to, 155–156, 469, 475–476, 835
- Public statement, 210n, 277, 282, 286, 288n, 376, 381–382, 387–389, 402–403
- Secrecy, 121–122, 155–156, 461, 489
- Timing, 26, 29–30, 35, 46, 95
- Trieste approach, 469
- U.S. Government involvement, 184, 188
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 608–612, 734–735
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 116, 152–153, 185, 296–297, 463, 693–695, 835, 858–859
- Arab League Political Committee meeting, 433n
- Arab States, 79, 749
- Aswan Dam, 205, 231, 668–669, 694, 696, 711, 801
- Baghdad Pact, 78–79, 488–489
- Border incidents, 190, 216n, 259n, 364–365, 397, 406n, 437–438, 447, 469, 804n, 840–841
- Czech arms deal, 505, 508–509, 512–513, 521–522, 526n, 527, 533–535, 537–540, 551–552, 568, 650
- Eden–Nasser talks, 62
- Egypt, 275–276, 355–358
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 275–276, 305
- Soviet military aid to, 255, 261, 266, 308, 395, 436n, 481n, 483–484, 492–493, 497–498
- Soviet Union, relations with, 327–328, 504n
- United States, relations with, 120–121, 147, 189–190, 327–329, 360–362, 435–437, 521, 694–696, 851
- U.S. military aid to, 255–256, 262–263, 270–274, 304–308, 332, 339n, 353–354, 381, 482n, 483–484
- West, relations with, 151–152
- ESS Pact, 94, 123
- Gaza attack, 73–74, 80, 82–83, 119, 122, 130n
- Israel, 100, 119, 144–145, 192, 264, 305–306, 852
- Jackson negotiations, 447, 470
- Jordan River Development Plan, 291n–292n, 306n, 366n, 427–428, 473–474, 478–480, 514, 567–568
- Near East, 353n, 360–361
- Palestinian refugees, 426
- Alpha Operation, 34n, 113, 151, 166–167, 169n, 176,
489, 749
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. C.P., 395–396, 553–554
- Caccia, Harold, 247, 650
- Caffery, Jefferson, 239n
- Casey, Richard G., 518
- Central Intelligence Agency, 395–396, 750n
- Ceylon, 350, 420
- Chamberlain, Neville, 795
- Chamoun, Camille, 111, 291n, 419, 450, 466n
- Chapman–Andrews, Sir Edwin, 288
- Charles T. Main, Inc., 21–22
- du Chayla, Armand de Blanquet, 221
- China, People’s Republic of, 262
- Chou En–lai, 766
- Clements, Earle C., 617
- Cole, William Edward, Jr.:
- Commonwealth, 290, 313, 350n
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (P.L480),1954, 110, 617
- Export Control Act,1949, 596, 664
- Immigration and Nationality Act,1952, 617
- McCarran Act, 617
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act,1949, 239, 273
- Mutual Defense Assistance Understanding,1952, 256n
- Mutual Security Act,1951, 239n
- Mutual Security Act,1954, 8, 15, 308, 337
- Trading With the Enemy Act, 1917, 596, 664
- Alpha Operation, 184
- Armed attack, possible, 597, 602, 623–624, 627, 640–641, 652–653, 664, 667–668
- Aswan Dam, 16, 644, 646, 660, 838, 851, 862–863
- Baghdad Pact, 345, 653
- Near East, U.S. military aid to, 325, 556
- Security guarantees, 31, 154, 171, 623, 659, 662
- Tripartite Declaration,1950, 849
- Acts of:
- Constantinople Convention,1888, 1
- Copeland, Miles, 533n
- Cordier, Andrew W., 805
- Coulson, Sir John Eltringham, 778
- Council on Foreign Relations, 349, 374
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 247, 530, 788n
- Criddle, Wayne, 21, 450
- Crosthwaite, Ponsonby Moore, 701
- Czech arms deal.See under Egypt.
- Czechoslovakia, 685
- Daoud, Saman, 410
- Daridan, Jean Henri, 530
- Dayan, Moshe, 148, 158, 230, 638, 639n, 803, 811, 882
- Dean, Arthur, 674n
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 46, 321, 332, 337–338, 353, 640, 876
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 342, 350, 694n, 884n
- Dimechkie, Escqiro, 49
- al–Din, Zakaria Mohiud, 398, 756
- Disarmament, 510
- Dixon, Ben F., 216–217, 538n
- Dixon, Sir Pierson, 247, 249–250, 383, 407, 506, 687, 701, 806
- Dodge, Bayard, 662, 812
- Dorsey, Stephen P., 268–269, 283n
- Doty, Robert C., 49, 73
- Duke, Charles Beresford, 96n, 288n, 565
- Dulles, Allen:
- Dulles, John Foster, 818n
- Alpha Operation, 3n, 45, 127–128, 146, 166,
184, 200, 393, 529, 891
- Baghdad Pact and, 820–821
- British position, 433
- British public statement, 407–408, 744, 772–773, 776, 785, 789, 791, 796–797
- Chiefs of Mission communications, 341, 420–421
- Costs, 53–54, 113–114
- Eden–Nasser talks, 50, 59, 62, 70–72
- Egypt, approaches to, 129, 131, 146, 169, 179, 199, 204, 724, 732
- Egyptian role, 118–119
- Israel, approaches to, 155, 475, 783n, 790–791, 793–796, 802–804, 823, 826–836, 841–843, 873n
- Israeli position, 843–844
- Methods of negotiation, 830, 877, 890–891
- Near East regional defense, 127–128
- Order of approach, 154–155, 205–206, 210
- Public statement, 206, 222–226, 231–233, 277, 298, 322, 335–336, 349–350, 364, 381, 391–392, 394, 402
- Ambassadors’ letter, 310–311
- Arab League, 432–433
- Arab reactions, 420–421, 439
- Baghdad Pact, 309
- British position, 279–280, 287–289, 293, 300–301, 373–374, 777
- Chiefs of Mission communications, 375–380, 384
- Egypt, approaches to, 387
- Iraq, 309, 405–406
- Israel, approaches to, 385–386
- Jordanian reaction, 409
- Publicity, 374
- Saudi reactions, 408
- Territorial adjustments, 382–383, 499
- Timing, 368–370
- U.N. position, 383
- U.S. position, 248–249, 282–286, 295–298, 311–312, 829–830
- Secrecy, 122, 162
- Timing, 29–30, 95, 366–368
- U.S.–British talks, 156–157n, 185–186
- U.S. military aid to Iraq, 309, 339–341
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 890n, 891
- Anderson mission, 809, 836, 888
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 829, 831
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 588, 616–618, 620–630
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 9n, 30–32, 116, 181–182, 251, 253, 422, 520, 733, 825, 842–844
- Arab States, 717
- Armed attack, possible, 242, 245–248, 251, 253–254, 270, 351, 502, 689, 734
- Aswan Dam, 371–372, 734, 830, 837–838, 865n, 875, 877
- Baghdad Pact, 146, 309, 323–324, 730–731, 820–821
- Border incidents, 191, 300n, 441, 445, 676, 677n, 804, 857
- Czech arms deal, 502, 507, 510–512, 523,
- Egypt, approaches to, 524–528, 533–535
- Egyptian political situation, 658
- Egyptian position, 537–538
- Israeli position, 540–541, 571
- Jordan River Development Plan, 512
- Soviet position, 531, 636n
- Soviet Union, approaches to, 524, 576, 641–643, 648, 680–683, 685–688, 691–692
- Tripartite position, 502–503
- U.S.–British talks, 504, 506, 516–519, 542–550, 558, 561, 650–656
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 521, 604–607
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 773, 776
- U.S. position, 531–532, 794
- U.S.–Soviet relations, 509–510
- Egypt, 263–264, 355, 677, 679, 693
- France, 705–707, 716–717, 728, 876
- Gaza attack, 82, 92–93, 575
- Iraq, 321–322, 345–347, 351, 362, 370, 677
- Israel:
- French military aid to, 876
- Military capabilities, 831
- United Kingdom, relations with, 12n
- United States, relations with, 49–50, 55–56, 63, 65, 159–160, 573, 576, 683–684, 699–700, 717–718, 790
- U.S. economic and military aid to, 112, 338–339, 662, 791, 832, 837, 849, 856, 876–877, 889, 892
- Western military aid to, 884–885
- Italy, 787, 791–792
- Jerusalem, 29, 330, 344, 501, 630–631
- Jordan River Development Plan, 56, 97, 108–109, 111–112, 159, 218–219, 291–292, 331, 334–335, 362–366, 587, 876
- Near East:
- British policy toward, 740
- French policy toward, 705–707, 716–717, 728
- Soviet Union, relations with, 728–730, 797–798
- Tripartite policy toward, 706, 717, 741–742, 748–749
- U.S.–British policy toward, 670–672, 707–710, 720–723, 728–729
- U.S. policy toward, 51, 265–266, 553–558, 612–613, 674n, 675n
- U.S. Zionist influence, 612
- Western military aid to, 798, 874–875
- Near East regional defense, 118, 127–128, 149, 303, 482
- Nile River issue, 669, 710
- Palestinian refugees, 47, 51
- Security guarantees, 13n, 51, 53, 99–100, 154, 170, 174n, 180, 185–186, 659, 662, 877
- Soviet Union, 483
- Syria, 677
- Territorial adjustments, 169, 176–177, 185, 370, 382–383, 499, 793, 827, 830–832, 857, 876
- Tripartite Declaration, 12, 849, 875
- United Kingdom, 185–186, 809, 810n, 821, 877–878, 888
- Alpha Operation, 3n, 45, 127–128, 146, 166,
184, 200, 393, 529, 891
- Duncan, Donald B., 661
- Eban, Abba:
- Alpha Operation, 97, 155–156, 199, 209, 283, 451–453, 775, 793, 826, 890–891
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 180–181, 459, 461, 498, 811, 827
- Armed attack, possible, 712
- Aswan Dam, 635
- Baghdad Pact, 719
