361. Memorandum From the Secretary of State to the President1
On the Syrian matter, I think it important that you avoid any statement or implication that you have as yet determined that Syria is now “controlled by International Communism” within the meaning of the Middle East Resolution. On the other hand, I would avoid any statement that you think it is not so controlled. The situation is still confused. There is a tight censorship. Our Embassy is virtually blockaded and we cannot yet make a clear political judgment as to the actual extent of Communist penetration.
For your confidential information, Ambassador Moose, who is here in Washington, feels it possible that the change has not been as great as appears on the surface, and that the Leftist take-over is not yet complete.
I think it important that you should say nothing which would encourage Israel, for example, to stimulate an incident with Syria on the theory that we have judged Syria to be Communist controlled. On the other hand, we would want to keep freedom of action to make such a decision under certain contingencies. We would like to keep the Syrian Government uncertain as to our intentions.
[Page 642]I suggest that the line to take is that recent charges against the United States have been a smokescreen for anti-Western and pro-Soviet elements to seek to strengthen their control in the government. There is evidence in Syria of the development of a dangerous and classic pattern. The Soviets first promise and extend aid, military and/or economic. With this aid they promote the control of any positions by pro-Soviet persons. The end result sought is that the country will fall under the control of International Communism and become a Soviet satellite, whose destinies are directed from Moscow. All of this is under a smokescreen of false charges that others are conspiring, e.g., the United States.
We do not yet know how far along this pattern Syria has yet gone, but certainly what has already happened is a sign of danger and should be a warning to others who are sought to be lured by the Communist technique.
The Middle East, as we know, has recently become a prime target of Communist aspirations. The Soviet and Chinese Communists have sought every opportunity to promote instability and disunity in this area. We are following with concern developments in Syria as they affect the peace, tranquillity and prosperity of the area.
- Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles-Herter Series. Confidential.↩