List of Papers

Editor’s Note.—This list of papers has been printed in chronological order to give the reader (a) a convenient aid in locating individual papers by date and (b) a better sense of the temporal relationship of events described in this volume than he might obtain from the subject arrangement of the documents in part VII of the volume.

In providing an aid in locating individual papers by date, it seemed desirable to include as separate items in this list papers which are quoted in substantial part within other documents, texts which appear in footnotes to other documents, and texts which are printed as enclosures, attachments, annexes, or appendices to documents bearing different dates. Information in this list concerning such papers is enclosed in brackets, and an indication is given as to the date and location of the principal documents to which these subordinate papers are related.

A considerable number of the documents printed in this volume were not dated. Their placement in this list has been determined by their relationship to other documents of known date. The arrangement even of dated papers is necessarily somewhat arbitrary, since under a given date the time at which many of the documents originated is not known. In a few cases the order of related papers of the same date in this list differs from the order in which the same papers are printed in the body of the compilation, since time of origin was a prime factor in the preparation of this chronological list, whereas other factors, including time of receipt, were given weight in the arrangement of papers of even date in the body of the volume.

When different extracts from the same document have been printed under separate subject headings, the document number and the page reference for each extract are shown in this list in connection with the description of the paper in question. In a few cases, the full text of a paper has been printed under one subject heading and an extract from the same paper has been printed under a different subject heading; in such cases this list gives the document number and page reference for the full text only.

This list does not include very brief extracts from papers quoted in the footnotes or in the body of other documents, and it does not include papers merely referred to or summarized in the footnotes or in the body of other documents.

Because it is not immediately apparent in many cases from the document heading printed in this list of papers that a given document was prepared at the Berlin Conference, all meetings of the Conference and all papers prepared at the Conference site (i.e., Potsdam, Babelsberg, or Berlin) during the period of the Conference (July 16–August 2, 1945) have been marked in this list with an asterisk (*).

[Page LXXVI] [Page LXXVII] [Page LXXVIII] [Page LXXIX] [Page LXXX] [Page LXXXI] [Page LXXXII] [Page LXXXIII] [Page LXXXIV] [Page LXXXV] [Page LXXXVI] [Page LXXXVII] [Page LXXXVIII] [Page LXXXIX] [Page XC] [Page XCI] [Page XCII] [Page XCIII] [Page XCIV] [Page XCV] [Page XCVI] [Page XCVII] [Page XCVIII] [Page XCIX] [Page C] [Page CI] [Page CII] [Page CIII] [Page CIV] [Page CV] [Page CVI] [Page CVII] [Page CVIII] [Page CIX] [Page CX] [Page CXI] [Page CXII] [Page CXIII] [Page CXIV] [Page CXV] [Page CXVI] [Page CXVII] [Page CXVIII] [Page CXIX] [Page CXX] [Page CXXI] [Page CXXII] [Page CXXIII] [Page CXXIV] [Page CXXV] [Page CXXVI] [Page CXXVII] [Page CXXVIII] [Page CXXIX] [Page CXXX] [Page CXXXI] [Page CXXXII] [Page CXXXIII] [Page CXXXIV] [Page CXXXV] [Page CXXXVI] [Page CXXXVII] [Page CXXXVIII] [Page CXXXIX] [Page CXL] [Page CXLI] [Page CXLII] [Page CXLIII] [Page CXLIV] [Page CXLV] [Page CXLVI] [Page CXLVII] [Page CXLVIII] [Page CXLIX] [Page CL] [Page CLI] [Page CLII] [Page CLIII] [Page CLIV] [Page CLV] [Page CLVI] [Page CLVII] [Page CLVIII] [Page CLIX] [Page CLX] [Page CLXI] [Page CLXII] [Page CLXIII] [Page CLXIV] [Page CLXV] [Page CLXVI] [Page CLXVII] [Page CLXVIII] [Page CLXIX] [Page CLXX] [Page CLXXI] [Page CLXXII] [Page CLXXIII] [Page CLXXIV] [Page CLXXV] [Page CLXXVI]
Date and Number Paper Document Number Page
1944 Sept. 18 [19] [Aide-Mémoire by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill]
[Record of agreement regarding the possible use of an atomic bomb against Japan and regarding Anglo-American collaboration in developing atomic energy for military and commercial purposes; printed as an enclosure to a memorandum of July 18, 1945, from Prime Minister Churchill to the Secretary of War (document No. 1306, page 1370), q. v.]
1945 Feb. 11 Protocol of Proceedings of the Yalta Conference
Record of the conclusions of the Heads of Government at the Yalta Conference on the following subjects: world organization; territorial trusteeship; liberated Europe; dismemberment of Germany; a French zone of occupation in Germany; the Allied Control Council for Germany; reparations from Germany; war criminals; Poland; Yugoslavia; southeastern Europe; Iran; meetings of Foreign Secretaries; and the Montreux Convention and the Turkish Straits.
1416 1567
Feb. 11 Communiqué Issued at the End of the Yalta Conference
Public report on the conclusions of the Heads of Government at the Yalta Conference on the following subjects: the defeat of Germany; the occupation and control of Germany; reparation by Germany; the United Nations conference to be held at San Francisco; liberated Europe; Poland; Yugoslavia; meetings of Foreign Secretaries; and Allied unity in time of peace.
1417 1574
Mar. 10 [President Roosevelt to the Ambassador to Spain]
[Views with regard to relations of the United States with Spain; quoted in footnote 4 to a telegram of July 16, 1945, from the Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (document No. 1175, page 1171), q. v.]
May 29 [The Chief of the French Military Mission in the United States to the Chief of Staff, United States Army]
[Proposal to place a French corps of two infantry divisions under American command in the Pacific war; printed as enclosure A to a memorandum of July 16, 1945, by the United States Chiefs of Staff (document No. 1288, page 1341), q. v.]
June 11 [The Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs to Colonel John S. Wise, of the Operations Division, War Department General Staff]
[Suggestion as to the urgency of communicating with the Portuguese Government concerning plans for Portuguese participation in possible operations to expel Japanese forces from Timor; printed as an appendix to a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (document No. 1295, page 1349), q. v.]
June 15 [Declaration by Polish Authorities]
[Declaration by the so-called Polish Provisional Government suggesting Polish participation in international bodies concerned with Germany; summary printed in footnote 3 to a telegram of July 22, 1945, from the Chargé in the Soviet Union to the United States Delegation to the Berlin Conference (document No. 1133, page 1125), q. v.]
1945 June 20 [The Soviet Ambassador to the Secretary of State]
[Review of Soviet-American discussions on the subject of trusteeship and request for discussion of this subject with Secretary Stettinius before the end of the United Nations Conference on International Organization; printed as enclosure 1 to a note of July 20, 1945, from the Soviet Ambassador to Secretary of State Byrnes (document No. 734, page 633), q. v.]
June 23 [The Secretary of State to the Soviet Ambassador]
[Statement of the United States position, in principle, with respect to the eligibility of the Soviet Union as an administering authority under the trusteeship system, and a suggestion that the subject of specific territories appropriate for the Soviet Union to administer be discussed later; printed as enclosure 2 to a note of July 20, 1945, from the Soviet Ambassador to Secretary of State Byrnes (document No. 734, page 633), q. v.]
July 2 [The Archduke Otto of Austria to President Truman]
[Views on the situation in Austria and suggestions for improving that situation; printed as an enclosure to a memorandum of July 17, 1945, from the Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State (document No. 761, page 659), q. v.]
July 3 (tel. Scaf 471) [The Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, to the Combined Chiefs of Staff]
[Report on problems concerning shipping on the Danube, recommendation for establishing an interim Danube Navigation Agency, and suggestion that internationalization of the Danube be added to the agenda for the Berlin Conference; printed as enclosure B to a memorandum of July 21, 1945, by the United States Chiefs of Staff (document No. 754, page 651), q. v.]
July 6 (tel. 2384) The Minister in Sweden to the Secretary of State
Report of a conversation between Prince Carl Bernadotte and the Japanese Military Attaché at Stockholm concerning a possible future Japanese approach to the King of Sweden with respect to ending the war.
1420 1589
July 8 (C.C.S. 643/3) [Report by the Combined Intelligence Committee]
[Analysis of the possibility of surrender by Japan; extract dealing with this subject printed in footnote 5 to the minutes of the 193d Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, July 16, 1945 (page 35), q. v.]
July 9 [Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg to the Acting Secretary of State]
[Questions concerning the implementation of the Yalta agreement on Poland; quoted in a letter of July 17, 1945, from the Acting Secretary of State to Senator Vandenberg (document No. 1117, page 1104), q. v.]
1945 July 9 (tel.) [The Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Pacific, to the War Department]
[Comments and suggestions with respect to British Commonwealth participation in the Coronet operations; extracts quoted in a memorandum of July 18, 1945, by the United States Chiefs of Staff (document No. 1284, page 1336), q. v.]
July 11 (tel.) [The British Ambassador in Yugoslavia to the British Foreign Office]
[Report on the political situation in Yugoslavia; printed as an enclosure to a note of July 17, 1945, from the Secretary General of the British Delegation to the Berlin Conference to Mr. Cavendish W. Cannon, of the United States Delegation (document No. 1201, page 1207), q. v.]
July 12 [The Soviet Representative on the Allied Control Commission for Hungary to the United States and British Representatives on the Allied Control Commission for Hungary]
[Outline of revised procedures for conducting the work of the Allied Control Commission for Hungary; printed in the form of a proposal by the Soviet Delegation to the Berlin Conference circulated apparently on July 24, 1945 (document No. 796, page 689), q. v.]
July 13 [Memorandum]
[Statistics on oil production in eastern Europe; printed as annex I to a memorandum of July 21, 1945, from the Chief of Staff of the United States Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations (document No. 1321, page 1383), q. v.]
July 13 [Memorandum by the Commander, 26th British Liaison Unit]
[Minutes of a conversation between Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander, Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, and Lieutenant General Wladyslaw Anders, Commander of the Polish Second Corps, concerning the effects of political developments in Poland on the Polish Second Corps; extracts printed as an enclosure to a despatch of July 20, 1945, from the Deputy Political Adviser at Allied Force Headquarters to the Secretary of State (document No. 1123, page 1113), q. v.]
July 14 [Memorandum by Mr. John Wills Tuthill, of the Political Division, United States Group, Control Council (Germany)]
[Review of German economic problems which should be discussed at the Berlin Conference; printed as sub-enclosure 1 to a memorandum of July 17, 1945, from the Director of Political Affairs, United States Group, Control Council (Germany) to the Political Adviser in Germany (document No. 850, page 758), q. v.]
1945 July 14 [Memorandum]
[Memorandum by an unidentified German lawyer concerning the transfer of scientific and military research institutions from Germany to the Soviet Union; translation printed as an enclosure to a despatch of July 17, 1945, from the Political Adviser in Germany to the Secretary of State (document No. 896, page 837), q. v.]
July 14 [The Department of State to the British Embassy]
[Views on reconvening the European Inland Transport Conference; quoted in a telegram of July 19, 1945, from the Director of the Office of Transport and Communications Policy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (document No. 1160, page page 1159), q. v.]
July 15 [The Embassy in the United Kingdom to the British Foreign Office]
[Notification of the intention of the Department of State to announce on July 17, 1945, that the United States will support the admission of Italy in due course to the United Nations, and request for British support in this matter; quoted in an aide-mémoire of July 16, 1945, from the British Embassy to the Department of State (document No. 722, page 621), q. v.]
July 15 [Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Account of a conversation with Ambassadors Harriman and Murphy concerning Soviet intentions in Manchuria; quoted in footnote 4 to a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the President (document No. 1212, page 1223), q. v.]
July 16 *Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: plan for the Terminal meetings; participation of two French colonial infantry divisions in Far Eastern operations; chairmanship of the military meetings at Terminal; interpretation of the Presidential policy on lend-lease; and relations of the United States Chiefs of Staff with the Chiefs of Staff of other nations participating in the war against Japan.