- Border incidents, 142, 775, 856–857, 882, 889
- Czech arms deal, 528–529, 540–541, 570–576, 691, 827
- Egypt, 32–33, 82, 137, 528
- French military aid to Israel, 775, 892
- Gaza attack, 572, 575
- Jordan River Development Plan, 110–111, 154, 180–181, 194
- Security guarantees, 32, 149–150, 153–154, 162, 170, 172, 231, 459, 461, 719
- Soviet Union, 691
- Suez Canal, 571
- Territorial adjustments, 498, 719
- United Kingdom, 775
- U.S.–Israeli relations, 55–56, 159–160, 719
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 718–719, 773–774, 776, 889, 891
- Zionist influence, 698
- Economic aid programs, 816
- Eden, Anthony (see also
British public statement
under Alpha Operation):
- Alpha Operation, 90, 93–95, 175–176, 339, 472, 720–721, 772–773, 775–777, 789, 797, 833
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 180–181, 720, 733
- Aswan Dam, 632–633, 710–711, 734, 865
- Baghdad Pact, 324
- Buraimi dispute, 656
- Czech arms deal, 505, 548–550, 576, 632, 636–637, 642–643, 681
- Egypt, 71–72, 93–94, 130–131, 303–304
- Iraq, 302, 320–321, 351, 370, 654
- Israel, 50, 94, 99–100, 472
- Jordan River Development Plan, 198
- Nasser talks, 26, 30–31, 35, 46, 50–51, 59–62, 70, 91, 94, 98, 100, 113, 115, 118, 129, 185, 207
- Near East, 7, 303
- Political situation, 519
- Territorial adjustments, 371, 720
- Tripartite Declaration, 12
- U.S. visit, 810, 878
- Egypt (see also
Arab States; Aswan Dam;
Egypt and Egyptian subheadings under other
subjects; Egypt–Syria–Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact; Suez Canal):
- Arab States, relations with, 119, 678, 729
- Baghdad Pact, relations with, 746
- British military aid to, 304, 488, 504, 525, 762, 772, 784–785
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 262
- Communism in, 255, 275, 355, 403
- Czech arms deal (see also
Soviet military aid to
below), 492–493, 507–508, 511–512, 521–522
- Alpha Operation and, 518–519, 609–611, 621, 681
- Armed attack, possible, 502, 509, 525, 546, 562, 578, 580–582, 590–591, 593–598, 689, 735, 872, 880
- Arab–Israeli settlement and, 504, 609, 827, 830, 833, 841, 847
- Arab States, conflict among, 585–586
- Arab States, Egyptian leadership of, 768
- Aswan Dam and, 544, 633, 671–672
- Baghdad Pact and, 517, 547, 559, 562, 609, 691
- Border incidents and, 579
- Cotton barter, 262, 266, 508
- Egypt, approaches to, 505–506, 509, 511, 524–528, 533–535, 542–544, 546–548, 559, 561
- Egyptian political situation, 508–509, 511, 518, 521, 658, 751, 754, 761, 764
- Egyptian position, 520–521, 526, 537–540, 544–545, 568, 570, 574–575, 581–582, 622, 679
- Gaza attack and, 538, 609
- Indian role, 544
- Israel, assurances for, 562
- Israeli arms procurement, 811, 821–822
- Israeli political situation, 538
- Israeli position, 528–529, 540–541, 546, 553–554, 570–576, 579–581, 590–591, 651, 657, 662, 681, 745n, 784–786
- Jordan River Development Plan, 512–513, 542, 544
- National Intelligence Estimates, 577–586, 762–763
- Near East regional defense, 579, 583, 764–765
- NSC discussion, 553–555
- Publicity, 520–522, 568, 570
- Security guarantees, 573–574, 591, 622, 657–659
- Soviet objectives, 504–505, 543, 583–585
- Soviet position, 531–532, 540n, 575, 636–638, 691–692
- Soviet Union, approaches to, 517–519, 524, 658
- Suez Canal, 504
- Suez Canal Base Agreement and, 518–519
- Tripartite position, 502–503
- U.N. response, 541, 546, 548–549
- U.S.–British military aid to Iraq, 517, 544
- U.S.–British sanctions, 559–562
- U.S.–British talks, 504, 506, 516–517, 542–550, 558–562, 651–656
- U.S. economic aid to Egypt, 544, 561–562
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 551–552, 604–607
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 512, 538–539, 541, 632
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 541, 591, 622, 682, 718, 773–774, 811–812
- U.S. political situation, 517, 526
- U.S. position, 508–509, 605, 655, 794
- U.S. public opinion, 681
- U.S.–Soviet relations, 509–510
- Western military aid to Arab States, 7, 608
- Economic situation, 354, 751, 758–761
- France, relations with, 262–263, 741, 767
- French military aid to, 304, 538, 705, 707, 741, 762, 784–785
- Hungarian economic aid to, 273
- Iraq, relations with, 16, 72, 78, 99, 221n, 237–238, 361
- Israel, relations with (see also Armed attack, possible; Border incidents), 5–6, 127, 160–161, 238, 264–265, 727–728, 739, 886
- Israeli position, 839, 871–872
- Jordan, relations with, 221n
- Lebanon, relations with, 221n
- Military capabilities, 361, 551, 570, 657–658, 761–764, 771–772, 784
- National Intelligence Estimate, 750–772
- Neutralism, 543, 579, 584, 730–731, 752, 764–765, 822
- North Africa, relations with, 705, 707
- Political situation (see also
Revolutionary Command Council
below), 5, 8, 15, 93, 116, 271, 435,
- Communist Party, 753, 756–757, 764
- Czech arms deal, 508–509, 511, 518, 521, 658, 751, 754, 761, 764
- Free Officers group, 756
- Israeli attitude, 144–145
- Liberation Rally, 754
- Moslem Brotherhood, 572, 753, 756–758, 822
- National Intelligence Estimate, 750–751, 753–758
- Soviet military aid, 271, 355–358, 497–498
- Wafd Party, 753, 756–757
- Revolutionary Command Council, 119, 121, 144n, 398–399, 428, 680, 753–758, 761–762, 768–769
- Rumanian economic aid to, 262
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 678, 695, 729
- Soviet bloc, relations with (see also Czech arms deal above), 272, 275–276, 305
- Soviet economic aid to, 272, 353n, 355–356, 395–396, 540n, 542, 573
- Soviet military aid to (see
Czech arms deal
above), 255–256, 308,
353n, 481, 483–484, 541
- Alpha Operation, 358–359, 367
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 497–498
- Armed attack, possible, 766
- British position, 304
- CIA report, 395–396
- Cotton barter, 261–262, 266, 270, 272–273, 305
- Egyptian political situation, 271, 355–358, 497–498
- Egyptian position, 238–239, 255, 497
- Israeli position, 356
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 436n
- U.S. military aid to Iraq, 323
- Soviet Union, relations with, 255–256, 262, 327, 355–358, 504n, 579, 584, 655, 751–752, 764–766
- Sudan, relations with (see also Nile River issue), 328, 333, 377, 491, 518, 755
- Syria, relations with, 606, 654, 678, 683, 710, 768–769, 859–860
- Tiran Straits, 571
- Turkey, relations with, 10, 71
- United Kingdom, relations with, 70–72, 170, 560–561, 678, 754, 767
- United States, relations with:
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 694–695
- Aswan Dam, 525, 694, 851–852
- Baghdad Pact, 147, 264, 695–696
- Border incidents, 215–216, 235n
- Cotton policy, 16, 327, 525, 660, 678, 770, 801, 815, 838
- Czech arms deal, 551–552, 604–607
- Egyptian position, 188n, 189–190, 192
- Eisenhower letter, 207–208
- International Fair, 16
- Israeli spy trials, 33–34
- Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement, 273n, 308
- Nasser visit, 328–329, 435–437, 462–463, 472, 606
- National Intelligence Estimate, 752, 766–767, 770–771
- Northern Tier, 767
- Radio broadcasts, 678
- Soviet military aid to Egypt, 436n
- Suez Canal Base, 314, 518–519
- U.S.–Israeli relations, 767, 851
- U.S.–British economic aid to, 26, 29, 37, 42, 60, 101, 125, 204, 678
- U.S.–British military aid to, 8–9, 24, 26, 29, 37, 51, 60, 101, 117, 125
- U.S.–British policy toward, 677–679, 708–709, 713–715, 723, 729, 730–731
- U.S. economic aid to (see also Aswan Dam), 16, 238, 471, 527, 544, 561–562, 606, 696, 770, 820
- U.S. military aid to, 16, 353
- Alpha Operation and, 15–16, 24, 29, 37, 51, 101, 422, 462, 476, 482, 487–488
- Border incidents, 305
- British position, 304, 632
- Czech arms deal, 512, 538–539, 541, 632
- Defense Department position, 337–338
- Economic aid and, 471
- Egyptian political situation, 8, 15
- Egyptian position, 15, 238–240, 255, 262, 270–271, 357, 572
- Egyptian requirements, 274
- ESS Pact, 338
- Financing, 332–333, 354, 357, 377, 381–382, 471, 484, 538
- Iraqi position, 338
- Israeli position, 8–9, 15, 307–308, 518, 528
- Soviet–Egyptian relations, 255–256, 327
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 332, 338
- U.S. position, 263, 271–273, 303–308, 338–339, 491, 504, 525, 782
- U.S. policy toward, 679–680
- United States, relations with, 119, 120–121, 236–240, 360, 674
- West, relations with, 151–152
- Western military aid to, 571–572, 682
- Egypt–Jordan road.See Land connectionunder Arab States.
