328. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1
106.Burns gave me following details October 5 current UNTSO matters.
On basis oral report just received from Chairman EI-MAC he described situation El Auja D/Z substantially as reported Contel 1022 and 103.3 Second Egyptian check post now moved back from frontier, with exception possibly of some barbed wire. With regard 30 police personnel whom Israelis have established in D/Z Burns said Israelis argued that their need for police to prevent infiltration into area was equal to Egyptians need maintain the check posts near frontier for same stated reason.Burns has agreed presence these police on condition they are not equipped with arms heavier than rifles and submachine guns. However, unit reportedly has one or more Bren guns as well.Burns hopes soon start survey of international frontier by UN personnel. Some delay is bound to arise over this matter since there are only two qualified surveyors with UNTSO and both are now ill. There were no especial developments respecting Israeli insistence on observance 1949 agreement concerning MAC office arrangements. As Egyptian guard personnel have not endeavored return matter evidently in abeyance.
Burns said Israelis had evacuated their military people from the D/Z without any especial resistance to his call for such action. He thought IDF might have sent military units into D/Z without prior consultation Foreign Ministry September which evidently not interested in maintaining situation thus created in absence Egyptian intransigence over position its check posts etc. Israelis allowing observers move freely within the D/Z.Burns unaware extent Egyptian compliance with article VIII paragraph 3GAA since Egyptians have restricted movement observers within area opposite D/Z.
Regarding Gaza strip problems Burns has made several requests for interview with Nasser. In absence reply situation remains substantially as reported Contel 89.4 He has therefore cancelled tentative plan proceed Cairo October 6. He understands Egyptians have [Page 564] moved their posts some 500 meters back from D/L. They have provided no clarification their professed willingness erect fences along certain parts of D/L, since they have not indicated where they would agree build such fences. Israelis on other hand have expressed approval of concept of continuous fence vicinity D/L, but maintain their earlier position that erection fence should render creation 500 meter neutral zone each side superfluous.
Burns assumed Nasser too preoccupied with other more urgent matters to grant interview. He said Gohar is likewise involved in wide variety of duties assigned him. As result Gohar is paying insufficient attention border matters.Burns said he will continue for limited time his endeavors clarify attitudes each party toward Security Council resolution of September 8. If, as he now expects, he can make no progress he will report status of matter to Security Council.
He added that while Gaza area has been relatively quiet his forecast developments there remains substantially as outlined last paragraph Contel 89. In this connection he referred incident at Gilat October 4 (Contel 1055). He agreed that present moment does not appear propitious for further attempts powers support his efforts implement September 8 resolution.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/10–655. Confidential. Received at 1:27 p.m. Repeated to Amman, Cairo, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv.↩
- Dated October 3, it reported that the withdrawal of Egyptian and Israeli forces from the El Auja demilitarized zone was completed the previous day. (Ibid., 674.84A/ 10–355)↩
- Cole reported on October 4 in telegram 103 that the Egyptians had not removed all portions of one and possibly part of another check point position from the El Auja Demilitarized Zone. (Ibid., 674.84A/10–455)↩
- Document 281.↩
- The Consulate General in Jerusalem reported on October 5 in telegram 105 that on the evening of October 4 one Israeli guard was killed and two others were wounded at Gilat, 15 kilometers northwest of Beersheba, by marauders who apparently came from the Gaza Strip. (Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/10–555)↩