July 16 *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
Procedural recommendations with respect to a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States and the Soviet Union.
1275 1323
July 16 (SM–2607) *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee
Report that no information can be given regarding the details of a plan for Portuguese participation in the liberation of Timor and the reasons for this situation.
(Appendix: Memorandum of June 11, 1945, by the Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State, suggesting the urgency of communicating with the Portuguese Government concerning the plan referred to above.)
1295 1349
1945 July 16 (C.C.S. 462/25) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve an enclosed draft of a letter to the Department of State and the British Foreign Office concerning Portuguese participation in operations undertaken to expel the Japanese from Timor.
1296 1351
July 16 (C.C.S. 895) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Request for concurrence by the British Chiefs of Staff in a draft reply to a French proposal to place a corps of two infantry divisions under American command in the Pacific war.
(Enclosures: Memorandum of May 29, 1945, from the Chief of the French Military Mission in the United States to the Chief of Staff, United States Army, containing the proposal referred to above; and a draft of a memorandum replying thereto.)
1288 1341
July 16 *TrumanChurchill Meeting: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this meeting.
July 16 (tel. Victory 23) *The Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Request for information on progress in controlling German external assets, particularly those in Spain.
981 949
July 16 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the program and procedure for the Terminal Conference; an estimate of the enemy situation; progress reports on operations in the Pacific and the Southeast Asia Command; development of operations in the Pacific; and a report of Army air operations in the war against Japan.
(Footnote: Extract relating to the possibility of surrender by Japan from a report by the Combined Intelligence Committee (C.C.S. 643/3) as of July 8, 1945.)
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Suggestion for the permanent detachment of the Ruhr and the Rhineland from the rest of Germany; proposal for an international protectorate for the area so detached.
1021 989
July 16 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of a proposed agreement on the political and economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
848 750
July 16 *The Secretary of War to the President
Analysis and recommendations with respect to the condition of central Europe, the impracticability of destroying German industry, the economic and political treatment of Germany, and dismemberment of Germany. (The first three sections of this memorandum are printed as an enclosure to a letter of July 17, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the Secretary of State, document No. 849, q. v.)
849, 1022 753, 990
1945 (Footnote to document No. 849: Extracts from Secretary Stimson’s diary, July 16–17, 1945, concerning discussions within the United States Delegation to the Berlin Conference on the treatment of Germany, with special reference to the Ruhr.)
July 16 [*Memorandum by Mr. Perry Laukhuff, of the Political Division, United States Group, Control Council (Germany)]
[Review of political problems confronting the occupation authorities in Germany as a whole and in the United States zone of occupation; printed as enclosure 2 to a memorandum of July 17, 1945, from the Director of Political Affairs, United States Group, Control Council (Germany) to the Political Adviser in Germany (document No. 850, page 758), q. v.]
July 16 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum on the relationship between reparations and the cession of German territory.
893 831
July 16 *Draft Memorandum by the Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission
Analysis of problems involved in the creation of a separate Rhineland-Ruhr state.
1023 992
July 16 (tel. 5814) The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Views on the advisability of bringing up the question of Tangier at the Berlin Conference.
1348 1408
July 16 (tel. 1200) The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain
Views on Spanish interests in Tangier; comments on the weakness of Spain’s international position.
(Footnote to document No. 1175: Letter of March 10, 1945, from President Roosevelt to Ambassador Armour, outlining the former’s views with regard to relations between the United States and Spain.)
1175, 1349 1171, 1408
July 16 (tel. War 32887) The Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War
Interim report on the satisfactory testing of the atomic bomb.
(Footnote: Extract from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 16, 1945, concerning the receipt of the above message and its communication to President Truman and Secretary of State Byrnes.)
1303 1360
July 16 [Bulletin From “The Albuquerque Tribune”]
[Text of a statement issued by the Commanding Officer, Alamogordo Army Air Base, explaining an explosion which had taken place on the Base reservation; printed as enclosure 3 to a memorandum of July 18, 1945, from the Commanding General, Manhattan District Project, to the Secretary of War (document No. 1305, page 1361), q. v.]
1945 July 16 [Memorandum by Mr. Ernest O. Lawrence, of the Manhattan District Project Staff]
[Description of and comments on the test of the atomic bomb; printed as enclosure 4 to a memorandum of July 18, 1945, from the Commanding General, Manhattan District Project, to the Secretary of War (document No. 1305, page 1361), q. v.]
July 16 *The Secretary of War to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum from the Secretary of War to the President concerning the conduct of the war against Japan, a possible warning to Japan, the Yalta agreement concerning Soviet entry into the war against Japan, Manchuria, trusteeship for Korea, and Allied occupation of the main Japanese islands.
(Footnote to document No. 1212: Extracts from Secretary Stimson’s diary, July 14–18, 1945, concerning discussions within the United States Delegation on Soviet plans in the Far East and the Open Door policy.)
(Footnotes to document No. 1236: Extracts from Secretary Stimson’s diary, July 16–24, 1945, concerning Japanese peace maneuvers and the relationship between the warning to Japan and the successful test of the atomic bomb.)
1236, 732, 1212, 1274 1265, 631, 1223, 1322
July 16 (tel. 31) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a message from Mr. Cordell Hull commenting upon the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan.
1237 1267
July 16 The British Embassy to the Department of State
British reaction to a United States proposal for the issuance of a statement, following the Italian declaration of war against Japan, supporting the admission of Italy to the United Nations in due course.
722, 1088 621, 1079
July 16 (tel. 32) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Request for approval for issuing a statement (text included in the message) supporting the admission of Italy to the United Nations.
723 622
July 16 (tel. 33) The Acting Secretary of State to the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy
Review of correspondence with Ambassador Pauley concerning a suggestion that commodities received by the Soviet Union from German satellites on reparation account be made available to United States occupation forces through reverse lend-lease arrangements; suggestion in this connection that the United States indicate an interest in obtaining oil from Rumania and Hungary.
(Footnote: Draft of a message to Ambassador Pauley on the above subject.)
1316 1378
July 16 (tel. 34) The Special Assistant to the Director of European Affairs to the Director of European Affairs
Comments on Soviet proposals concerning the procedures of the Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
794 687
July 16 (tel. 291) The Representative in Hungary to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that Major General Key will not commit himself with respect to Soviet proposals concerning the procedures of the Allied Control Commission for Hungary pending further clarification and possible instructions.
795 688
1945 July 16 (tel. M 1240) The Chief of the Military Representation on the Allied Control Commission for Rumania to the War Department
Recommendation that agreement be reached at the Berlin Conference on the rights and privileges of the United States representatives on the Allied Control Commission for Rumania.
793 686
July 16 (SH-1363) [The Deputy Chairman of the Allied Control Commission for Rumania to the Chief of the Military Representation on the Allied Control Commission for Rumania]
[Outline of revised procedures for conducting the work of the Allied Control Commission for Rumania; printed as an enclosure to a despatch of July 17, 1945, from the Acting Representative in Rumania to the Secretary of State (document No. 797, page 690), q. v.]
July 16 (tel. 1621) The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union
Instructions to express to the Soviet Government the concern of the United States Government over Soviet economic measures affecting Rumania.
834 737
July 16 (tel. Victory 35) *The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Instruction to postpone action with respect to issuing a statement supporting admission of Italy to the United Nations pending consideration by Secretary Byrnes of a possible statement on Italy in which the Soviet Government might be invited to join.
724 623
July 17 (tel. 910) The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union
Request for strict security measures in handling messages concerning Soviet-Japanese negotiations; information as to the individuals in Tokyo concerned in the present negotiations.
1223 1248
July 17 (tel. 913) The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union
Comments concerning Soviet mediation to end the war; indication that Japan will fight to the bitter end if the enemy insists on unconditional surrender; instruction to obtain a reply as soon as possible from the Soviet Government to the Japanese proposal to send a special envoy to Moscow.
1224 1249
July 17 *Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: military aspects of the unconditional surrender formula for Japan; the retention of United States forces in Italy; British participation in the war against Japan; command and control in the war against Japan; and United States policy concerning the Dardanelles and the Kiel Canal.
July 17 *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
Policy recommendations with respect to the disposition and distribution of captured German merchant shipping.
1005 969
1945 July 17 *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
Recommendations with respect to the retention of Allied forces and of a combined command in Italy.
1108 1097
July 17 (SM-2610) *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee Recommendations as to United States policy concerning the Dardanelles and the Kiel Canal. 751, 1363 649, 1420
July 17 (C.C.S. 706/14) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve amended drafts (texts printed) of messages to United States and British commanders and to the London Munitions Assignments Board with respect to the disposal of enemy war materiel in Germany and Austria.
895 835
July 17 (C.C.S. 889/1) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Views concerning British Commonwealth participation in the war against Japan.
1283 1334
July 17 (C.C.S. 890/1) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Comments on proposals to change the boundaries of command in the war against Japan.
1267 1313
July 17 *The Secretary of War to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the President containing an analysis and recommendations with respect to the condition of central Europe, the impracticability of destroying German industry, the economic and political treatment of Germany, and dismemberment of Germany.
(Footnote to document No. 849: Extracts from Secretary Stimson’s diary, July 16–17, 1945, concerning discussions within the United States Delegation to the Berlin Conference on the treatment of Germany, with special reference to the Ruhr.)
849, 1022 754, 990
July 17 (tel. 7182) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on British civil aviation policy and on the impending visit of Sir William Hildred to the United States to discuss that policy.
1187 1188
July 17 *TrumanStalin Meeting: Bohlen Notes
Rough notes on a discussion concerning the agenda for the Berlin Conference; the general election in the United Kingdom; British attitudes toward the war against Japan; Soviet entry into the war against Japan; and the Stalin-Soong conversations which had recently taken place in Moscow.
(Footnote: Cross reference to a memorandum of March 28, 1960, by Mr. Bohlen, with respect to the Truman-Stalin meeting of July 17, 1945, printed as document No. 1418, page 1582.)
1945 July 17 *TrumanStalin Meeting: The Assistant to the Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Summary of additional subjects which the Soviet Government intends to place on the agenda for the Berlin Conference, as outlined by the Soviet Foreign Commissar to the President and the Secretary of State.
July 17 *The Assistant Secretary of War to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Notification of agreement between United States and British commanders as to the allocation of a French sector in Berlin.
1028 1001
July 17 *StimsonChurchill Conversation: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 17, 1945, concerning a discussion on German shipping, European problems, the coal situation, and the successful testing of the atomic bomb.
July 17 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of a memorandum for the Secretary of State recommending approval of agreements negotiated in the European Advisory Commission with respect to control machinery in Austria and zones of occupation in Austria and the administration of the city of Vienna.
772 668
July 17 *The Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission to the Assistant Secretaries of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs, and for Economic Affairs
Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of creating a separate Rhineland-Ruhr state.
1024 993
July 17 [*Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs]
[Background memorandum on the proposed agreements between China and the Soviet Union and recommendation that this subject be discussed with Generalissimo Stalin at the Berlin Conference, with the participation of Prime Minister Soong; printed as sub-attachment 1 to a memorandum of July 20, 1945, from the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to Secretary Byrnes (document No. 1215, page 1227), q. v.]
July 17 [*Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs]
[Background memorandum on Outer Mongolia and United States policy toward that area; printed as subattachment 3 to a memorandum of July 20, 1945, from the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to Secretary Byrnes (document No. 1215, page 1227), q. v.]
July 17 [*Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs]
[Background memorandum on Sinkiang; printed as subattachment 4 to a memorandum of July 20, 1945, from the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to Secretary Byrnes (document No. 1215, page 1227), q. v.]
1945 July 17 (tel. 2010) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that Rome newspapers have carried an item to the effect that Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., will arrive soon to assume the post of Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission.