- Egypt–Syria–Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact (see also Egypt; Saudi Arabia; Syria), 79n, 94, 189–190, 768–769
- Ein Gev, 177
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 700n
- Alpha Operation, 53–54, 166, 175–176, 179, 184, 200, 207–208, 339–340, 725
- Anderson mission, 725, 810, 836
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 315, 593, 629n, 667–668, 699
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 54, 718, 733
- Aswan Dam, 808, 810, 812, 815–817, 837–838, 864–865
- Baghdad Pact, 324
- Border incidents, 245–246, 439
- Bulganin correspondence, 648–649, 681
- Czech arms deal, 505, 510, 532, 535, 548, 576–577, 636, 641n, 648–649, 681, 683n
- Eden visit, 809–810
- Egypt, 199, 205–206, 207–208, 274n, 303–304, 307, 328–329, 338–339, 436–437
- Egyptian spy trials, 33
- Iraq, 302, 320–323, 339–340, 346–347, 351
- Israel, 338–339, 439, 589, 684n, 720, 725, 774, 837
- Jordan River Development Plan, 20, 89
- Near East, 51, 294, 554n, 556, 653–654, 725, 810, 836
- Political situation, 613
- Soviet Union, 510–511, 532, 535, 548, 576–577, 636, 641n, 648–649, 681, 683n, 808
- United Kingdom, 320–323, 653–654, 733, 808–810
- Eisenhower, Milton, 810
- El Al, Abd, 450
- El Auja (see also under Border incidents), 169
- Elath, 177, 381, 459–460, 782, 794, 796, 845–846, 887
- Elath, Eliahu, 97, 199, 209
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 242n, 820n
- Emmerson, John K., 464–465
- Eshkol, Levi, 57, 69, 75, 108–110, 196n, 673, 881–883
- Ethiopia, 503
- Export Control Act,1949, 596, 664
- Eytan, Walter, 148, 158, 167, 535–536, 744–745, 811, 853, 859, 893
- Faisal II, King, 559
- Faisal, Prince, 408, 422
- Faraq, Ahmad, 49, 478
- Fawzi, Mahmoud:
- Alpha Operation, 120–125, 141,
471, 732, 736, 781–783, 790, 807–808
- Arab States’ role, 749, 782
- British public statement, 737
- Egypt, approaches to, 178, 206, 210, 820
- Egyptian position, 468–469
- Egyptian role, 749
- Israel, approaches to, 468, 835
- Methods of negotiation, 463, 468, 489, 491, 737, 781, 783
- Public statement, 295, 376–378, 388–389, 403, 485, 607
- U.S.–Egyptian discussions, 724–725
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 130–133, 152, 265–266, 283, 296–297, 493, 695, 782, 858–859
- Arab League Political Committee meeting, 433n
- Border incidents, 130n, 144, 216n, 677, 840, 858
- Gaza attack, 80
- Israel, 33, 34n, 264–265, 468, 835
- Jackson negotiations, 431
- Jerusalem, 737, 781–782
- Jordan River Development Plan, 45, 291, 292n, 306n, 307, 365–366, 444, 480, 737
- Near East, 471, 482
- Palestinian refugees, 737, 782
- Political situation, 286, 435
- Security treaty, 265
- Soviet Union, 436n, 858–859
- Sudan, 333, 372
- Territorial adjustments, 152, 468, 486, 737, 782
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 263–264, 360, 435–437
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 239
- Alpha Operation, 120–125, 141,
471, 732, 736, 781–783, 790, 807–808
- Fernand–Laurent, Jean, 803
- Fleh, M.T., 779–780
- Flemming, Arthur S., 553–555, 616, 622, 626, 628–629, 661, 665–666
- Foreign Operations Administration, 110, 321
- Foster, Andrew B., 301, 501–505, 632–633, 808
- Foster, Paul, 661
- Foster, William C., 538
- France (see also
Consortium under Aswan
Dam; France, French, Tripartite and Western
subheadings under other subjects):
- Alpha Operation, 25, 46, 97, 100, 104, 106–107, 290, 313, 342, 350, 420
- Arab States, relations with, 403, 608n, 705, 741
- Armed attack, possible, 244–245, 596–597, 600, 615, 641, 668, 792
- Bat Galim incident, 1
- Border incidents, 208, 445, 701
- Czech arms deal, 502–503, 509, 517–519, 524, 532, 608n, 685
- Lake Tiberias attack, 854–856
- Near East, military aid to, 549, 681, 741–742, 787–788, 791–792, 874–875
- Near East, policy toward, 728
- Security guarantees, 12, 24–25, 41, 45, 106
- United States, relations with, 342
- Franco, Francisco, 719
- Frangieh, Hamid, 291n, 307n, 419, 450, 465
- Frankland, Noble, 79n
- Galilee (see also Lake Tiberias attack), 791, 857
- Gallman, Waldemar J., 2–3, 288n, 342–343, 345n, 363n, 405–406, 417–418, 433n, 454–455, 514n
- Gardiner, Arthur Z., 21–22, 44, 90, 108n, 109, 111, 197–198, 218n, 288n
- Gargoni, Khalid, 409
- Gamer, Robert L., 778–779
- Gay, Merrill C., 645n, 798
- Gaza attack,Feb. 1955, 73–78, 80–83, 87, 115, 130n, 575, 866
- Alpha Operation and, 82–83, 90–92, 98–100, 122, 609
- Arab position, 91
- Bat Galim incident and, 87–89
- Border incidents and, 75–76, 84, 89, 150
- Czech arms deal and, 538, 609
- Egypt, approaches to, 91, 115, 206
- Egyptian position, 80, 116–117, 119
- Israeli position, 75–76, 81, 84–85, 110, 150, 572
- Suez Canal shipping restrictions and, 88
- U.N. response, 76–78, 92, 115, 130n
- U.S. position, 86–89, 92–93, 571, 822
- Gaza Strip (see also Armed attack, possible; Border incidents; Gaza attack; Territorial adjustments):
- General Armistice Agreements,1949:
- Geneva Conference, 327, 367, 510n, 530–532, 540, 545, 548–549, 562, 586, 617, 721
- George, Walter F., 349, 613, 617, 652, 653n, 659, 662–663
- Geren, Paul F., 331n, 379n, 409–411, 442–443
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also Consortiumunder Aswan Dam), 597
- al–Ghazzi, Said, 466n, 586–587, 867
- Ghuth, Sayid Hamza, 396
- Gibb, Alexander, 645, 808
- Gleason, S. Everett, 553–558, 616–630, 661–668, 696–700, 812–817
- Gohar, Salah:
- Goldmann, Haim, 152
- Goldmann, Nahum, 887
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 20, 89–90
- Gordon, Robert C.F., 393n, 395n, 712n
- Graves, Hubert, 558
- Gray, Gordon, 661
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 680–681
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 533–534, 892
- Haifa, 11, 40, 104, 169, 203, 824–825
- Haikel, Mohamed, 428
- Halifax, Lord, 795
- Hammarskjöld, Dag:
- Hancock, Patrick, 516, 529, 542, 650, 670, 720, 748, 773n
- Hanes, John W., Jr., 122, 576n
- Harcourt, Viscount William Edward, 849
- Harding, Field Marshal Sir John, 71
- Hare, Raymond A., 9n, 45n, 540n
- Harkavy, Yehoshafat, 448
- Harriman, W. Averell, 613
- Harris, Charles B., 163n
- Harrison, Geoffrey, 529
- Hart, Parker T., 28, 49, 92n, 142n, 160n, 169n, 360–361, 366n, 403
- Harza Engineering Company, 21–22, 43
- Hasan, Ibrahim, 266
- Hassouna, Mohammed Abdel–Khalek al, 479, 587n
- Heath, Donald B., 207n, 210n, 211, 232, 288n, 291n, 307n, 342, 419–420, 444, 450–451
- Hebron, 169, 177
- Heikel, Mohamed, 446n
- Helm, Alexander Knox, 560
- Henderson, Loy W., 406–407, 534
- Herzog, Col. Chaim, 219n, 241
- Herzog, Yaacov, 400, 455–456, 501, 786, 789, 811, 821–822, 853, 871, 873
- High Aswan Dam.See Aswan Dam.
