137. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the Secretary of State and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Sebald), Washington, April 26, 1955, 6:57 p.m.1
Washington, April 26, 1955, 6:57
The Sec. asked if we have this paper re what we are going to do in Vietnam. S said they have a 2nd draft.2 The Sec. said he does not want to see it now—but just wondered—it looks as though things are getting critical fast and don’t know how much time we have. S. said they have it worked out—just a question of tactics—how we make the approach. The Sec. said let’s try to get something worked out as soon as possible. S. said they would like to get to the Sec. as early as possible in the a.m.