1111 1100
July 17 (tel. Victory 51) *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Acting Secretary of State
Request for background information on the subject of reparations from Italy.
1094 1087
July 17 (661) *The Political Adviser in Germany to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum of July 14, 1945, by an unidentified German lawyer concerning the transfer of scientific and military research institutions from Germany to the Soviet Union.
896 837
July 17 (410) The Acting Representative in Rumania to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a Soviet memorandum of July 16, 1945, containing an outline of revised procedures for conducting the work of the Allied Control Commission for Rumania.
797 690
July 17 (tel. 296) The Representative in Hungary to the Acting Secretary of State
Observations with respect to the forthcoming elections in Hungary, including the possibility of tripartite supervision.
799 693
July 17 (tel. 367) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Observations and recommendations with respect to the forthcoming elections in Bulgaria.
800 694
July 17 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: approval of the minutes of the 193d Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff; and British Commonwealth participation in the war against Japan.
July 17 (tel. 2597) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that the British Ambassador has protested against continued Soviet requisitioning and removal of British equipment in Rumania and has rejected Soviet views on this subject.
835 738
Undated *The Secretary of State to the President
Transmittal of a draft memorandum to Prime Minister Churchill on lend-lease questions.
1180 1177
July 17 *President Truman to Prime Minister Churchill
Memorandum in reply to Mr. Churchill’s telegram of May 28, 1945, with respect to lend-lease to the United Kingdom during the war against Japan.
1181 1179
1945 July 17 (F.O. 11(1)) *The Secretary General of the British Delegation to the First Secretary of Embassy in Portugal
Transmittal of the text of a message of July 11, 1945, from the British Ambassador in Yugoslavia to the Foreign Office reporting on the political situation in Yugoslavia.
1201 1207
July 17 The Acting Secretary of State to Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg
Statement of United States policy toward the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.
1117 1104
July 17 *The British Foreign Secretary to the Secretary of State
Views on the Polish political situation; transmittal of a suggested statement with regard to Poland to be issued at the end of the Berlin Conference.
1118 1107
July 17 (1331) The Ambassador in Greece to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of reports on political and economic conditions and on the military situation in northern Greece.
1071 1048
July 17 (tel. 297) The Representative in Hungary to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that the blackout on foreign newspaper reporting in Hungary may be raised somewhat.
746 644
July 17 (tel. 2598) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that the Soviet authorities are still studying the question of the creation of a Danube commission.
752 650
July 17 (1938) [The Yugoslav Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in Yugoslavia]
[Protest that the conduct of Allied Military Government in Venezia Giulia has not been in accord with the Belgrade agreement of June 9, 1945; printed as an enclosure to a note of July 25, 1945, from Prime Minister Tito and Foreign Minister Subasid to President Truman (document No. 1207, page 1214), q. v.]
July 17 *The Director of Political Affairs, United States Group, Control Council (Germany) to the Political Adviser in Germany
Transmittal of memoranda reviewing the political and economic problems confronting the occupation authorities in Germany as a whole and in the United States zone of occupation for the solution of which high-level decisions or policy guidance is needed.
850 758
Undated *Memorandum by Major Harold Zink, of the Political Division, United States Group, Control Council (Germany)
Background information and analysis concerning the problems of reestablishing a German governmental structure.
851 766
1945 July 17 *First Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: choice of President Truman as presiding officer; the agenda; establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; policy toward Germany; implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe; policy toward Italy; dissolution of the European Advisory Commission; hour of meeting; and disposition of the German Fleet.
July 17 *First Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 17 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposal for the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers with the immediate task of drawing up treaties of peace with Italy, Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary and of proposing settlements of outstanding territorial questions in Europe.
711 609
July 17 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposed agreement on the political and economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
(Annex, printed as document No. 894: Proposal on principles, definitions, and an allocation formula in connection with reparations from Germany.)
(Attachments to the annex: Principles agreed upon by the Allied Commission on Reparations; proposed definitions of restitution, war booty, and reparations; an agreed formula for the allocation of reparations as between the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States; and an agreed procedure for settling the division of reparations between other countries.)
852, 894 775, 832
July 17 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposal for the implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe.
745 643
July 17 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposal for terminating the short terms of surrender by Italy and the obsolete clauses of the long terms of surrender, and for replacing them by undertakings on the part of the Italian Government to meet the requirements of the existing situation.
1089 1080
July 17 Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State
Memorandum of a telephone conversation with Mr. Cordell Hull concerning the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan.
1238 1268
July 17 The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a letter of July 2, 1945, from the Archduke Otto of Austria to President Truman containing the Archduke’s views on the situation in Austria and his suggestions for improving that situation.
761 659
July 17 [*Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Account of discussions with the Secretary of State concerning the proposed warning to Japan and the Open Door policy; quoted in footnotes to a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the President (document No. 1212, page 1223, and document No. 1236, page 1265), q. v.]
1945 July 17 (tel. 38) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a suggested redraft of a proposal to the Soviet and French Governments to participate in the supervision of elections in Greece.
1059 1041
July 17 (tel. 39) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Summary of a report from the Ambassador in Iran on Soviet policy toward Iran; suggestion that the Iranian problem be discussed at the Berlin Conference.
1327 1389
July 17 (tel. 40) The Acting Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Report of a difference of interpretation on the part of British and United States officials with respect to instructions issued by Ambassador Pauley on restitution questions; outline of a proposed reply to an aide-mémoire from the British Embassy on this subject.
897 840
July 17 (tel. Victory 52) (Conf-rep 2) *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Acting Head of the Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations
Request for statistics on assets and output in eastern Germany before World War II.
898 841
July 17 (tel. War 33556) The Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War
Further interim report on the successful testing of the atomic bomb.
(Footnote: Extract from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 18, 1945, concerning the communication of the above message to the President.)
1304 1360
July 17 *Tripartite Communiqué
Announcement that the Heads of Government have met and exchanged views, that the President of the United States will preside at the meetings of the Conference, and that the Foreign Ministers will hold regular meetings to prepare the work of the Conference.
July 17 (tel. 197) The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative in Hungary
Views with respect to the procedures of the Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
798 692
July 17 (tel. 1629) The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union
Instruction to inform the Soviet Government that the United States assumes Soviet concurrence in a line of action concerning German external assets.
982 949
July 17 (tel. 44) The Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy
Report on the status of negotiations with respect to the control of German external assets.
983 950
1945 July 18 *Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: a memorandum for the President on the unconditional surrender formula for Japan; the relationship between the Chiefs of Staff of the United States and of the other nations participating in the war against Japan; French and Netherland participation in the war against Japan; staff conversations with Portugal; and disposition of captured German passenger ships.
July 18 *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
Recommendations for amending the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan.
1239 1268
July 18 (C.C.S. 679/6) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendations for the allocation by the Combined Chiefs of Staff of seven captured German vessels.
1190 1191
July 18 (C.C.S. 842/2) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve a draft memorandum (text printed) to the French and Netherland Representatives to the Combined Chiefs of Staff with respect to French and Netherland participation in the war against Japan.
1289 1344
July 18 (C.C.S. 889/2) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Transmittal of extracts from a message of July 9, 1945, from General of the Army MacArthur commenting upon and making suggestions with respect to British Commonwealth participation in the Coronet operations.
1284 1336
July 18 (tel. Victory 56) *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Adviser on German Economic Affairs to the Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Request for information as to whether the Soviet Union has been informed of a proposed directive on German coal production and exports.
1039 1023
July 18 *First Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers and dissolution of the European Advisory Commission; policy toward Germany; the agenda for the Second Plenary Meeting; disposition of the German Fleet; Poland; German economic problems; chairmanship of the meetings of the Foreign Ministers; and admission of Italy to the United Nations.
July 18 *First Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Secretary of State Byrnes to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the First Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
1945 July 18 *Report by the Subcommittee on the Council of Foreign Ministers
Report of approval of the United States proposal concerning the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; transmittal of a redraft of paragraph 3 of that proposal.
(Annex: Alternative texts considered by the Subcommittee.)
712 611
July 18 (tel. 2979) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State Information concerning British newspaper reports of a speech by Lieutenant General Anders; report that General Anders is offering every facility for members of the Polish Corps in Italy who choose to do so to return to Poland. 1119 1109
July 18 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the President
Comments on Generalissimo Stalin’s statement with respect to exacting reparations from Italy.
1095 1087
July 18 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a revised memorandum on the relationship between reparations and the cession of German territory.
900 842
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Background information with respect to restitution of identifiable gold recaptured from the Germans.
901 844
July 18 *The Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Comments on the Department of State’s redraft of a proposal to the Soviet and French Governments to participate in the supervision of elections in Greece.
1060 1042
July 18 [*Memorandum by the Ambassador to the Soviet Union]
[Review of the StalinSoong negotiations in Moscow and recommendations as to United States policy with respect to implementation of the Yalta agreement concerning Soviet entry into the war against Japan; printed as attachment 2 to a memorandum of July 20, 1945, from the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to Secretary Byrnes (document No. 1215, page 1227), q. v.]
July 18 (tel. 4310) The Representative in the Conversations Concerning Tangier to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of an informal approach to Soviet representatives concerning Soviet participation in the Paris conversations on Tangier.
1350 1409
July 18 (tel. 7236) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of a British suggestion that the question of reconvening the European Inland Transport Conference be taken up at the Berlin Conference.
1158 1158
1945 July 18 (tel. 1548) The Ambassador in Spain to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the Spanish attitude toward Soviet participation in the Tangier regime.
1351 1410
July 18 *TrumanChurchill Luncheon Meeting: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this meeting.
July 18 *ByrnesEden Luncheon Meeting: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this meeting.
July 18 (tel. 4307) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission
Notification that the Soviet Embassy at London has not yet received permission to sign the pending agreements on additional requirements to be imposed on Germany and on zones of occupation in Germany.
1035 1006
July 18 (C.C.S. 890/2) *Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Comments on proposals to change the boundaries of command in the war against Japan and on the question of the higher strategic control of the war.
1268 1315
July 18 (C.C.S. 895/1) *Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Views with respect to French participation in the war against Japan.
1290 1345
July 18 (C.C.S. 462/26) *Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Comments on a proposed letter to the Department of State and the British Foreign Office with respect to Portuguese participation in the liberation of Timor.
1297 1352
July 18 *The Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Department of State and the British Foreign Office
Conclusions with respect to Portuguese participation in the liberation of Timor.
1298 1353
July 18 *The State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee to Members of the Committee Panel at Babelsberg
Circulation for approval of a memorandum on United States policy regarding the Dardanelles and the Kiel Canal.
1364 1423
July 18 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: approval of the minutes of the 194th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff; French and Netherland participation in the war against Japan; staff conversations with Portugal; Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific Area; and command and control in the war against Japan.
July 18 *Truman-Stalin Meeting: Bohlen Notes
Rough notes on a discussion concerning a message from the Emperor of Japan with respect to a mission of Prince Konoye and the reply to be made thereto.
(Footnote: Cross reference to a memorandum of March 28, 1960, by Mr. Bohlen with respect to the Truman-Stalin meeting of July 18, 1945, printed as document No. 1419, page 1587.)
1945 July 18 (tel. Victory 68) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Authorization to conclude the pending agreement on zones of occupation in Germany on the basis of a Soviet proposal for the final sentence of the accompanying report.
1029 1002
July 18 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Suggested revisions in the proposed agreement on the political and economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
853 778
July 18 *The Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Secretary of State
Memorandum on the urgency of seeking an early decision as to War Department responsibility for interim financing of imports into Germany.
854 779
July 18 (SC–145b) Memorandum by the Central Secretariat
Transmittal of a memorandum for the Secretary of State concerning the objective of the United States Government in the occupation of Germany.
855 780
July 18 *Second Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: relations with the press; the Rapporteur’s report on the First Meeting of the Foreign Ministers; establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; political principles for the treatment of Germany; and relations with Poland.