- Hilmy, Samir, 808, 862
- Hogaboom, Robert E., 697
- Holland, Henry Finch, 697
- Hollister, John B., 320n
- Hommel, Col. Robert E., 133–134, 260
- Hood, Viscount Samuel, 529
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 33n, 507n, 790n
- Alpha Operation, 28, 34, 45, 146, 166,
175, 341n, 461,
472, 725, 793
- British position, 185, 209, 435
- British public statement, 738, 773
- Cost, 113–114
- Egypt, 114–115, 179, 199, 471–472, 736–738
- Israel, 466–467, 472
- Order of approach, 210n
- Public statement, 222, 231, 233, 248–249, 286n, 309
- U.S. communications centers, 113
- U.S. Government involvement, 184
- U.S. military aid to Iraq, 341
- U.S. position, 209
- Anderson mission, 674–675, 725, 736, 810, 836
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 253, 616, 625, 627, 629, 661–662, 665–666, 712
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 9n, 25, 27, 674, 693, 719, 733, 746, 775
- Arab States, 472, 719, 792
- Aswan Dam, 644–645, 647, 817–819, 861–862, 864
- British aid for, 661, 818, 869–870
- British proposals, 646, 660–661
- Consortium, 861, 863–865, 869–870
- Egypt, approaches to, 818–819, 860, 868–870
- Egyptian position, 862, 870
- IBRD loan for, 644–646, 656, 661, 742–743, 778–779, 798, 800
- Negotiated contract vs. competitive bidding, 861–865, 870
- Soviet aid for, 645
- U.S. aid for, 661, 812–813, 815, 817, 869–870
- U.S.–British cooperation, 810, 849–851, 860–862
- U.S. firms, 800, 864–865
- U.S. position, 643–644, 801
- Baghdad Pact, 294n, 746
- Border incidents, 214–216, 443, 445–446, 676–677, 696, 698–700, 712
- Czech arms deal, 502, 520–524, 527–529, 533–535, 636n, 641–642, 648, 691, 774, 776
- Eden U.S. visit, 809–810
- Egypt:
- Iraq, 320, 323, 341, 677
- Israel, 686, 717–719, 725, 848
- Jerusalem, 464, 513–514, 686
- Jordan–Egypt road, 25
- Jordan River Development Plan, 306–307, 465n
- Near East:
- Nile River issue, 491–492, 644, 647, 799, 868
- Security guarantees, 25, 27, 693, 719
- Soviet Union, 395n, 481, 483, 510n, 641–642, 645, 648, 691–693
- Sudan, 491–492, 743
- Syria, 677
- Tripartite Declaration, 746
- Alpha Operation, 28, 34, 45, 146, 166,
175, 341n, 461,
472, 725, 793
- Hoppenot, Henri, 247, 249–250
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 820n
- al–Huda, Tawfik, 218n
- Hughes, Rowland R., 665
- Humphrey, George M., 557, 612, 675n
- Hussein, Ahmed, 355–358, 360–361, 388, 403
- Hussein, King, 54, 109, 218, 364, 378, 379n, 409
- Immigration and Nationality Act, 1952, 617
- India, 123, 350, 544, 765
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 750n
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (World Bank) (see also under Aswan Dam):
- International Cooperation Administration, 864
- Iran (see also Northern Tier under Near East: Regional defense), 201, 324–325, 512, 555–557, 559, 722, 855
- Iraq (see also Arab, Iraq, and Iraqi
subheadings under other subjects;
Arab States; Baghdad
Pact; Northern Tier
Near East: Regional
- Arab States, relations with, 482
- British military aid to, 320–321, 351, 370, 517, 544, 547, 559–560
- Egypt, relations with, 16, 72, 78, 99, 221n, 237–238, 361
- France, relations with, 403
- Israel, relations with, 458–459
- Morocco, 403
- Oil industry, 547
- Palestinian refugees, 103
- Political situation, 287–288, 321, 339, 722
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 585
- Syria, relations with, 560, 654–655, 662, 677, 715, 769
- United Kingdom, relations with, 91, 94–95, 115, 211, 301, 652
- United States, relations with, 556–557
- U.S.–British military aid to, 373–374, 517, 544
- U.S. economic aid to, 547
- U.S. military aid to, 10, 182, 323,
351, 362, 367, 560
- Alpha Operation public statement, 287, 294, 296, 298, 301–303, 309, 335, 339–341, 373–374
- British position, 287, 294, 296, 301–303, 320–322, 335, 370
- Czech arms deal, 517, 544
- Israeli position, 63, 170, 339, 346, 457, 683
- Saudi position, 695
- U.S. position, 298, 309, 323–325, 339–340, 345–346, 654
- U.S. Zionist position, 146
- Western aid to, 583, 708
- Israel (see also Israel and Israeli subheadings under
other subjects;
Border incidents; Jerusalem; Jordan River Development
- Arab citizens in, 359
- Arab secondary boycott, 11, 25, 37, 40, 46, 62, 82, 102, 105, 203, 886
- Arms procurement program, 638–639, 673, 698, 714, 739, 811, 821–822, 879
- Atomic energy, 20
- British military aid to, 722, 772n, 785
- Economic situation, 57–58
- Egypt, relations with (see also Armed attack, possible; Border incidents), 5–6, 127, 160–161, 238, 264–265, 727–728, 739, 886
- France, relations with, 344
- French military aid to, 262, 673, 706, 714, 775–776, 803, 811–812, 876, 892
- Germany, Federal Republic of, aid to, 238
- Immigration, 57
- Iraq, relations with, 458–459
- Isolation of, 63, 119, 149–150
- Italian military aid to, 698, 714, 723, 784
- Jordan, relations with (see also Border incidents; Haifa; Latrun; Negev; Territorial adjustments), 5, 708
- Lebanon, relations with (see also Border incidents; Territorial adjustments), 5, 19
- Military capabilities, 361, 551, 570, 578–579, 658, 698, 739–740, 771–772, 803n, 831
- Oil imports, 458
- Political situation, 5–6, 63, 249, 415, 429–430, 692
- Soviet military aid to, 573–574, 692
- Soviet Union, relations with, 671, 689, 691
- Syria, relations with (see also Border incidents; Jordan River Development Plan; Lake Tiberias attack; Territorial adjustments), 5 [Page 915]
- Turkey, relations with, 85
- United Kingdom, relations with, 12–13, 344
- United States, relations with (see also Israeli treaty proposals under Security guarantees), 699–700
- U.S.–British economic aid to, 37, 102
- U.S.–British military aid to, 42, 88–89, 91, 102, 708–709, 722
- U.S. economic aid to, 14, 75, 110–112, 182, 245, 247, 673, 886–887
- U.S. military aid to, 182, 627, 629,
658, 662, 714, 834, 837, 847–848
- Alpha Operation and, 890n, 891
- Arab position, 752–753, 771, 837, 877
- Armed attack, possible, 740
- Czech arms deal, 541, 591, 622, 682, 718, 773–774, 811–812
- Egyptian position, 238–239
- Israeli position, 150, 171, 657, 683, 718–719, 773–774, 776, 832
- Lake Tiberias attack, 856–857, 876, 889, 892
- Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement, 573
- Soviet military aid to Arab States, 305, 852
- Tripartite Declaration, 849
- U.S.–Arab relations, 851–852, 868
- U.S.–British talks, 651, 722, 791
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 332, 338
- U.S. policy toward, 31, 44–45, 52, 61, 131, 684
- West, relations with. See under Jerusalem.
- Western military aid to, 884–885
- Zionist influence, 698
- Italy (see also Western subheadings under other subjects), 698, 714–715, 723, 784, 787–788, 791–792
- Jackson, Elmore, 431–432, 441, 456, 462–463, 470
- Jackson negotiations, 431–432, 439–440, 447, 463, 470
- Jacquin de Margerie, Roland, 375n, 394, 705–706, 740–741, 884n
- Japan, 715
- Jernegan, John D., 33n, 55n, 127n, 162n, 209n, 248n, 351n, 371n, 385n, 464n, 466n, 471n, 472n
- Jerusalem, 14, 25
- Demilitarization, 104
- Egyptian position, 737, 781–782
- Instruments of settlement, 41–42, 106, 132
- Iraqi position, 418
- Israeli position, 460
- Public statement, 223, 225, 289, 313, 317, 386, 842
- Swedish resolution, 29, 39, 46, 104, 289
- U.N. role, 41–42, 106, 132, 225, 317, 386, 418, 842
- Western relations with, 569
- Jerusalem road, 10–11, 25, 37, 102, 202, 289, 842
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 374
- Johnston, Eric:
- Alpha Operation, 284–285, 292–293, 295, 490
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 252–253
- Border incidents, 33n, 400, 427–428
- Czech arms deal, 512, 533, 568, 590–591
- Jordan River Development Plan, 20–23, 29, 89–90, 109–112, 154, 156,
174, 180, 197–198, 218–219, 232,
- Alpha Operation, 101, 114, 251–252, 283, 297, 322, 343, 349, 363, 409–411
- Arab League participation, 363–364, 369, 480
- Arab negotiations, 291–292, 360n
- Arab position, 48–49, 65–68, 565–567
- Arab Technical Committee, 464–465, 501
- British role, 501–502
- Egyptian participation, 360n, 365–366, 521
- Egyptian position, 444
- Foreign Ministers’ meeting, 450–451, 465–466, 473, 478–480, 494–495, 501, 565–568, 586–587
- Iraqi position, 480–481
- Israeli negotiations, 278, 589–590
- Israeli position, 43–45, 52, 64, 68–69, 74–75, 108, 150
- Jordanian position, 54–55, 426, 442, 473–474, 564
- Lebanese position, 306, 450, 564
- Syrian political situation, 331, 334–335
- Syrian position, 48, 450n, 466, 564
- U.S. position, 314
- Palestinian refugees, 57–58, 112, 426
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 556, 588, 614–616, 619, 640
- Jones, G. Lewis, Jr., 34, 48–49
- Jordan (see also
Arab States; Haifa; Jordan and Jordanian subheadings under other
Jordan River Development Plan):
- Arab–Israeli dispute, effects on, 17
- Arab States, relations with, 17, 206
- Economic situation, 17
- Egypt, relations with, 221n
- Israel, relations with (see also Border incidents; Haifa; Latrun; Negev; Territorial adjustments), 5, 708
- Palestinian refugees, 39
- Political situation, 18, 206, 212, 279, 288
- Security guarantees, 106
- Soviet military aid to, 595
- United Kingdom, relations with, 17, 36, 100, 106, 206
- U.S. economic and military aid to, 17, 146, 594–595
- Arab–Israeli dispute, effects on, 17
- Jordan–Egypt road. See Land connection under Arab States.
- Jordan River Development Plan (Johnston Plan), 21–22, 89–90, 218–219, 291–292, 360n
- Alpha Operation and, 27, 35, 98, 101, 115, 176, 251–252, 283, 494–495
- Arab–Israel settlement and, 14, 181, 829, 842
- Arab League role, 22, 360n, 363–364, 366, 369, 442–443, 479–480, 566, 587
- Arab position, 65–68, 109, 218, 565–567
- Arab States, U.S. military aid to, 182
- Arab States agreement, 65–68, 109
- Arab Technical Committee, 464–465, 501
- Aswan Dam and, 372
- Baghdad Pact and, 55, 480
- Banat Yaqub project, 22, 31, 43–45, 69, 112, 478, 575, 581, 587, 589
- British position, 3–4, 23, 474
- British role, 97, 501–502
- Cost, 111
- Czech arms deal and, 512–513, 542, 544
- “Damascus Plan,” 566–568, 586
- Division of waters, 43–44, 108–110, 198
- Egyptian participation, 61, 360n, 362, 365–366, 480, 494, 521, 559, 606, 678, 738
- Egyptian position, 131, 306–307, 444, 480, 512n, 513–514, 566, 568
- ESS Pact and, 683
- Foreign Ministers’ meeting, 450–451, 465, 466, 473, 478–480, 494, 501, 565–566, 568, 586–587
- Gaza strip, 57
- Guarantees, 42
- Instruments of settlement, 40, 105
- IBRD role, 20
- Iraqi position, 363, 480–481, 514
- Israeli engineers’ U.S. visit, 154
- Israeli negotiations, 278–279, 589–590
- Israeli position, 43–45, 52–53, 63, 64–65, 68–69, 74, 101, 112, 150, 154, 173, 180, 194, 823, 825, 828–829, 876
- Jisr Banat Yaqub. See Banat Yaqub project above.
