136. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the Director of the Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs (Young) and the First Secretary of Embassy in France (Gibson), April 26, 19551


  • Telephone Call from Paris on Bao Dai’s View

Bill Gibson telephoned me at 4:00 p.m. to say that they had delivered the Department’s message2 to Nguyen De this morning requesting Bao Dai not to take any action pending General Collins’ return.3 The Ambassador decided not to send someone to Cannes. Nguyen De telephoned the message to Bao Dai. Bao Dai’s reaction was completely unfavorable. He appreciated our feelings but told Nguyen De that the situation is becoming so desperate that he must take action by tomorrow evening, that is Wednesday evening Paris time. Bill Gibson indicated he felt Bao Dai is worried about his own situation in letting affairs move on without taking the initiative himself.

The Ambassador talked very strongly to Nguyen De who decided to go to Cannes immediately. The argument that General Collins is returning to Saigon and that we have a very great interest in this affair seemed the strongest point with Nguyen De and Bao Dai. Bill Gibson says that Bao Dai may come around and hold off. Nguyen De will give Bao Dai’s reconsideration and his answer to the Embassy Wednesday morning Paris time.

Bill wanted to know when we might have some instructions to Paris.4 I said fairly soon, but urged him not to mention any particular day this week to the Vietnamese or to the French. I also told him General Collins was at this moment meeting with Congressional leaders.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751G.00/4–2655. Secret. Drafted by Young in Washington.
  2. Transmitted in telegram 3803 to Paris, April 25. (Ibid., 751G.00/4–2555)
  3. A more detailed account of this Gibson–Nguyen De discussion is in telegram 4659 from Paris, April 26. (Ibid., 751G.00/4–2655)
  4. Document 140.