July 18 *Second Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 18 Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of a statement on the Polish question.
1120 1110
July 18 The Commanding General, Manhattan District Project, to the Secretary of War
Report on the successful testing of the atomic bomb.
(Enclosure 3: Bulletin from The Albuquerque Tribune, giving the text of a statement of July 16, 1945, by the Commanding Officer, Alamogordo Army Air Base, explaining an explosion which had taken place on the Base reservation.)
(Enclosure 4: Memorandum of July 16, 1945, by Mr. Ernest O. Lawrence, describing and commenting upon the test of the atomic bomb.)
(Footnote: Extract from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 21, 1945, concerning the receipt of this report and its communication to President Truman and the Secretary of State.)
1305 1361
July 18 *Prime Minister Churchill to the Secretary of War
Transmittal of a photocopy of an aide-mémoire initialed by President Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill on September 18 [199], 1944, concerning the use of an atomic bomb against Japan and Anglo-American collaboration in developing Tube Alloys for military and commercial purposes after the defeat of Japan.
1306 1370
1945 July 18 Memorandum by the Special Assistant to the Director of European Affairs
Memorandum of a conversation with the Second Secretary of the British Embassy concerning the admission of Italy to the United Nations.
725 624
July 18 (tel. 7241) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of British views with respect to Spain.
1176 1172
July 18 (tel. 7242) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of British views with respect to Tangier.
1352 1411
July 18 (tel. Victory 77) *The Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Acting Chief of the Division of Financial Affairs and the Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Tentative views with respect to exaction of reparations from Italy.
1096 1088
July 18 (tel. Victory 82) *The Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs to the Director of Near Eastern and African Affairs
Notification that the Soviet Union has proposed the addition of Tangier and the Levant to the agenda for the Berlin Conference.
1338 1398
July 18 The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of two notes of July 18, 1945, from the Italian Ambassador with respect to a peace treaty for Italy.
1090 1081
July 18 (tel. Naf 1042) (FX 24640) The Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, to the Combined Chiefs of Staff
Report on military meetings with the Soviet authorities in Vienna held on July 16, 1945, with special reference to communications and the inability of the Soviet authorities in Austria to implement the pending European Advisory Commission agreements on Austria.
773 669
July 18 (tel. M 25043) (Conf-mess 5) The Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Statistics on assets and output in eastern Germany before World War II.
899 841
July 18 *Memorandum by the British Delegation
Observations on the eastern frontier of Germany as it affects the principles governing the treatment of Germany and the authority of the Allied Control Council for Germany.
1144 1136
July 18 [*Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Account of conversations with President Truman concerning the Open Door policy in China and the testing of the atomic bomb; quoted in footnote 4 to a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the President (document No. 1212, page 1223) and in footnote 2 to a telegram of July 17, 1945, from the Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War (document No. 1304, page 1360), q. v.]
1945 July 18 (tel. 33) The Navy Department to the Commander, United States Naval Forces in Europe
Request for United States representation on the Cap-craft commission to protect the United States interest in disposing of captured enemy small craft.
1006 970
July 18 (tel. 1416) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Observations on unconditional surrender as it would affect the fundamental character of the Japanese nation.
1225 1250
July 18 [The Soviet Acting Foreign Commissar to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union]
[Notification of the inability of the Soviet Government to give a definite reply to a message from the Emperor of Japan and to the Japanese proposal to send Prince Konoye to Moscow as a special envoy; quoted in a telegram of July 19, 1945, from the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs (document No. 1226, page 1250), q. v.]
July 18 (tel. 304) The Representative in Hungary to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that new procedures for the Allied Control Commission for Hungary, more satisfactory to the United States than past procedures, have begun without formal agreement.
801 696
July 18 (tel. 51) The Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs and the Acting Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy
Suggestions for emphasis in the negotiations at the Berlin Conference on the use of allied property as war booty or reparations.
836 739
July 18 (tel. 52) The Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Adviser on German Economic Affairs
Report that the Soviet Union has not been informed of a proposed directive on German coal production and exports.
1040 1023
July 18 (tel. 54) [The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State]
[Draft of a message to Ambassador Pauley concerning the possibility that commodities received by the Soviet Union from the German satellites on reparation account be made available to United States forces through reverse lend-lease arrangements; quoted in footnote 3 to a telegram of July 16, 1945, from the Acting Secretary of State to the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy (document No. 1316, page 1378), q. v.]
July 18 (tel. 56) The Acting Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Suggestion that steps be taken at the Berlin Conference to forestall Soviet seizure of German-held shares in Rumanian oil corporations as compensation for damages caused by Germany; discussion of arguments against such seizure. 984 951
1945 July 18 (tel. 57) The Acting Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Background information on the question of inviting Italy to join the United Maritime Authority.
1110 1099
July 19 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State and the Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Transmittal of a message from Prime Minister Soong to Ambassador Harriman with respect to the Chinese position in pending Sino-Soviet negotiations.
1213 1224
July 19 *Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of a discussion concerning the supplying of information to the Soviet Union with respect to the war against Japan.
July 19 *Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the agenda for the meeting; establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; disposition of the German Fleet and Merchant Marine; political principles for the treatment of Germany; policy toward Poland; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; and the agenda for the Third Plenary Meeting.
July 19 *Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the discussions in the Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 19 *Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Foreign Secretary Eden to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 19 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal for the handing over to the Soviet Union of one-third of the German Navy and one-third of the German Merchant Marine.
1007 971
July 19 *Report by the Subcommittee on German Political Questions
Redraft of a proposed agreement on the political principles to govern the treatment of Germany during the initial control period.
(Footnotes: Extracts from a letter of July 21, 1945, from the Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs to the Acting and Assistant Chiefs of that Division, recounting some of the discussions in meetings of the Subcommittee in the preparation of this report.)
856 784
July 19 Proposal by the British Delegation
Draft of a statement by the Heads of Government on the Polish question.
1121 1111
1945 July 19 *Proposal by the Soviet Government
Proposal for the Conference to recommend to the United Nations the breaking off of diplomatic relations with the Franco government in Spain and the rendering of support to democratic forces in Spain.
1177 1173
July 19 *First Meeting of the Economic Subcommittee: Memorandum by the Political Adviser in Germany
Summary of a discussion on the proposed agreement on economic principles for the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
July 19 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Memorandum concerning probable Soviet amendments to the proposed agreement on political and economic principles for the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
857 787
July 19 *Texts Considered by the Economic Subcommittee
Draft texts concerning the economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
858 787
Undated *Draft of Report by the Economic Subcommittee
Draft of a report on the extent of agreement and disagreement in the Economic Subcommittee with respect to economic principles for the treatment of Germany.
859, 1041 789, 1024
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of a text concerning the financing of approved imports into Germany.
860 793
July 19 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the President
Recommendations for dealing with the Soviet proposal for disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine.
1008 971
July 19 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the President
Recommendation that Soviet agreement be sought to the supply of petroleum for western Europe from Austria, Hungary, and Rumania.
1318 1381
July 19 *The First Secretary of Embassy in Portugal to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Working paper on implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe and related problems.
747 645
July 19 [*The Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State and the Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs]
[Summary of views with respect to the pending Sino-Soviet agreements arising out of the Yalta agreement concerning the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan; printed as attachment 1 to a memorandum of July 20, 1945, from the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to Secretary Byrnes (document No. 1215, page 1227), q. v.]
1945 July 19 [*Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs]
[Background information on Manchurian problems and recommendation as to United States policy toward the Yalta commitments relating to Manchuria; printed as subattachment 2 to a memorandum of July 20, 1945, from the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to Secretary Byrnes (document No. 1215, page 1227), q. v.]
July 19 *Stimson-Cherwell Conversation: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 19, 1945, concerning a discussion on the atomic bomb.
July 19 *The Assistant Secretary of War to the Chairman of the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee
Provisional approval of an attached memorandum (text printed) on United States policy regarding the Dardanelles and the Kiel Canal.
1365 1423
July 19 *The Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Comments on the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with respect to United States policy regarding the Dardanelles.
1366 1425
July 19 (tel. 7259) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of British views with respect to extending the membership of certain European economic organizations.
1159 1158
July 19 *Stimson-Alexander Conversation: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 19, 1945, concerning a discussion on the proposed appointment of Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., as Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission in Italy.
July 19 (tel. 1417) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Transmittal of the text of a note of July 18, 1945, from Acting Foreign Commissar Lozovsky expressing the inability of the Soviet Government to give a definite reply to a message from the Emperor of Japan and to the Japanese proposal to send Prince Konoye to Moscow as a special envoy.
1226 1250
July 19 (C.C.S. 891/1) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Statement that the United States Chiefs of Staff are not in a position to discuss postwar relationships between the military staffs of the United States and the United Kingdom.
1197 1202
July 19 (C.C.S. 895/2) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve a redrafted memorandum (text printed) to the Chief of the French Military Mission in the United States concerning French participation in the war against Japan.
1291 1345
1945 July 19 Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: approval of the minutes of the 195th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff; participation of two French colonial infantry divisions in Far Eastern operations; Combined Chiefs of Staff machinery after the war with Japan; information for the Soviet Union concerning the war against Japan; a planning date for the end of organized resistance by Japan; and the proposed appointment of Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., as Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission in Italy.
July 19 (tel. 118) The Political Adviser for Austrian Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on military meetings with the Soviet authorities in Vienna.
774 670
July 19 (tel. Victory 98) *The Assistant Secretary of War to the War Department
Report of British concurrence in the proposed appointment of Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., as Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission in Italy; transmittal of the text of a proposed Anglo-American press release on this subject.
1113 1100
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal for amending a British draft of a statement by the Heads of Government on the Polish question.
1421 1590
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Text submitted to the Conference on protection of assets of the Polish State.
1422 1591
July 19 (tel. 1418) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Comments on the Soviet rejection of a Japanese proposal to send a special envoy to Moscow.
1227 1251
July 19 (C.C.S. 679/7) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendations concerning trooplift programs in the North Atlantic during the first half of 1946.
1191 1192
July 19 (P 10) *Proposal by the British Delegation
Memorandum concerning the removal as war booty of British-owned oil equipment in Rumania.
837 740
July 19 *Third Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: a Bulgarian-Greek frontier incident; the Rapporteur’s report on the Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers; political principles for the treatment of Germany; disposition of the German Fleet and Merchant Marine; policy toward Spain; implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe; implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Yugoslavia; and removal of oil equipment from Rumania.
July 19 *Third Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
1945 July 19 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Suggestion that the Heads of Government issue a statement recalling that they have given recognition to the Yugoslav Government on the basis of the Yalta Declaration on Yugoslavia and the Tito-Šubašić agreement, which they expect to be carried out in the near future.
1202 1209
July 19 (tel. 481) The Acting Representative in Rumania to the Acting Secretary of State Report on the tactics of the Tatarescu faction in Rumania. 802 696
July 19 (tel. 7269) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the first impressions of the British Chargé d’Affaires in Poland following his arrival.
1122 1112
July 19 *Memorandum by the Secretary of War
Reflections on the basic problems confronting the United States in its relations with the Soviet Union.
(Footnote: Extracts from Secretary Stimson’s diary, July 19–22, 1945, on the genesis of this memorandum and the circumstances of its presentation to President Truman.)
1157 1155
July 19 (6275–3) [The Bulgarian Foreign Minister to the Deputy Chairman of the Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria]
[Review of the situation in Bulgaria for the information of the participants in the Berlin Conference and a request for the establishment of regular diplomatic intercourse between Bulgaria and the Allied Powers; quoted in a message of July 24, 1945, from the Representation on the Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (document No. 813, page 711), q. v.]
July 19 [The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Soviet Acting Foreign Commissar]
[Statement of the assumption that the Soviet Government, in view of its actions, has no objection to a démarche to the Spanish Government with respect to control of German assets in Spain, and notification that such a démarche will be made; quoted in an airgram of July 27, 1945, from the Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State (document No. 997, page 959), q. v.]