- Jordan, benefits to, 17, 212
- Jordanian position, 54–55, 109, 426n, 427, 442–443, 473–474, 480, 564–566
- Lake Tiberias, 43–44, 48, 108, 110, 197–198, 268–269, 278
- Lebanese position, 57, 307n, 450, 564–567, 575
- Maqarin Dam, 426
- Negev, 53
- Neutral control authority, 22, 48, 198, 426, 478
- Palestinian refugees, 11, 14, 23, 29, 39, 58, 103, 112, 203, 224, 252, 363, 426, 846
- Saudi position, 219n, 363, 480
- Soviet position, 575
- Syrian political situation, 331, 334–335
- Syrian position, 48, 69, 279, 450n, 466, 564–567
- Territorial adjustments and, 25, 37
- U.N. role, 20, 22, 29, 140, 575
- UNRWA role, 23, 58, 111
- U.S.–British aid for, 15, 107
- U.S. economic aid for, 204, 478
- U.S. economic aid to Israel, 14, 75, 110–111, 182
- U.S. economic aid to Lebanon, 111
- U.S. economic aid to Syria, 111
- U.S. position, 56, 110, 159, 314
- Wiener U.S. visit, 74–75, 108
- Yarmuk Dam, 478
- Kaissouni, Abdel Moneim, 354
- Karame, Rashid, 466n
- Key, David McK., 219n
- Khouri, Faris, 423
- Kirk, Roger, 395n
- Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone, 707, 713, 720
- Kollek, Teddy, 69, 74–75, 108, 161n, 194, 219n, 811
- Koprulu, Mehmet Fuat, 380
- Kuznetzov, Vasili V., 529
- Labouisse, Henry R., 23, 313, 747
- Lahud, Salim, 586
- Lake Tiberias attack, 852–859, 866–868, 871–872, 876, 882–884, 889, 892
- Lange, Halvard, 502
- Latrun, 10–11, 25, 37, 102, 104, 181, 202, 842
- Lavon, Pinhas, 5, 86n
- Lavrentiev, Anatoliy I., 396
- Lawson, Edward B., 5n
- Africa, 786
- Alpha Operation, 50, 96, 166n, 342–343, 407n, 744–745, 772, 784–785
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 89
- Armed attack, possible, 638–639, 739–740
- Baghdad Pact, 83–86
- Border incidents, 120, 125–126, 130n, 135–138, 143n, 165, 214n, 441, 447, 739–740, 853n
- Czech arms deal, 590–591, 650, 784–786
- Egypt, 139–140, 447, 528n, 740
- Gaza attack, 75–76, 84–89, 92, 93n
- Israel, 63–65, 69, 139–140, 638–639, 673, 740
- Jackson negotiations, 439–440, 447, 456, 470
- Jerusalem, 326, 399–400, 423–424, 500–501, 726–727
- Jordan River Development Plan, 52–53, 63–65, 74–75, 194, 198n, 589–590
- Near East, 144–151, 694n, 786
- Palestinian refugees, 47, 56–58
- Lay, James S., Jr., 592, 639–640
- Lebanon (see also
Arab States; Jordan River
Development Plan; Lebanon and Lebanese
subheadings under other subjects):
- Arab States, relations with, 213
- Egypt, relations with, 221n
- France, relations with, 182, 705
- IBRD loan for, 306
- Israel, relations with (see also Border incidents; Territorial adjustments), 5, 19
- Litani River, 18, 57, 213, 306
- Palestinian refugees, 39, 103
- Political situation, 279, 466
- Security guarantees, 18–19, 213–214
- Soviet military aid to, 595
- Syria, relations with, 19, 213
- Syrian political situation, 654
- United States, relations with, 18, 66, 111, 213, 233, 450, 594–595
- Western aid to, 705–706, 708
- Libya, 124, 304, 480, 503, 517, 672, 705
- Litani River, 18, 57, 213, 306
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.:
- Ludlow, James M., 21, 160n–161n, 191n, 214n, 215n, 219n, 242n, 291n, 331n, 365n, 450
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 146–147, 176, 185n, 516, 524, 542, 548–549, 650, 670, 720, 832
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 518
- Macmillan, Harold M., 156–157, 176–178, 185–186, 233, 248–249, 529
- Alpha Operation, 311–312, 366, 373, 393, 433–435, 744, 772, 783n, 820, 827, 877
- Anderson mission, 836
- Armed attack, possible, 270, 352
- Aswan Dam, 632–636, 669, 875, 877
- Baghdad Pact, 324, 713
- Border incidents, 247–248, 270, 677, 876
- Buraimi dispute, 878
- Czech arms deal, 502, 524, 530–532, 534, 641–642, 685
- Egypt, 303, 634–635, 741
- Geneva Conference, 510n
- Iraq, 321–322
- Jordan River Development Plan, 474, 501–502
- Near East:
- Security guarantees, 474–475, 657
- Territorial adjustments, 475, 827
- Tripartite Declaration, 243, 250–251, 875
- U.S.–British relations, 877
- Macomber, William B., 660
- Mak, Dayton S., 90, 95, 197, 485, 493
- Makins, Roger M., 808n
- Alpha Operation, 146–147, 156, 303, 335–336, 340–341, 790, 832–834
- Anderson mission, 888
- Armed attack, possible, 247, 792
- Aswan Dam, 632–633, 644, 660–661, 734, 743, 863, 865, 868, 870
- Border incidents, 791
- Czech arms deal, 516, 529, 542–543, 547–548, 550n, 558–561
- Iraq, 340–341, 345–346, 351, 362
- Jordan River Development Plan, 362
- Near East, 303, 787n, 791
- Territorial adjustments, 177, 367
- Malik, Charles, 306, 529, 654
- Mallory, Lester D., 96n, 210n, 211, 231, 288n, 564–565, 567
- Manila Pact, 13, 154, 159
- Mansfield, Mike, 613
- Maqarin Dam, 426
- Massigli, René, 875
- Massoud, Mohammed, 422
- Matteson, Robert, 661, 697
- McCardle, Carl W., 529
- McCarran Act, 617
- McSweeney, John, 161n
- Meir, Golda. See Myerson, Goldie.
- Menderes, Adnan, 10, 71–72, 83n, 380
- Merchant, Livingston T., 185n, 247, 507n
- Meroz, Yohanon, 856
- Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., 21–22, 43
- Mixed Armistice Commission, 64, 76–77, 133–134, 163, 217, 221, 281
- Mohieddin, Zakaria, 78
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 483, 689, 692, 721, 797
- Moose, James S., Jr., 54–55, 69n, 288n, 306n, 466, 565–567, 866–868
- Morocco, 304, 403, 434
- Morris, Willy, 397, 542, 558, 774n, 778, 790
- Mosadeq, Mohammed, 111
- al–Mufti, Said, 218n, 291n, 331, 378, 379n, 409–410, 423, 434, 442–443, 474, 564–565, 586
- Muirhead, David, 373
- Murphy, Robert D., 33n, 45n, 114n, 184n, 209n, 261, 351n, 569, 677, 713n
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act, 1949, 239, 273
- Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement, 273n, 308, 573
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 8, 15, 324–325
- Mutual Defense Assistance Understanding, 1952, 256n
- Mutual Security Act, 1951, 239n
- Mutual Security Act, 1954, 8, 15, 308, 337
- Myerson, Goldie, 196n, 745, 811, 838–839, 880–882
- Naguib, Mohammed, 239n, 538n, 753, 871
- Nahal Oz, 133
- Nahhalin, 866
- Naqqash, Alfred, 65
- Nasser, Gamal Abd’al (see also Egypt):
- Alpha Operation, 6, 155–156, 166–167, 176, 783,
- Baghdad Pact and, 821
- Cost, 179, 184
- Czech arms deal and, 519
- Eden talks, 35, 46, 50–51, 59–62, 70, 91, 94, 98, 100, 113, 115, 118, 129, 185, 207
- Egypt, inducements for, 36–37, 101–102, 156
- Egyptian role, 118–119, 121, 820
- Methods of negotiation, 422, 463, 489, 491, 872–873, 890n, 891
- Near East regional defense, 127–129
- Public statement, 234, 289, 376–379, 387–389, 402, 406n, 432–433, 485, 495, 674, 738
- Timing, 95, 97, 99–100, 113–115, 117, 178–179, 199–201, 206, 369, 724
- U.S. military aid and, 487–488
- Anderson mission, 725, 810
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 130–133, 283, 311, 493–494, 505, 609, 672, 674, 693–695, 768, 827, 871
- Arab States, 78–79, 333–334, 674, 719, 839
- Armed attack, possible, 397, 399, 428, 735
- Aswan Dam, 204–205, 210, 231, 266, 655, 669, 671–672, 694, 696, 723, 760
- Baghdad Pact, 71–72, 78–79, 609, 746, 821
- Bandung Conference, 132, 141, 154, 166, 178, 822
- Border incidents, 190n, 220, 227–228, 404, 441–442, 477, 497, 563–564, 739, 804n
- Czech arms deal, 509, 512n, 519, 524–526, 542–549, 568,
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 562, 735
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 505, 609
- Aswan Dam, 655, 671
- Baghdad Pact and, 609
- Egyptian position, 516–517, 520–523, 537–540, 570
- Egyptian–Soviet relations, 524–525, 553
- Political situation, 508–509, 518, 608, 658, 679
- U.S.–British approaches to Egypt, 527, 559, 561
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 524–525, 551–552, 604–607
- Economic situation, 694, 696, 751
- ESS Pact, 122–123
- France, 262–263, 741
- Iraq, 238, 361
