313. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
Tedul 4. Following is text of reply sent by Allen Dulles in reply to previous two messages:
[Page 523]“1. Your messages discussed with Herb2 and read to Francis3 for Secstate in New York.
A. We assume you completely satisfied deal is as firm as Nasr indicates.
B. Will carefully consider statement proposed to be issued by Nasr but believe it most important that he realize that no statement can successfully mitigate effects of proposed deal. Hence you should not create impression on Nasr who might be acutely disappointed by actual reaction of public here. Furthermore we cannot insure that any such statement would relieve State Dept. of necessity of making some statement on its own which would be condemnatory of proposed arrangement.
C. We are in general agreement with conclusions your paragraph 4 that Nasr remains our best hope and we believe State Dept. will within limits of overall policy cooperate to mitigate long term effects of arms deal if Nasr in turn cooperates as foreshadowed your cable.
D. Accordingly if Byroade concurs suggest you carry on along general lines you have outlined keeping foregoing cautions in mind.
E. Only possible alternative we see is for Nasr to issue no statement, to continue to keep formalized deal secret in the hope that practical operations under agreement will be less spectacular and possibly disappointing to Nasr and will give long term chance to help stabilize situation. I only suggest this because I am apprehensive of the effects here of any statement by Nasr no matter how carefully hedged with protestations of peaceful intent, etc. We note that you tend reject this solution in para 2 your 710.4
F. Appreciate unfortunate effects of situation described para 3 your 710 and would be glad have any suggestion as to any action here which would help to restore situation. Our friend should realize that rumors on this subject have been widely spread throughout press over past days.
G. So far State Dept. has had no reaction from Israelis of any sort whatsoever.”