July 19 (tel. 2628) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State
Notification that instructions for an approach to the Soviet Government concerning the control of German external assets have been executed.
985 952
July 19 (tel. 990) The Ambassador in Turkey to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of Turkish reactions to recent Anglo-Turkish conversations.
1367 1426
1945 July 19 (tel. 730) The Ambassador in Greece to the Acting Secretary of State
Observations on Soviet distortions in portraying Greece as a country in the throes of anarchy and as a menace to its peaceful neighbors.
1072 1060
July 19 *Tripartite Dinner Meeting: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this meeting.
July 19 (tel. Victory 115 of July 20) *MoselyVyshinsky Conversation: The Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Report, dated July 20, 1945, that Mr. Vyshinsky informed Mr. Mosely that the Soviet Government has approved the “additional requirements” agreement for Germany except the title and first paragraph.
July 19 (tel. 60) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Report that the European Advisory Commission agreements on Austria have been approved by the State, War, and Navy Departments and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
775 671
July 19 (tel. 61) The Director of the Office of Transport and Communications Policy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Views on the reconvening of the European Inland Transport Conference; transmittal of the text of a communication of July 14, 1945, from the Department of State to the British Embassy on this subject.
1160 1159
July 19 (tel. 63) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Comments on the situation in the Levant.
1339 1398
July 19 (tel. 64) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Summary of the status of the Tangier negotiations with the British Government.
1353 1411
July 19 *The Secretary of State to the Soviet Foreign Commissar
Proposal for quadripartite supervision of elections in Greece.
1061 1042
July 19 (tel. 1205) The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy
Notification that the Department of State has not yet received British concurrence in the proposed appointment of Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., as Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission in Italy.
1112 1100
July 19 (tel. 69) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of the texts of proposed replies to inquiries from the press with respect to the unconditional surrender of Japan.
1240 1270
July 19 (tel. 2634) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that representations have been made to the Soviet authorities concerning Soviet economic policy in Rumania.
838 741
1945 July 19 (tel. 1641) The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union
Suggestion that the question of controlling the external assets of the former German satellite states be discussed with the Soviet authorities at the Berlin Conference; expression of the view that the total freezing of such assets is desirable.
845 747
July 20 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the President and the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a message from President Chiang to President Truman informing the latter of the substance of a message from President Chiang to Generalissimo Stalin with respect to the Stalin-Soong negotiations, and asking Mr. Truman to impress upon Generalissimo Stalin the reasonableness of the Chinese position in those negotiations.
1214 1225
July 20 (tel. Victory 115) *The Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Report that Mr. Vyshinsky informed Mr. Mosely [on July 19] that the Soviet Government has approved the “additional requirements” agreement for Germany except the title and first paragraph; summary of explanations concerning this agreement given to War Department officials by Ambassador Murphy and Mr. Mosely.
1036 1007
July 20 Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on basic objectives, strategy, and policies in the war against Japan and on an air transport route between the United States and Moscow.
July 20 *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
Recommendation that the President send a letter to Generalissimo Stalin on the subject of air traffic from the United States to Moscow via Berlin or discuss the subject with the Generalissimo.
1170 1167
July 20 Meeting of the Economic Subcommittee: Memorandum by the Political Adviser in Germany
Notes on a discussion of economic principles for the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
July 20 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Proposed text on the financing of imports into Germany.
861 793
July 20 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Proposed text on the financing of imports into Germany.
862 794
July 20 (tel. Victory 116) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France
Instructions to propose quadripartite supervision of elections in Greece to the French Provisional Government.
1062 1043
July 20 *The Commanding General, Army Air Forces, to the Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Notification that the Joint Chiefs of Staff have approved a memorandum to the President with respect to air traffic from the United States to Moscow via Berlin.
1169 1166
1945 July 20 President Truman to Generalissimo Stalin
Request for Soviet approval of the diversion of air traffic between the United States and the Soviet Union to a route via Berlin.
1171 1167
July 20 *The Secretary of War to the President
Recommendations for amending the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan.
(Footnote: Extract from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 24, 1945, concerning a conversation with President Truman about the possibility of reassuring the Japanese as to the continuance of their dynasty.)
1241 1271
July 20 (tel. Victory 143) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Notification of Presidential approval of the European Advisory Commission agreements relating to Austria.
776 672
July 20 (tel. 2999) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on military meetings with the Soviet authorities in Vienna.
777 672
July 20 *The Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of memoranda by Messrs. Dooman, Vincent, and Harriman relating to the Sino-Soviet negotiations which had taken place in Moscow, and giving background information and recommendations with respect to those negotiations and with respect to Manchuria, Outer Mongolia, and Sinkiang.
1215 1227
July 20 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Recommendation that the question of obtaining petroleum for western Europe from southern and eastern Europe be submitted to the Heads of Government.
1319 1382
July 20 *Byrnes-Gromyko Conversation: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this conversation, at which the question of trusteeship was discussed.
July 20 *The Soviet Foreign Commissar to the Secretary of State
Expression of the negative attitude of the Soviet Government toward foreign control of national elections; intimation that a Soviet proposal relating to Greece will be placed before the Berlin Conference.
1063 1043
July 20 *Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: economic principles for the treatment of Germany; policy toward Poland; establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; the agenda for the Fourth Plenary Meeting; the admission of Italy and Spain to international organizations; reparations from Italy; revision of the Italian surrender terms; implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe; revision of the procedures of the Allied Control Commissions for Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; and freedom of movement for press representatives in eastern Europe.
1945 July 20 *Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the discussions in the Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 20 *Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Foreign Commissar Molotov to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 20 *Memorandum by the First Secretary of Embassy in Portugal
Suggestion that Secretary of State Byrnes might wish, in presenting a paper on policy toward Italy, to state orally the interest of the United States in the admission of Italy to the United Nations.
726 625
July 20 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposed declaration on the admission of Italy and the non-admission of Spain to the United Nations.
727 625
July 20 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal to authorize the Council of Foreign Ministers to consider in detail the question of trusteeships and to work out practical proposals on this subject, including proposals concerning territories held under mandate of the League of Nations.
733 632
July 20 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Comments on the situation in Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Rumania, and Greece; recommendation for resumption of diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, and Rumania; proposal for recommending to the Regent of Greece action toward establishing democratic government in that country.
804, 1064 698, 1044
July 20 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposed statement by the Heads of Government with respect to fixing the western frontier of Poland along the line of the Oder and western Neisse Rivers.
1145 1138
July 20 *United States Delegation?Working Paper
Draft of a statement for issuance by the Heads of Government with respect to policy toward Italy.
1091 1084
July 20 *The Commanding General, Army Service Forces, to the British Minister of War Transport
Informal transmittal of the views of the United States Chiefs of Staff on a British proposal to amend the proposed statement of basic objectives, strategy, and policies in the war against Japan.
1262 1299
July 20 (tel. 511) The Ambassador in Iran to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that a deputy in the Iranian Majlis has urged the withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran.
1328 1390
1945 July 20 (tel. 3000) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the discussion of supply problems during military meetings with the Soviet authorities in Vienna.
778 673
July 20 (tel. 7304) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on British views with respect to Tangier.
1354 1412
July 20 *Byrnes-Churchill Luncheon Meeting: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this meeting.
July 20 *The Soviet Ambassador to the Secretary of State
Transmittal or copies of an exchange of correspondence in June 1945 between Ambassador Gromyko and Secretary of State Stettinius relating to trust territories.
734 633
July 20 (tel. 3002) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of a conversation held on July 19, 1945, between Major-General W. H. Oxley and Colonel General Sergey Semenovich Biryuzov with respect to Soviet troops in Bulgaria and British troops in Greece.
1074 1062
July 20 (1247) The Deputy Political Adviser at Allied Force Headquarters to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of the minutes of a conversation of July 13, 1945, between Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander, Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, and Lieutenant General Wladyslaw Anders, Commander of the Polish Second Corps, concerning the effects of political developments in Poland on the Polish Second Corps.
1123 1113
July 20 (C.C.S. 892/1) Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve an enclosed draft (text printed) of a directive to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia, concerning his primary mission, the boundaries of his command, British participation in the main operations against Japan, operations in the Outer Zone, and the development of bases.
1269, 1285 1317, 1338
July 20 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: approval of the minutes of the 196th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff; a directive to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia; and disposal of enemy war materiel in Germany and Austria.
July 20 (C.C.S. 877/4) *Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve an amended draft (text printed) on basic objectives, strategy, and policies in the war against Japan.
1263 1299
July 20 *Land-Leathers Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from unofficial sources on this conversation relating to shipping matters.
July 20 *Informal Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this meeting.
1945 July 20 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Notes on the agenda for the Fourth Plenary Meeting.
July 20 *Fourth Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the Rapporteur’s report on the Third Meeting of the Foreign Ministers; time of plenary meetings; establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; revision of the Italian surrender terms; policy toward the former German satellites; reparations from Italy; zones of occupation in Austria; admission of British and United States forces to Vienna; the western frontier of Poland; and trusteeships.
July 20 *Fourth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 20 *Text Approved by the Heads of Government
Agreement on the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers.
713 612
July 20 President Bierut and Prime Minister Osóbka-Morawski to President Truman
Proposals concerning the western frontier of Poland.
1146 1138
July 20 [The Polish Chargé in the Soviet Union to the American Chargé in the Soviet Union]
[Note concerning establishment of a Polish military mission to the Allied Control Council for Germany and Polish representation on the Allied Commission on Reparations; quoted in a message of July 22, 1945, from the Chargé in the Soviet Union to the United States Delegation to the Berlin Conference (document No. 1133, page 1125), q. v.]
July 20 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Recommendation for the shipment of crude oil or refined oil products into western Europe from southern and eastern Europe.
1320 1382
July 20 (tel. 1427) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Analysis of the Japanese position in the war and of the possibilities for ending the war.
1228 1252
July 20 (tel. 516) The Ambassador in Iran to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of an appeal from the Iranian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister for American action at the Berlin Conference to bring about the withdrawal of Soviet and British troops from Iran.
1329 1390
July 20 *Truman-Churchill Conversation: Memorandum by the President
Note on a discussion of an adjustment of the exchange value of the franc and of proclamations by the Allied Control Council for Germany.
July 20 *Truman-Stalin Conversation: Memorandum by the President
Note on a discussion regarding a meeting of the United States and Soviet Chiefs of Staff.
1945 July 20 *Meeting of the Economic Subcommittee: United States Delegation Memorandum
Notes on a discussion of possible internationalization of the Ruhr and the Rhineland.
July 20 Report by the Economic Subcommittee
Report on the extent of agreement and disagreement within the Subcommittee with respect to economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany and reparations questions; transmittal of a revised text of the proposed agreement on economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany.
863, 902 795, 845
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Recommendations for amending further the proposed agreement on economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany.
864 799
July 20 *The Assistant Secretary of War to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Comments on a memorandum from the Secretary of State to the President concerning the interim financing of imports into Germany.
865 800
July 20 [*Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Notes on a discussion with Ambassador Harriman concerning the political situation in the Soviet Union; quoted in footnote 1 to a memorandum of July 19, 1945, by the Secretary of War (document No. 1157, page 1155), q. v.]
July 20 (tel. 73) The Acting Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Views on action which might be taken with regard to a strike of Polish seamen in the United Kingdom and possible repercussions of such action on the United Maritime Authority.
1124 1114
July 20 (tel. 74) (SD 4486) The Acting War Shipping Administrator to the Assistant to the War Shipping Administrator
Information with respect to a strike of Polish seamen in the United Kingdom; transmittal of the texts of three communications on this subject sent or received by the War Shipping Administration.
1125 1116
July 20 (tel. 76) The Special Assistant to the Director of European Affairs to the Director of European Affairs
Comments on the decision of Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., to decline appointment to the Allied Commission in Italy and on the desirability of reaching agreement at the Berlin Conference as to the future of the Allied Commission.