- Israel, 540, 571–575, 590, 683, 835, 884
- Jackson negotiations, 431–432, 439–440, 456, 470
- Jordan, 565
- Jordan River Development Plan, 444, 512n, 514, 566–568, 587, 589, 829, 876
- Neutralism, 730–731
- Nile River issue, 503, 655
- North Africa, 403
- Palestinian refugees, 808
- Political situation, 5, 93–94, 116, 118, 355–358, 428–429, 435, 448, 497–498, 563–564
- Revolutionary Command Council, 680, 783
- Saudi Arabia, 507, 695
- Security guarantees, 162
- Soviet military aid to Egypt, 255, 261, 266, 270–272, 353n, 356–357, 396, 436n, 484, 497–498
- Soviet Union, 327, 507, 655, 674, 695, 741, 765–767
- Sudan, 560–561, 655, 711n
- Syria, 507, 654, 695
- Territorial adjustments, 70, 156, 169, 176–177, 185, 485–488, 611, 621, 721
- Tripartite Declaration, 243
- United Kingdom, 71–72, 146, 434, 524–526, 560–561
- U.S.–British policy toward Egypt, 677–679, 709, 713–715, 723
- U.S. economic aid to Egypt, 606, 719, 770
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 147, 188–189, 237–240, 263, 307, 327, 360, 382, 534, 674, 679–680, 694, 696
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 7–8, 15, 238–239, 255–256, 262–263, 271, 305, 332, 338, 339n, 353–354, 361–362, 381, 484
- U.S. visit, 328–329, 435–437, 462, 472, 482, 606
- West, relations with, 151–152, 608
- Alpha Operation, 6, 155–156, 166–167, 176, 783,
- National Intelligence Estimates, NIE 36.1–55, 750–772
- National Security Council:
- Actions:
- Alpha Operation, 46
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 556–557, 588, 592–603, 616–630, 639–641
- Armed attack, possible, 663–668
- Aswan Dam, 813–817
- Border incidents, 242–243, 697–699
- Czech arms deal, 553–555, 618, 621–622, 629
- Documents, NSC 5428, 242–246, 554–555, 557–558, 592–593, 595, 600–603, 618–621, 623–630, 639–641, 649–650, 663–668, 716
- Gaza attack, 81–82
- Near East, 554–558, 662–663, 797
- Near East:
- Balance of power (see also Coordination under Western military aid below):
- British interests in, 26
- British military aid to, 7, 530, 656, 681, 740–742
- Communism in, 695
- French military aid to, 549, 705–707, 716–717
- French policy toward, 728
- Italian military aid to, 749n
- Oil industry, 543, 708, 728–729
- Regional defense, 2, 13, 201
- All–Arab approach, 361
- British role, 127
- British position, 118, 128–129
- Czech arms deal, 579, 583, 764–765
- Eden–Nasser talks, 71
- Egyptian position, 237, 482, 583, 768
- Egyptian role, 121, 127–128, 361, 377, 462, 637
- Israeli position, 149–150
- Israeli role, 12–14, 37, 84, 91, 99, 102, 116, 153
- National Intelligence Estimate, 764–765
- Northern Tier (see also Baghdad Pact):
- Pakistani role, 361
- Saudi position, 583
- Syrian position, 583
- Turkish role, 361
- U.S.–British strategy talks, 303
- U.S. position, 314, 471
- Soviet policy toward (see also Soviet role under Arab–Israeli dispute), 123, 364, 395–396, 693, 764–765, 795, 797
- Tripartite policy toward, 706, 717, 741–742
- U.S.–British economic aid to, 27, 51, 53–54, 176, 203–204
- U.S.–British military aid to, 42, 107, 176
- U.S.–British policy toward, 203–204, 546–547, 670–672, 707–710, 713–716, 720–723, 728–732, 746
- U.S. economic aid to, 462
- U.S. military aid to, 9, 203–204, 325, 339n, 340n, 361, 457, 504, 554, 556–557, 653–654, 693, 834
- U.S. policy toward, 26, 83, 116–117, 265, 462, 471, 488–489, 554–558, 612–613
- Western military aid to, 573, 681
- Near East Arms Coordinating Committee, 656, 706, 717, 741, 748, 788, 792
- Negev:
- Alpha Operation public statement, 224, 289, 312, 317, 381–383
- British position, 177, 185, 651, 880–881
- British–U.S. proposal, 202
- Egyptian position, 132, 152, 177–178, 264–265, 283, 358, 468–469, 485–488, 493, 552, 582, 609, 621, 737, 768
- Israeli political situation, 879
- Israeli position, 452, 459–460, 486, 488, 794, 842–846, 857, 876
- Joint administration, 152–153
- Jordan River Development Plan, 53
- Oil, 624
- Settlement of, 56, 402
- U.N. resolution, 1947, 177, 721
- U.S.–British proposals, 25, 38, 46–47, 102, 156
- U.S. position, 169, 176–178, 359, 369, 611, 624, 790, 793, 802, 830, 842–843, 885
- Neguib. See Negev.
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 544, 679, 765
- New Zealand, 1
- Nicholls, John Walter, 96n, 157, 288n, 400, 423–424, 569n, 744–745, 772, 785, 789, 880–881
- Nile River issue (see also
- British position, 710n, 711, 734
- British role, 503, 647, 723, 799
- Egyptian position, 743, 799, 801
- IBRD loan for Aswan Dam, 333, 377, 644, 678, 710n, 760, 780, 799, 818–819, 850, 861
- IBRD role, 503
- National Intelligence Estimate, 755, 760
- Sudanese independence, 769
- U.S.–British role, 333, 372, 525, 561
- U.S. position, 655, 723
- U.S. role, 377, 491–492, 655, 669, 723, 869
- Nitzana, 739, 871
- Nixon, Richard M., 369, 436, 553–554, 556, 558, 612–613, 616, 618, 624, 627, 661, 664–667, 696–699, 827
- Nolting, Frederick E., 346
- North Africa, 57, 182, 403, 417, 480, 503, 517, 555, 705, 707, 741, 767
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 588, 610n, 723, 892
- Nuri, Bahauddin, 287, 296, 309, 333–334, 339, 343, 346, 361, 370
- Nuseibeh, Anwar, 410
- Nutting, Anthony, 60, 82, 279, 481, 502, 506, 529
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 122, 179
- Ohliger, Floyd, 409
- Oil industry, 25, 302, 458, 543, 547, 618, 621, 623–624, 657–658, 708, 728–729
- Operation Alpha. See Alpha Operation.
- Operations Coordinating Board, 243, 352
- Overby, Andrew N., 619, 778, 780
- Pahlavi, Shah Mohammed Reza, 559
- Pakistan (see also Northern Tier under Near East: Regional defense), 9, 129, 324–325, 350, 555–556, 722, 864
- Palestine Conciliation Commission, 11, 42, 103
- Palestine War, 1948, 761
- Palestinian refugees, 623–624
- Alpha Operation public statement, 287, 293, 316, 335–336, 350, 402, 458
- Arab Refugees Office, New York, 418
- Arab States economic programs, 29, 103
- Border incidents, 77, 126n, 165, 437–438, 477
- Compensation, 26, 46–47
- Alpha Operation public statement, 224, 370–371, 458, 824
- British contributions, 280
- British–U.S. proposal, 203
- Egyptian position, 29, 123–124, 264, 782
- German reparations, 38, 51
- International Zionist contributions, 38, 51, 103, 280
- Israeli contributions, 11, 47, 58, 224
- Israeli position, 173, 181, 458, 719, 824, 846
- Jordanian position, 17
- UNRWA aid and, 38–39, 104
- U.S.–British aid for, 42
- U.S. loan for, 114, 204, 284, 385, 452–453, 458, 842
- U.S. position, 385, 842
- Western loans for, 11, 38, 350
- Eden–Nasser talks, 62
- Egyptian position, 402, 737
- Gaza strip, 11, 15n, 39, 57, 80n, 82, 103, 156, 193, 453, 885
- Instruments of settlement, 40, 105–106
- Iraq, 103
- Iraqi position, 418, 454
- Jordan, benefits to, 212
- Jordan River Development Plan, 11, 14, 23, 29, 39, 58, 103, 112, 203, 224, 252, 363, 426, 846
- Lebanon, 39, 103
- Repatriation, 26, 38, 46–47, 56, 103, 202, 886–887
- Alpha Operation public statement, 343
- British position, 335–336
- Chiefs of Mission positions, 343
- Egyptian position, 29, 359, 782, 807–808
- Israeli economic situation, 57–58
- Israeli political situation, 879
- Israeli position, 56–58, 172–173, 181, 453, 458, 719, 847, 885
- Jordanian position, 17
- Territorial adjustments and, 359
- U.S. position, 385, 842
- Sinai project, 15, 39, 103, 203, 886
- Syria, 39, 103, 204
- Turkey, 747
- U.N. position, 383, 747
- U.N. role, 132
- UNRWA aid for, 11, 15, 38–39, 47, 57–58, 103–104, 204, 808
- U.S.–British aid for, 107
- U.S. position, 131–132
- Palmer, W.B., 697
- Parker, Theodore W., 553
- Pattish incident, 120, 126, 134, 137, 144n
- Pearson, Lester, 296, 359, 518, 724
- Peres, Shimon, 784
- Peron, Juan, 719
- Persian Gulf, 710, 715
- Persons, Wilton B., 616–617
- Peru, 1
- Petroleum. See Oil.