1114 1102
July 20 (tel. 79) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Comparison of certain aspects of the Soviet proposals concerning revision of the procedures of the Allied Control Commissions for Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; recommendation that an effort be made to reach agreement on this matter at the Berlin Conference.
803 697
01 July 21 (tel. Victory 149) *The Assistant Secretary of Stale for Economic Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Ambassador Pauley’s comments concerning the interpretation of his instructions with respect to restitution questions.
903 846
July 21 *The Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Comments on a Soviet proposal for internationalizing the Ruhr.
1025 997
July 21 *Memorandum by the Director of Political Affairs, United States Group, Control Council (Germany)
Comments on proposals for the creation of a separate Ruhr-Rhineland state.
1026 999
July 21 *The Chief of Staff of the United States Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Transmittal of statistics on oil production in eastern Europe.
1321 1383
July 21 *United States Delegation Memorandum
Agenda for the Fourth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 21 *Fourth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: date and place of meeting and composition of the Council of Foreign Ministers; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; a declaration on Poland; implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe; policy toward Italy and the former German satellites; and the agenda for the Fifth Plenary Meeting.
July 21 *Fourth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Secretary of State Byrnes to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Fourth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 21 (P. 17) *Report by the Subcommittee on Poland
Draft of a declaration on Poland to be issued by the Heads of Government, with notations to indicate areas of disagreement in the Subcommittee on Poland.
1129 1120
July 21 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of a statement to be issued by the Heads of Government with respect to implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe.
748 646
July 21 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to policy toward Italy.
1092 1085
July 21 Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to policy toward Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland.
805 699
1945 July 21 (tel. C 27265) The Commanding General, Army Forces, Pacific, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Suggestion that the boundary between the Southeast Asia Command and the Southwest Pacific Area be delineated to conform to the Philippine international boundary.
1270 1318
July 21 *Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: basic objectives, strategy, and policies in the war against Japan; review of combined Anglo-American procedures for munitions assignments; internationalization of the Danube; trooplift programs in the North Atlantic during the first half of 1946; disposition of captured German passenger ships; and collection of weather information in eastern Siberia.
July 21 (C.C.S. 877/5) Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Reply to British comments on a proposed statement of basic objectives, strategy, and policies in the war against Japan; transmittal of an amended draft of the proposed text.
1264 1304
July 21 *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
Recommendation for the abolition of the Munitions Assignments Board, Washington.
1198 1203
July 21 (C.C.S. 896) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff send a letter (draft text printed as enclosure A) to the Department of State and to the British Foreign Office suggesting that the agreement of the Soviet Government be sought to the creation of an interim Danube Navigation Agency.
(Enclosure B: Message of July 3, 1945, from the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, to the Combined Chiefs of Staff, reporting on problems concerning shipping on the Danube, recommending the establishment of an interim Danube Navigation Agency, and suggesting that internationalization of the Danube be added to the agenda for the Berlin Conference.)
754 651
July 21 *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President
Request that the President present to Generalissimo Stalin a memorandum requesting Soviet approval of a proposal to augment facilities for the collection and dissemination of weather information in Siberia.
1277 1325
July 21 *President Truman to Generalissimo Stalin
Request for Soviet approval of a proposal to augment facilities for the collection and dissemination of weather information in Siberia.
1278 1326
July 21 (tel. 931) The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union Definition of the proposed mission of Prince Konoye to the Soviet Union. 1229 1257
1945 July 21 (tel. 932) The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union
Comments on Japanese policy with respect to possible surrender.
1230 1258
July 21 (tel. 1568) The Ambassador in Portugal to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of Portuguese reaction to the delay in arranging for Portuguese participation in the war against Japan; recommendation for action.
1299 1354
July 21 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: approval of the minutes of the 197th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff; basic objectives, strategy, and policies in the war against Japan; trooplift programs in the North Atlantic in the first half of 1946; and disposition of captured German passenger ships.
July 21 (C.C.S. 889/3) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Comments with respect to a proposed visit by British officers to General of the Army MacArthur and Fleet Admiral Nimitz.
1286 1339
July 21 (tel. 1433) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Comments on the possibility that the Japanese request to send a special envoy to Moscow has been discussed at the Berlin Conference; warning that Japanese-Soviet relations may take an unforeseeable turn.
1231 1259
July 21 (tel. 91) The Chief of Mission in Albania to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on Greek-Albanian frontier incidents.
1075 1063
July 21 (tel. Victory 167) *The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Instructions to acknowledge a telegram from Mr. Syngman Rhee requesting the Heads of Government at the Berlin Conference to issue a statement with respect to Korea.
735 635
July 21 (tel. 46) The Ambassador in France to the United States Delegation
Report of French acceptance of the proposal for quadripartite supervision of elections in Greece.
1065 1045
July 21 (tel. 4396) The Ambassador in France to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of a conversation with Foreign Minister Bidault concerning the Levant situation.
1340 1399
July 21 (tel Victory 170) *The War Shipping Administrator and the Assistant to the War Shipping Administrator to the Acting War Shipping Administrator
Instructions for action with respect to a strike of Polish seamen in the United Kingdom; transmission of the text of a message from Vice Admiral Land to a United States shipping official in London on this subject.
1126 1118
1945 July 21 *StimsonChurchill Conversation: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 21, 1945, concerning the communication to Prime Minister Churchill of Major General Groves’ report on the successful testing of the atomic bomb.
July 21 *Fifth Plenary Meeting: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the Rapporteur’s report on the Fourth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers; a declaration on Poland; policy toward Italy and the former German satellites; the Polish frontiers and areas of Polish administration; and the coal and food supply for Germany.
July 21 *Fifth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 21 *Text Considered by the Heads of Government
Draft of a statement on the Polish question, with an indication of passages on which agreement has not yet been reached.
1130 1121
July 21 *Text Approved by the Heads of Government
Agreed text of a statement on the Polish question to be issued by the Heads of Government.
1131 1123
July 21 (tel. Neter 187) The Ambassador to the Netherlands to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the urgent desire of the Netherland Government to make arrangements for Netherland participation in the war against Japan.
1292 1346
Julv 21 (2536) The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum by Mr. Ernest J. Dempster commenting upon the Spanish threat to withdraw from the Tangier Statute in the event of Soviet participation in the Tangier regime.
1355 1413
July 21 (C.C.S. 897) *Report by the Combined Military Transportation Committee of the Combined Chiefs of Staff
Background information and recommendations for action by the Combined Chiefs of Staff concerning the provision of personnel shipping for the requirements of Allied governments other than the United States and the United Kingdom.
(Enclosure A: Draft of a memorandum from the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Combined Shipping Adjustment Board on the above subject.)
1192 1194
July 21 (tel. UK 46111) (Wsa 3843) (PO 1) The Representative on the London Branch of the United Maritime Executive Board and the Regional Director for the Combined United Kingdom and Continental Areas, War Shipping Administration, to the War Shipping Administrator and the Assistant to the War Shipping Administrator
Notification of agreement that the Milwaukee should be temporarily repaired in Germany and proceed to the United States for fitting; suggestion that agreement be reached at Babelsberg as to whether the United States or the United Kingdom should man and operate this vessel.
1193 1198
1945 July 21 (tel. UK 46112) (Wsa 3844) (PO 2) The Representative on the London Branch of the United Maritime Executive Board and the Regional Director for the Combined United Kingdom and Continental Areas, War Shipping Administration, to the War Shipping Administrator and the Assistant to the War Shipping Administrator
Inquiry as to the appropriateness of dealing with the Polish Government-in-Exile on matters relating to the United Maritime Authority.
1132 1124
July 21 [The Polish Chargé in the Soviet Union to the American Chargé in the Soviet Union]
[Transmittal of a note concerning establishment of a Polish military mission to the Allied Control Council for Germany and Polish representation on the Allied Commission on Reparations; quoted in a message of July 22, 1945, from the Chargé in the Soviet Union to the United States Delegation to the Berlin Conference (document No. 1133, page 1125), q. v.]
July 21 (tel. War 35987) The Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War
Notification that Secretary Stimson’s military advisers in Washington favor his “pet city’ “as a target for atomic attack.
1307 1372
July 21 (tel. War 35988) The Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War
Report on preparations for the first atomic attack against Japan.
1309 1372
July 21 (tel. 6019) The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Request for information concerning an agreement between the British Government and the Polish Government-in-Exile concerning the latter’s assets; information as to United States practice in granting Treasury licenses to Polish official agencies.
1128 1119
July 21 (tel. 36) The Acting Secretary of State to the Political Adviser for Austrian Affairs
Comparison of United States and British approaches to the question of recognizing the Renner government in Austria.
762 661
July 21 (P 16) *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposal for the complete joint withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran in three stages.
1330 1391
July 21 [*Memorandum by the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean]
[Report on the situation in Greece and on the relative size of the forces now under arms in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia; printed as annex I to a memorandum of July 22, 1945, by Prime Minister Churchill (document No. 1076, page 1064), q. v.]
1945 July 21 [*Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Notes on the receipt of a report from Major General Groves concerning the successful testing of the atomic bomb and its communication to President Truman and the Secretary of State; quoted in footnote 1 to a memorandum of July 18, 1945, from Major General Groves to Secretary Stimson (document No. 1305, page 1361), q. v.]
July 21 *United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the status of problems before the Berlin Conference as of July 21, 1945.
July 21 *Tripartite Dinner Meeting: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this meeting.
July 21 (tel. Victory 182) *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Department of State Report on discussions at the technical level concerning financing of imports into Germany. 866 801
July 21 (670) *The Political Adviser in Germany to the Secretary of State
Report on the attitude of the German people with respect to Nazis and Nazism.
867 802
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of a directive to commanders of the forces of occupation in Germany concerning the formulation and execution of a uniform program with respect to economic matters.
868 804
July 21 *The Deputy Military Governor, United States Zone in Germany, to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a draft directive to commanders of the occupation forces in Germany.
869 805
July 21 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of a directive for issuance by the Heads of Government to the commanders of the occupation forces in Germany with respect to action in the Allied Control Council for effectuating specified political and economic policies throughout Germany.
870 806
July 21 (tel. Victory 184) *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations and the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Instructions for the repetition of certain messages to the American missions at Moscow and Bucharest; report on action at the Berlin Conference with respect to a declaration on German external assets.
986 953
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Recommendation for the issuance of a declaration on German external assets by the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and (if possible) France.
987 954
July 21 (tel. Victory 185) *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Transmittal of a decision as to United States action with respect to a strike of Polish seamen.
1127 1119
1945 July 21 *Meeting of the Economic Subcommittee: Editor’s Note
Cross reference to a post-Conference summary of the discussion at this meeting.
July 21 *British Text of a Draft Report by the Economic Subcommittee
Draft of a report on the liability of Italy and Austria to pay reparations.
765, 1097 663, 1089
July 21 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft definition of war trophies.
904 846
July 21 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal for dealing with questions involving the restitution of property seized by the enemy.
905 847
July 21 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposal for dealing with questions involving the restitution or replacement of property seized by the enemy.
906 848
July 21 [*The Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs to the Acting Chief and the Assistant Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs]
[Account of some of the discussions in the Subcommittee on German Political Questions during the preparation of a report on the political principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period; quoted in footnotes 4–6 to the Report of the Subcommittee (document No. 856, page 784), q. v.]
July 21 (tel. Victory 188) *The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Transmittal of the text of an approved reply to inquiries from the press with respect to the surrender of Japan.
1242 1272
July 21 (tel. 87) The Washington Liaison Officer for the Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Tentative recommendations with respect to reparations from Italy.
1098 1090
July 21 (tel. Victory 189) *The Secretary of War to the Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee
Confirmation of an earlier decision with respect to targets for atomic attack.
1308 1372
July 21 (tel.) The Under Secretary of the Navy to the Assistant Chief of Staff for Plans to the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet
Views of the Secretary and Under Secretary of the Navy with respect to discussing the question of the Turkish Straits and the Kiel Canal at the Berlin Conference.
753, 1368 651, 1427
July 21 (tel. 7382) The Chief of the Mission for Economic Affairs in the United Kingdom to the Deputy Solid Fuels Administrator for War
Report on recommendations being considered by the British War Cabinet with respect to the British coal position.
1042 1025
1945 July 22 [21?] (tel. Victory 190) *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations
Request for statistics on production in eastern Germany before World War II.
912 854
July 22 (tel. 272) The Military Attaché in Portugal to the War Department
Report of a conversation with Prime Minister Salazar concerning Soviet policy and the Portuguese desire to participate in the war against Japan.
1300 1356
July 22 *Stimson-Churchill Conversation: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 22, 1945, concerning Prime Minister Churchill’s reactions to Major General Groves’ report on the successful testing of the atomic bomb; quotation from Mr. Harvey Bundy’s later account of Mr. Churchill’s reactions.
July 22 *Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: review of questions on the agenda; implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe; operation of control procedures in Italy and the Balkans; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; seizure of industrial equipment in Rumania; and the agenda for the Sixth Plenary Meeting.
July 22 *Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs
Summary, dated July 24, of the discussion regarding the Italian colonies in the Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 22 *Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the discussions in the Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 22 *Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Foreign Secretary Eden to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 22 (tel. 491) The Acting Representative in Rumania to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on political developments in Rumania.
806 699
July 22 *The Secretary of War to the President
Recommendations concerning the rehabilitation of Europe, including principles for the treatment of Germany.
871 808
July 22 *Truman-Churchill Meeting: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this meeting.
1945 July 22 (tel. Victory 204) *The Director of the Division of Ship Requirements, War Shipping Administration, to Mr. M. F. Millikan, of the Division of Ship Requirements, War Shipping Administration
Report of conversations with the British Minister of War Transport concerning coal problems.
1043 1026
July 22 (tel. Victory 205) *The Director of the Division of Ship Requirements, War Shipping Administration, to the War Shipping A d ministration
Report on an agreement reached with the British Minister of War Transport concerning the use of T-2 tankers for grain in the United Kingdom import program.
1194 1199
July 22 (C.C.S. 679/8) *Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Counterproposals with respect to trooplift programs in the North Atlantic during the first half of 1946.
1195 1199
July 22 (C.C.S. 890/3) *Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Recommendations concerning command arrangements in Indochina.
1271 1319
July 22 (tel.) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the United States Delegation
Transmittal of the text of a note of July 21, 1945, from the Polish Chargé at Moscow, enclosing a note of July 20, 1945, concerning establishment of a Polish military mission to the Allied Control Council for Germany and Polish representation on the Allied Commission on Reparations.
(Footnote: Summary of a declaration of June 15, 1945, by the so-called Polish Provisional Government suggesting Polish participation in international bodies concerned with Germany.)
1133 1125
July 22 (tel. 3022–bis) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report concerning the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with respect to the provisioning of the city of Vienna.
779 674
July 22 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Recommendations with respect to the use of American property for war booty or for reparations exacted from the former German satellites.
839 741
July 22 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Recommendations with respect to restitution of property seized by the enemy.
907 848
July 22 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Suggested United States position on economic questions relating to Germany, Poland, and reparations.
908 849
July 22 *The Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Suggestions for revising the approach to the reparations negotiations at the Berlin Conference.
909 850
July 22 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft paper on war booty and reparations.
910 853
1945 Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Alternative draft paper on war booty and reparations.
911 853
July 22 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Transmittal of a draft of a quadripartite declaration concerning the assumption of control over German external assets.
988 954
July 22 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Recommendation for tripartite participation in the Emergency Economic Committee for Europe, the European Coal Organization, and the European Central Inland Transport Authority.
1161 1160
July 22 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to the future status of the International Zone of Tangier.
1356 1415
July 22 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to the regime of the Turkish Straits and the abrogation of the Montreux Convention.
1369 1427
July 22 *Sixth Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: withdrawal of Soviet forces in Austria; the Rapporteur’s report on the Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers; the western frontier of Poland; an invitation to Polish leaders to attend the Berlin Conference to present their views; the coal supply for Germany; possible trusteeship for Italian colonial territories, for territories under mandate from the League of Nations, and for Korea; revision of the Montreux Convention concerning the Turkish Straits; Soviet-Turkish relations; Konigsberg; and repatriation of Ukrainians from a British camp in Italy.
(Footnote: Extract from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 23, 1945, concerning the discussions at the Sixth Plenary Meeting and Mr. Stimson’s conversations of July 23.)
July 22 *Sixth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 22 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning the transfer of the Konigsberg area to the Soviet Union.
1020 988
July 22 *Memorandum by Prime Minister Churchill
Circulation of a memorandum by the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, and of a report by a delegation of the British Trades Union Congress with respect to conditions in Greece.
(Annex I to document No. 1076: Memorandum of July 21, 1945, by the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, reporting on the situation in Greece and on the relative size of the forces under arms in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia.)
1066, 1076 1045, 1064
1945 July 22 *First Meeting of the Subcommittee on Implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe: The First Secretary of Embassy in Portugal to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs Summary of discussions concerning implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe and freedom of press and radio correspondents in eastern Europe. 268
July 22 *Text Approved by the Foreign Ministers
Text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Proceedings of the Berlin Conference and in the Conference Communiqué concerning the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers, with an attached text of an agreement by the Heads of Government on this subject. (This paper is dated July 22, 1945, but was not approved by the Foreign Ministers until July 23.)
714 614
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to policy toward Italy.
728 626
July 22 *The Chairman of the President’s War Relief Control Board to the President
Transmittal of a memorandum giving historical information concerning the Turkish Straits.
1370 1428
July 22 [*Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Extracts from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 22, 1945, concerning conversations with President Truman and General of the Army Arnold; quoted in footnote 1 to a memorandum of July 19, 1945, by Mr. Stimson (document No. 1157, page 1155) and in footnote 3 to a telegram of July 23, 1945, from Mr. Stimson to the Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee (document No. 1310, page 1373), q. v.]
July 22 [*President Truman to President Bierut]
[Invitation to the Polish Government, issued on behalf of the three Heads of Government in conference at Potsdam, to send representatives to state to the Foreign Ministers at the Berlin Conference their views as to the western frontier of Poland: quoted in a note of July 23, 1945, from the American Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Polish Chargé in the Soviet Union (document No. 1147, page 1139), q. v.]
July 22 (tel. 99) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Report on a propaganda broadcast to Japan by Captain E. M. Zacharias and on the release of the text of this broadcast by the Office of War Information.
1243 1273
July 23 (tel. Victory 215) *The Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Acting Chief of the Division of Financial Affairs
Report that quadripartite joint programming of imports, exports, and reparations will not be feasible.
877 812
1945 July 23 The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Polish Chargé in the Soviet Union
Transmittal of an invitation for the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity to send representatives to the Berlin Conference to state their views on the western frontier of Poland to the Foreign Ministers.
1147 1139
July 23 *Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: command in Indochina; provision of personnel shipping for the requirements of Allied governments other than the United States and the United Kingdom; a report by the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the President and the Prime Minister; and United States policy in regard to lend-lease assignments.
July 23 (tel. Victory 218) *The Secretary of War to the Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee
Request for further information on preparations for the atomic attack on Japan, including targets; notification that Secretary Stimson’s decision against one of the possible targets has been confirmed by highest authority.
(Footnote: Extracts from Secretary Stimson’s diary for July 22 and 24, 1945, concerning conversations with President Truman and General of the Army Arnold on the above subjects.)
1310 1373
July 23 (tel. Victory 221) *The War Shipping Administrator and the Assistant to the War Shipping Administrator to the Regional Director for the Combined United Kingdom and Continental Areas, War Shipping Administration, and the Representative on the London Branch of the United Maritime Executive Board
Instructions that there should be no dealings with the Polish Government-in-Exile at London on matters relating to the United Maritime Authority.
1134 1126
July 23 *President Truman to Prime Minister Churchill
Request for British concurrence in the abolition of the Munitions Assignments Board, Washington.
1199 1204
July 23 *ByrnesMolotov Meeting: Bohlen Minutes
Minutes of a discussion concerning reparations from Germany and war booty.
July 23 *The British Foreign Secretary to the Secretary of State
British approval of a proposed directive on German coal production and exports; views on possible methods of handling this question at the Berlin Conference.
1044 1026
July 23 *The Secretary of the Soviet Delegation to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Transmittal of an aide-mémoire concerning repatriation of alleged Soviet nationals in a camp near Cesenatico, Italy.
1164 1162
July 23 Byrnes-Eden Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available on this conversation.
1945 July 23 *ByrnesChurchill Conversation: Editor’s Note
Quotation of a note by Prime Minister Churchill concerning this conversation relating to Sino-Soviet negotiations and the United States attitude toward Soviet participation in the war against Japan.
July 23 *Sixth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: review of questions on the agenda; reparations from Germany, Austria, and Italy; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; trusteeship for Italian colonial territories; a directive to Allied commanders-in-chief in Germany concerning agreements reached at the Berlin Conference; Soviet cooperation in solving urgent European economic problems; Iran; international discussions on the status of Tangier; invitations to China and France to join in establishing the Council of Foreign Ministers; the agenda for the Seventh Plenary Meeting; and the situation in Greece.
July 23 *Sixth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: United States Delegation Memorandum Summary of the discussions in the Sixth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers. 288
July 23 *Sixth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Foreign Commissar Molotov to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Sixth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Plan for the exaction of reparations from Germany.
920 863
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal with respect to procedures for advance deliveries from Germany of capital goods and of raw materials out of current production or inventories.
921 864
July 23 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text on the financing of imports into Germany.
872 810
July 23 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Revised draft of a text on the financing of imports into Germany.
873 810
July 23 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: approval of the minutes of the 198th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff; employment of captured German passenger ships; trooplift programs in the North Atlantic in the first half of 1946; provision of personnel shipping for the requirements of Allied governments other than the United States and the United Kingdom; command in Indochina; the report by the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the President and the Prime Minister; and the control of Allied naval units other than United States units under the command of the Seventh Fleet.
1945 July 23 (C.C.S. 679/9) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Counterproposals on the employment of captured enemy passenger shipping and trooplift programs in the North Atlantic.
1196 1201
July 23 (tel.?) President Bierut to President Truman
Acceptance of the invitation to the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity to send representatives to the Berlin Conference; composition of the Polish Delegation.
1148 1140
July 23 (tel. 310) *The President to the Ambassador in China
Transmittal of a message to Generalissimo Chiang concerning resumption of Sino-Soviet negotiations.
1216 1241
July 23 *The Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Transmittal of a draft of a Soviet-American protocol concerning policy toward China.
1217 1241
July 23 *The Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs to the Secretary of State
Analysis of factors affecting the withdrawal of United States troops from Iran.
1331 1392
July 23 *MorseWeston Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from unofficial sources on this conversation relating to shipping matters.
July 23 *The Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Comments on the relationship between the Soviet proposal on a minimum import program for Germany and the provisions of the agreement on control machinery in Germany.
874 811
Undated *Proposal by the British Delegation
Draft text on the financing of imports into Germany.
875 811
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper [?]
Draft text on the financing of imports into Germany.
876 812
July 23 (tel. 126) The Political Adviser for Austrian Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that Marshal Konev has been instructed to facilitate the occupation of Vienna and that a quadripartite meeting to discuss occupation problems will be held on July 24, 1945.
780 674
July 23 *Informal Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions concerning reparations from Germany and war booty.
1945 July 23 (C.C.S. 900/1) *Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Recommendation that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve a revised definition (text printed) of the boundary between the British and United States areas of command in the Southwest Pacific.