- Phillips, Horace, 409
- Phleger, Herman, 511, 529, 689n
- Pinay, Antoine, 247, 251, 350, 375n, 394, 677
- Poland, 573, 809
- Popper, David H., 160n
- Powell, Adam Clayton, 359
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 742, 778–780, 798, 801, 849
- Qibya, 25, 80, 866
- al–Quwatli, Shukri, 423, 466, 683
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 307, 320n, 534, 553–556, 588, 592n, 614–616, 649–650, 661, 664–667, 697–699
- Radio Free Egypt, 238
- Rafael, Gideon, 431, 439, 447, 470, 570, 574–575, 727
- Raghib, Hassan, 261
- Ramsbotham, B.E., 247, 249–250, 806
- Revolutionary Command Council. See under Egypt.
- Riad, Gen. Mahmoud, 49, 65, 148n, 187, 292, 306, 472, 566
- Richards, James P., 222, 349
- Rifa’i, Abdul Monem, 411, 474n
- Robertson, Reuben B., 664
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 533, 616, 662, 666, 697
- Rose, Edward Michael, 90n, 197
- Rose, H. Chapman, 696
- Rountree, William M., 787–788, 860n, 868n
- Roux, Henri, 97, 706–707, 728, 748, 787n
- Rumania, 262
- Rusk, Dean, 674–675, 678
- Russell, Francis H., 114n, 127n, 153n, 184n, 209n, 218n, 365n, 366n, 384n, 385n, 406n, 420n, 432n, 466n, 471n, 472n, 482n, 524n, 527n, 707n, 787n, 790n, 802n, 820n, 837n, 874n, 876n, 889n
- Alpha Operation, 28, 93, 113, 115, 118,
174n, 175–176, 200–204, 393, 475,
- British position, 433, 435
- Chiefs of Mission communications, 310–311, 341–342, 375–376, 378–379
- Direct talks, 890
- Egypt, approaches to, 24, 113, 204–205, 207n, 231–232, 376
- Gaza attack, 90–92
- Israel, approaches to, 472, 826, 841–843, 873n
- Israeli position, 843
- Jordan, inducements for, 212
- Lebanon, inducements for, 214–215
- Order of approach, 24, 90–92, 199, 205–206, 210–211
- Points of agreement, 34–42, 45–47
- Public statement, 222n, 231–233, 280n, 282n, 286, 289–290, 310–311, 349–350, 374–376, 378–379, 492n
- Timing, 29–31, 95–97, 367
- U.S.–British talks, 156–157, 162, 485–488, 493–495
- U.S. position, 53–54
- Anderson mission, 888–889
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 9n, 176–177, 252–253, 830–831, 841, 844–845
- Arab secondary boycott of Israel, 25
- Armed attack, possible, 397, 638, 857
- Border incidents, 191n
- Czech arms deal, 512, 522, 841
- Egypt, 24, 26–27, 204–205, 207, 231–232, 492n, 538n, 674
- Egypt–Jordan road, 169
- ESS Pact, 94
- France, 350, 394, 728
- Iraq, 309, 335, 345–346, 362
- Israel, 25, 30, 49–50, 472, 576n, 638, 673, 826, 841–845, 873n
- Jordan, 30
- Jordan River Development Plan, 3, 232, 251–252, 278, 292–293, 349, 501, 512
- Near East, 51, 670, 694n, 720, 748
- Palestinian refugees, 51
- Security guarantees, 24–25, 27, 29, 32, 51n, 231
- Suez Canal, 25
- Territorial adjustments, 25, 176–177, 831
- Tripartite Declaration, 50
- United Kingdom, 156–157, 162, 433, 435, 485–488, 493–495, 670, 720, 830
- Alpha Operation, 28, 93, 113, 115, 118,
174n, 175–176, 200–204, 393, 475,
- Russell, Walter K., 205n
- Sabini, John A., 133–134
- Sabri, Ali, 78, 189, 274, 387
- Sahl Battauf, 197
- Said, Ahmed Kheirat, 182, 186, 390, 465, 478
- al–Said, Nuri:
- Alpha Operation, 403, 405, 418, 421, 434, 454–455, 841, 871
- Baghdad Pact, 78, 83n, 323–324
- British military aid to Iraq, 373, 374n, 559
- Jordan River Development Plan, 426n
- Palestinian refugees, 426
- Syrian–Iraqi relations, 560, 654, 677
- Territorial adjustments, 611
- U.S. military aid to Iraq, 373, 374n, 654
- Said ibn Taimur, Sultan, 656
- Salah, Walid, 65
- Salim, Mohammed, 49, 218, 292, 306, 450, 478, 568
- Salim, Maj. Salaheddin Moustafa, 76, 79–80, 82, 116, 121–123, 355, 428, 753
- Salmon, Katriel, 570, 574–575, 773, 775–776
- Sapir, Pinchas, 75, 108
- Saud, King, 396, 409
- Saudi Arabia (see also
Arab States; Buraimi
dispute; Egypt–Syria–Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact; Jordan River Development
Plan; Saudi and Saudi Arabia subheadings under
other subjects), 419
- Arab States, relations with, 729
- Egypt, relations with, 678, 695, 729
- Iraq, relations with, 585
- Oil industry, 621
- Soviet military aid to, 396, 507, 517, 541, 544, 553, 588, 674, 680, 695
- Soviet Union, relations with, 585
- United Kingdom, relations with, 656, 710, 716
- United States, relations with, 556–557, 560, 656, 710, 716
- U.S. military aid to, 323, 332, 560, 588, 695
- Sauvagnargues, Jean, 530
- Schwartz, Harry H., 697
- Scott, Robert H., 156–157, 243n, 393n, 407–408, 433–435
- Scott, Walter K., 370n
- Security guarantees (see also
Armed attack, possible), 586, 713, 886
- Alpha Operations public statement, 224–225, 289, 312, 316, 350, 368n, 385–386, 402–403, 452, 459, 693
- Armed attack, possible, 578–579, 582
- Baghdad Pact and, 13
- Border incidents and, 25, 41, 91, 99–100, 106
- British position, 474–475
- Eden–Nasser talks, 62
- Egypt, approaches to, 101, 131, 184
- Egyptian position, 37, 771
- Israeli treaty proposals, 91, 154, 159–160, 162,
346, 622–623, 627, 629,
684, 746
- Alpha Operation public statement, 369, 402–403
- Arab position, 752–753, 877
- Baghdad Pact, 13, 547, 653, 719, 722, 730, 821
- British role, 12–13, 231
- Czech arms deal, 573–574, 591, 622, 657–659
- Egyptian position, 265, 283
- Israeli position, 150, 170–174, 180, 231, 252, 452–453, 662, 683, 719
- National Intelligence Estimate, 752–753
- U.S.–British position, 249, 730
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 678
- Western role, 9, 12–13, 37, 41
- Israeli position, 13, 25, 27, 88–89, 154, 249, 474, 486
- Lebanese position, 18–19, 213–214
- Soviet position, 586
- Syria, 19
- Tripartite Declaration, 154, 658–659, 746
- U.N. role, 12, 203, 224, 249, 718
- U.S.–British proposals, 12, 24–25, 29, 31–32, 41, 45, 51, 53, 101, 106, 185–186, 203
- U.S. position, 114, 179n, 184, 252, 693, 842
- Seifeddin, Mohamed Ibrahim, 148n
- al–Shabandar, Moussa, 651–652
- Shalev, Ariel, 183, 186, 193
- Sharett, Moshe:
- Alpha Operation, 789, 833, 843, 881
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 180–181, 463, 653, 795, 811, 830, 833, 847
- Armed attack, possible, 638–639, 657, 659
- Arms procurement program, 638–639
- Aswan Dam, 830
- Baghdad Pact, 83n86, 683
- Border incidents, 126, 130n, 139–140, 142–143, 208n, 229, 406, 407n, 739, 882–883
- Czech arms deal, 590–591, 651, 657–658, 662, 671, 689, 691–692, 827, 847
- Egypt, 5, 32n, 139–140, 528n, 739, 845–846
- Gaza attack, 84–87
- Iraq, 683
- Israeli military capabilities, 831
- Jackson negotiations, 431–432, 439–440, 456, 463, 470
- Jerusalem, 500–501
- Jordan, 27, 64
- Jordan River Development Plan, 63–65, 150, 154, 194, 198n, 589, 683, 828–829, 876
- Palestinian refugees, 57, 846–847
- Political situation, 6, 44, 63, 69, 186, 190n, 222, 399, 500, 689
- Security guarantees, 32, 63, 88–89, 99–100, 149–150, 153–154, 170–174, 180, 185–186, 662, 683–684, 722
- Soviet Union, 657–658, 671, 689, 691–692, 795
- Syria, 63–64, 69
- Territorial adjustments, 102, 794–796, 827–828, 830–833, 835, 844, 876
- Tripartite policy toward Israel, 742
- United Kingdom, 208n, 651, 791, 796, 827–828, 830, 833, 881
- U.S.–Israeli relations, 49–50, 53–56, 81, 92–93, 159, 653, 699–700, 789, 826
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 657–658, 683, 773, 776, 832, 834, 847–848, 856, 876, 889
- U.S. visit, 467, 575–576, 717–718, 720, 725, 790, 804, 821, 823n
- Shaw, John F., 645n
- Shepilov, Dmitri Trofimovich, 355–356, 395
- Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 367
- Shiloah, Reuven, 108, 180, 451, 773, 776, 826, 841–843, 857, 873n, 890
- Shimoni, Ya’acov, 168
- Shuckburgh, Charles Arthur Evelyn:
- Alpha Operation, 26, 34–42, 45–47, 90–92, 93, 95–98, 166, 292
- Anderson mission, 836n
- Arab States, 30, 878
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 25–26, 29, 31–32
- Aswan Dam, 669
- Czech arms deal, 504, 516, 518–519, 542, 546–548, 650, 656
- Egypt, 24, 27–30, 93, 115, 133n, 169
- France, 728
- Israel, 30–31, 174n, 199
- Jordan River Development Plan, 3–4, 21, 23, 27, 197–198, 292, 501–502
- Near East, 128–129, 720
- Suez Canal, 27
- Simpson, Kenneth John, 90n, 95, 197, 501
- Sinai, 397, 739, 761, 775
- Sinai Project, 15, 39, 103, 203–204, 886
- Snyder, Howard, 837
- Sobolev, Arkady, 529
- Socony Mobil, 409
- Solh, Sami Bey, 450, 466n
- Solod, Daniil S., 261, 266, 395, 540
- South Africa, 597
- Soviet bloc. See Czech arms deal; Soviet Union.
- Soviet Union (see also Czech arms deal; Soviet and Soviet Union subheadings under other subjects), 342, 349, 364, 483, 509–510, 543, 545, 681, 730
- Spain, 715
- Spear, Ralph, 661
- Special National Intelligence Estimates, SNIE 30–3–55, 577–586, 592, 594, 639
- Sprague, Robert C., 812
- Stassen, Harold E., 111–112, 265n, 321–322, 553, 555, 661
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 613
- Stevenson, Ralph:
- Streibert, Theodore C., 871–873, 884
- Striganov, Sergei R., 510n
- Stutesman, John H., 481n
- Sudan (see also Nile River issue), 491
- Suez Canal, 6
- Suez Canal Base Agreement, 1954, 9, 71, 207, 518–519, 525, 527, 550, 571, 575, 652
- Suez Zone agreement, 149, 264
- al–Sulh, Samih, 65, 419
- Sulzberger, Cyrus, 591n
- Syria (see also
Arab States; Egypt–Syria–Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact; Jordan River
Development Plan; Syria and Syrian subheadings
under other subjects;
Territorial adjustments):
- Atomic energy, 20
- Egypt, relations with, 606, 654, 678, 683, 710, 768–769, 859–860
- France, relations with, 182, 705
- Iraq, relations with, 560, 654–655, 662, 677, 715, 769
- Israel, relations with (see also Border incidents; Lake Tiberias attack), 5
- Lebanon, relations with, 19, 213
- Palestinian refugees, 39, 103
- Political situation, 5, 238, 291n, 306n, 331, 334–335, 585, 654, 662, 695
- Security guarantees, 19
- Soviet economic aid to, 396
- Soviet military aid to, 396, 507, 541, 544, 553, 585, 588, 594, 657, 674, 680, 695
- United States, relations with, 19, 111, 517, 588, 715, 867–868
- Western military aid to, 705–706
- Tannous, Izzet, 418
- Tekoah, Yosef, 75–76, 280–281, 300, 497, 515, 852–853
- Territorial adjustments (see also Land
connection under
Arab States; Jerusalem;
- Alpha Operation public statement, 224, 233, 289, 316–317, 367–368, 371, 381–383, 452, 459–461, 498–499, 802, 827
- Bernadotte proposals, 737, 828, 857
- British position, 26, 336, 475, 651
- British public statement, 744
- Eden–Nasser talks, 62
- Egyptian position, 29, 124, 132, 152, 283, 621, 737, 782
- Gaza Strip, 38, 124, 265
- Instruments of settlement, 40, 105
- Iraqi position, 405, 417, 652
- Israeli position, 172–173, 174n, 181, 452, 459–461, 475, 498–499, 719
- Jordan, benefits to, 17, 212
- Jordan River Development Plan, 25, 37
- Jordanian position, 410
- Latrun, 10–11, 25, 37, 102, 104, 181, 202, 842
- Palestinian refugees and, 104, 359
- U.N. resolution, 1947:
- UNTSO role, 25, 105
- U.S.–British position, 10–11, 17, 19, 25, 37–38, 45–46, 102, 104, 202, 212, 708, 714
- U.S. position, 14, 252, 610–611, 830–832, 842
- Tiran Straits, 571
- Tito, Josip Broz, 765
- Trading With the Enemy Act, 1917, 596, 664
- Trevelyan, Sir Humphrey:
- Trieste, 233
- Tripartite Declaration, May 25, 1950, 12, 13n, 50, 252, 693
- Arab States’ position, 752
- Armed attack, possible, 243, 248, 250, 254, 600–602, 611, 652, 792, 826
- British position, 243, 248, 250, 652–653, 740
- Czech arms deal, 546, 548, 562
- Egyptian position, 239, 752, 770
- French position, 705–706, 741
- French role, 182
- Gaza strip, 226
- Israeli position, 249, 499
- Lebanon, 19, 213
- Limitations, 578, 581–582
- Near East, military aid to, 256n, 271, 305, 730, 741, 748, 774, 849, 875
- Security guarantees, 154, 658–659, 746
- U.S.–British position, 10, 708, 729
- Troxel, Oliver L., 21, 90, 108n, 218n, 251–253, 268n, 278, 284n, 291n, 292n, 306n, 331n, 334n, 365n, 481, 888
- Troyanovsky, O.A., 483, 529, 680
- Tsur, Jacob, 209
- Turco–Pakistani Pact, 764
- Turkey (see also
Baghdad Pact; Northern Tier under Near East: Regional defense; Turkey,
Turkish, and Western subheadings under other subjects):
- Alpha Operation, 25, 46, 92, 98–100, 107, 290, 313, 380
- Arab States, relations with, 123, 725
- Armed attack, possible, 245, 600, 615, 641, 668
- Egypt, relations with, 10, 71
- Israel, relations with, 85
- Pakistan, relations with, 9, 129
- Palestinian refugees, 747
- Security guarantees, 12, 24–25, 41, 45, 106
- U.S. military aid to, 324–325, 512
- Tyler, William R., 513n
- United Jewish Appeal, 717, 886–887
- United Kingdom (see also British, Tripartite,
U.S.–British, United Kingdom, and Western subheadings under other
subjects; Alpha Operation; Consortium
under Aswan Dam project;):
- Anderson mission, 888
- Armed attack, possible, 269–270, 352, 598, 600, 615, 620, 625, 641, 668, 792
- Bat Galim incident, 1
- Czech arms deal, 502, 505–506, 509, 511, 517–519, 524, 526, 530–531, 542–550, 632, 651, 685
- El Auja border incidents, 701
- Gaza attack, 82
- Lake Tiberias attack, 854–856
- United States, relations with, 345–347, 671, 809–810, 821, 877–878
- United Nations (see also U.N. Relief and Works
Agency; U.N. Truce Supervision Organization;
UN. subheadings under Border
- Alpha Operation, 124, 202, 290, 313, 383, 420, 490
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 42, 92, 107, 132
- Armed attack, possible, 246–251, 254, 556, 595, 597–599, 601, 625, 689, 699, 872
- Bat Galim incident, 1–2
- Communications arrangements, 105
- Czech arms deal, 541, 546, 548–549, 687
- Gaza attack, 76–78, 92, 115, 130n
- General Assembly resolution, 1947 (see also under Territorial adjustments), 611, 674, 737, 766, 775
- Israeli position, 163
- Jerusalem, 41–42, 106, 132, 225, 317, 386, 418, 842
- Jordan River Development Plan, 20, 22, 29, 140, 575
- Lake Tiberias attack, 854–856, 858, 876
- Near East military aid, coordination of, 546, 548–549, 562
- Palestinian refugees, 40, 41n, 105–106, 132
- Security Council resolution, Sept. 8, 1955, 448–449, 476–478
- Security guarantees, 12, 25, 224, 249, 718
- Suez Canal resolution, 1951, 225
- U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, 15, 57, 107, 747, 808
- U.N. Truce Supervisory Organization, 6, 135, 187, 190n, 193, 214–215, 219, 449
- Direct communications, 230, 281
- Egyptian–Israeli meetings, 267, 365
- Egyptian position, 365, 390
- El Auja border incidents, 515–516, 535–536, 563, 690–691, 700, 703, 834
- General Armistice Agreement, 894
- Israeli noncooperation, 191, 700, 702–703
- Israeli position, 135, 140
- Lake Tiberias attack, 854, 866
- Security guarantees, 203
- Territorial adjustments, 25, 105
- United States Information Agency, 374
- Vallat, Francis A., 90
- Vatican, 104
- Voice of America, 568
- Vorys, John M., 349
- Vyshinsky, Andrei Y., 575
- Wadsworth, George E., 249–250, 253–254, 310n, 408–409, 422–423, 806
- Wainhouse, David W., 443, 445
- Walmsley, Walter, 577, 636n, 642n, 648–649
- Warren, Avra M., 98n
- White, Ivan B.:
- Alpha Operation, 789, 872–873, 878–881, 882, 887
- Arab–Israeli settlement, 7, 886–887
- Bat Galim incident, 822
- Border incidents, 406n, 496, 852–854, 882–884
- Egypt, 32n, 822, 838–839, 871–872
- Israel, 7, 69, 673, 789, 803, 811–812, 821–822, 838–839, 878–880, 887
- Negev, 880–881
- Palestinian refugees, 47, 885–887
- Security guarantees, 887
- White, Thomas D., 697
- White Paper, 1939, 795–796
- Whitman, Ann, 20n, 89n
- Wiener, Aron, 74, 108, 194, 219n
- Wiley, Alexander, 349
- Wilkins, Fraser, 325–326, 330n, 331n, 334, 344n, 345–346, 362n, 365n, 397n, 431n, 446n, 472n, 513n, 542, 604, 643n, 713n, 736n, 746n, 804n, 877n, 884n
- Wilson, Charles E., 307, 337–338, 553, 555–557, 612, 616, 618–619, 627, 649, 689n, 812, 815–816, 837
- Wilson, Evan M., 59, 90, 95, 197, 485, 493, 495n
- World Bank. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- Wright, Sir Michael, 96n, 288n, 296, 370
- Yarmuk Dam, 478
- Yassin, Yusuf Shaikh, 396, 409
- Yemen, 419, 480
- Yugoslavia, 655, 765, 855–856
- Zaroubin, Georgi N., 483, 529
- Zionists. See under Alpha Operation; Armed attack, possible.
- Zorlu, Fatin Rustu, 678