1272 1320
July 23 *The Commanding General, Army Service Forces, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Transmittal of a revised text with respect to cargo shipping submitted by the British Minister of War Transport; recommendation with respect thereto.
1265 1309
July 23 (Appendix A to C.C.S. 900/2) *Memorandum by the Secretariat of the Combined Chiefs of Staff
Comparison of United States and British proposals concerning the statement of basic undertakings and policies for the prosecution of the war against Japan to be included in the report of the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the President and the Prime Minister.
1266 1310
July 23 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Recommendations with respect to reparations from Germany and related matters and with respect to economic principles for the treatment of Germany.
878 813
July 23 *LandLeathers Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from unofficial sources on this conversation relating to shipping matters.
July 23 *Seventh Plenary Meeting: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the Rapporteur’s report on the Sixth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers; definitiveness of the decisions of the Foreign Ministers; the size of British military units in Greece and of Soviet units in Bulgaria; Soviet-Turkish relations; revision of the Montreux Convention on the Turkish Straits; free navigation of inland waterways; Konigsberg; the Levant crisis; withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran; the food supply for Vienna; recognition of the Renner government in Austria; and a recess of the Berlin Conference.
July 23 Seventh Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 23 Seventh Plenary Meeting: Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs
Summary, dated July 24, of the discussion regarding Syria and Lebanon in the Seventh Plenary Meeting.
July 23 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposal for the free and unrestricted navigation of international inland waterways and for international regulation of such navigation; proposal for the establishment of interim navigation agencies for the Danube and the Rhine.
755 654
1945 July 23 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government for quadripartite consideration of the question of the situation in Syria and Lebanon.
1341 1399
July 23 (tel. Victory) 230) *The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Notification that the British Government is taking the initiative to have the French and British Embassies at Moscow invite the Soviet Government to participate in the Paris conversations concerning Tangier.
1357 1416
July 23 (tel. 377) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Suggestion that the Bulgarian authorities, by raising the question of regularizing diplomatic relations with the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, have given the Heads of Government an opportune occasion to express themselves at the Berlin Conference on the internal political situation in Bulgaria and on elections in Bulgaria.
810 708
July 23 (tel. M 25084) (Conf-mess 12) The Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Further statistics on output in eastern Germany before World War II.
913 855
July 23 (tel. 3030) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the reaction of Air Vice Marshal Stevenson to the Soviet proposals concerning the procedures of the Allied Control Commission for Rumania.
807 701
July 23 (SM–2621) *The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee
Notification of approval by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, from the military point of view, of an attached report (text printed) by the State-War-Navy Subcommittee for Europe concerning the proposed statutes for the Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
(Subattachment: Draft of revised statutes for the Allied Control Commission for Hungary.)
808 703
July 23 *The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee to the Members of the Committee Panel at Babelsberg Transmittal of a draft memorandum to the Secretary of State recommending desiderata with respect to revised statutes for the Allied Control Commission for Hungary. 809 707
July 23 (tel. War 36791) The Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War
Report on the selection of Hiroshima, Kokura, and Niigata as targets for atomic attack.
1311 1374
July 23 (tel. War 36792) The Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War
Report on the tentative timetable for the first atomic attack against Japan.
1312 1374
1945 July 23 (tel. Victory 233) *The War Shipping Administrator and the Director of the Division of Ship Requirements, War Shipping Administration, to the Acting War Shipping Administrator
Report on conversations with British representatives at the Berlin Conference concerning the use of British ships in the Pacific.
1287 1340
July 23 (tel. Victory 235) *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Washington Liaison Officer for the Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations
Request for statistics on manufacturing and agricultural resources and industrial and agricultural output in East Prussia.
914 855
July 23 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of a proposal concerning reparations from Germany.
915 856
July 23 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning reparations from Germany.
916 858
July 23 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Suggestion for amending the United States proposals concerning reparations from Germany.
917, 1045 860, 1027
July 23 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Recommendation for attempting to reach agreement with the Soviet Union on economic aspects of the question of the western frontier of Poland.
918 861
July 23 (tel. 495) The Acting Representative in Rumania to the Acting Secretary of State
Observations with respect to unilateral actions taken by Soviet officials in Rumania.
811 709
July 23 (tel. 7421) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on steps taken by the British Government to liquidate the affairs of the Polish Government-in-Exile.
1135 1127
July 23 [*Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Account of Secretary Stimson’s conversations with President Truman and other members of the United States Delegation concerning Soviet demands at the Berlin Conference, the timing of the first atomic attack against Japan, and the need for Soviet entry into the war against Japan; quoted in footnotes to the minutes of the Sixth Plenary Meeting, July 22, 1945 (page 260), a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the Secretary of State (document No. 1236, page 1265), and a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President (document No. 1275, page 1323), q. v.]
July 23 *Tripartite Dinner Meeting: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this meeting.
1945 July 23 *Tripartite Dinner Meeting’ The Assistant to the Secretary of State to the President
Memorandum of July 24, 1945, summarizing toasts proposed by Prime Minister Churchill, President Truman, and Generalissimo Stalin at the tripartite dinner meeting on July 23, 1945.
July 23 (tel. Victory 241) *MoselyGusev Conversation: The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Report of a conversation between Mr. Mosely and Ambassador Gusev concerning instructions which have been sent to the Acting Soviet Representative on the European Advisory Commission to sign the agreement on additional requirements to be imposed on Germany.
July 23 (tel. Neter 77) The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador to the Netherlands
Comments concerning the desire of the Netherland Government to arrange for Netherland participation in the war against Japan.
1293 1347
July 23 Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State
Memorandum of a conversation with the French Ambassador concerning the French desire to participate in the war against Japan.
1294 1348
July 24 [*Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs]
[Summary of the discussion regarding the Italian colonies in the Fifth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers, July 22, 1945; printed in conjunction with the minutes for that meeting (page 226), q. v.]
July 24 [*Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs]
[Summary of the discussion regarding Syria and Lebanon in the Seventh Plenary Meeting, July 23, 1945; printed in conjunction with the minutes for that meeting (page 299), q. v.]
July 24 [*The Assistant to the Secretary of State to the President]
[Summary of toasts proposed by Prime Minister Churchill, President Truman, and Generalissimo Stalin at the tripartite dinner meeting on July 23, 1945; printed under the editor’s heading for that meeting (page 319), q. v.]
July 24 *President Truman to Prime Minister Churchill
Request for Mr. Churchill’s ideas on the settlement of the Palestine problem; suggestion for Anglo-American discussions on this subject.
1344 1402
July 24 *Prime Minister Churchill to President Truman
Comments on the President’s memorandum of July 17, 1945, with respect to lend-lease to the United Kingdom; transmittal of a memorandum on this subject by the British Chiefs of Staff.
1182 1180
July 24 (tel. M 1285) The Chief of the Military Representation on the Allied Control Commission for Rumania to the War Department
Outline of proposed action in the Allied Control Commission with respect to Soviet activities in Rumania.
812 709
1945 July 24 (tel. 1951) The Representation on the Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Transmittal of the text of a note of July 19, 1945, from the Bulgarian Foreign Minister to the Deputy Chairman of the Allied Control Commission for Bulgaria reviewing the situation in Bulgaria for the information of the participants in the Berlin Conference and requesting the establishment of regular diplomatic intercourse between Bulgaria and the Allied Powers.
813 711
Undated *Draft of Report by the Economic Subcommittee
Draft of a report concerning the inability of the Economic Subcommittee to reach agreement on certain basic principles of a plan for reparations from Germany.
922 866
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Circulation of the text of a letter of July 12, 1945, from the Soviet Representative on the Allied Control Commission for Hungary to the United States and British Representatives on that Commission outlining revised procedures for conducting the work of the Commission.
796 689
July 24 *Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: arrangements for receiving the Polish Delegation; reparations from Germany, Austria, and Italy; distribution of European oil supplies; implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe; admission of Italy and Spain to international organizations; establishment of diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; the agenda for the Eighth Plenary Meeting; reception of the Polish Delegation; and the western frontier of Poland.
(Annex 1: Summary of statements made by members of the Polish Delegation who appeared before the Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers with respect to the western frontier of Poland.)
July 24 *Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the views expressed by members of the Polish Delegation who appeared before the Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers with respect to the western frontier of Poland.
July 24 *Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Secretary of State Byrnes to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
1945 July 24 *Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Minutes of the appearance of the Polish Delegation before the Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers with respect to the western frontier of Poland.
1385 1517
July 24 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal for the exaction of reparations from Austria in the amount of $250,000,000 over a six-year period.
769 666
July 24 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal for the exaction of reparations from Italy in the amount of $600,000,000 over a six-year period.
1099 1092
Undated *Text Considered by the Subcommittee on Admission to the United Nations
Draft of a statement to be issued by the Heads of Government with respect to the admission of Italy and the non-admission of Spain to the United Nations.
729 626
July 24 *Text Submitted to the Heads of Government
Draft of a statement to be issued by the Heads of Government with respect to the admission of Italy and the non-admission of Spain to the United Nations.
1424 1592
July 24 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Note by Foreign Secretary Eden with respect to the removal of Allied industrial equipment from Rumania by the Soviet authorities.
841 743
July 24 *Report by the Economic Subcommittee
Second report of the Economic Subcommittee to the Foreign Ministers; report on the degree of agreement and disagreement in the Subcommittee with respect to reparations from Germany, Austria, and Italy, and with respect to distribution of European oil supplies.
766, 923, 1322 664, 866, 1385
July 24 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft statement of the United States position with respect to removals of property from Austria.
767 665
July 24 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft statement of the United States position with respect to removals of property from Austria.
768 665
July 24 *Leahy-Churchill Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available on this conversation.
July 24 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff With President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of the discussion, amendment, and approval of a report from the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the President and Prime Minister summarizing the conclusions reached in their deliberations at the Terminal Conference.
1945 July 24 *The Combined Chiefs of Staff to President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill
Text, as approved by the President and the Prime Minister, of a report by the Combined Chiefs of Staff summarizing the conclusions reached at the Terminal Conference with respect to the over-all objective in the war against Japan; the over-all strategic concept for the prosecution of the war; basic undertakings and policies for the prosecution of the war; strategic direction of the war; operations in the Pacific and in the Southeast Asia Command; reallocation of areas and command in the Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia Areas; French, Netherland, and Portuguese participation in the war; information for the Soviet Union concerning the war against Japan; and personnel and cargo shipping.
(Appendix A: Memorandum on plans and operations in the Pacific.)
(Appendix B: Directive to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia, with respect to his mission and the boundaries of his command.)
(Appendix C: Definition of the boundary between the British and United States areas of command in the Southwest Pacific.)
(Appendix D: Views of the Combined Chiefs of Staff with respect to Portuguese participation in the war against Japan.)
(Appendix E: Memorandum for the Combined Shipping Adjustment Board with respect to passenger shipping requirements of the Allied nations.)
1381 1462
Undated *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of a proclamation to be issued by the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China calling for the surrender of Japan.
1244 1275
Undated *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposed amendments in the draft of a proclamation to be issued calling for the surrender of Japan.
1245 1277
July 24 (tel. 311) *The President to the Ambassador in China
Instruction to request the concurrence of Generalissimo Chiang in the issuance of a proclamation by the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and China calling for the surrender of Japan.
1246 1278
July 24 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of the United States position with respect to exacting reparations from Italy.
1101 1094
July 24 (C.C.S. 896/1) *Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff
Concurrence in the dispatch of a letter from the Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Department of State and the British Foreign Office with respect to internationalization of the Danube.
756 655
July 24 [*The Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Department of State and the British Foreign Office]
[Suggestion that the agreement of the Soviet Government be sought to the creation of an interim Danube Navigation Agency; printed as enclosure A to a memorandum of July 21, 1945, by the United States Chiefs of Staff (document No. 754, page 651), q. v.]
1945 July 24 *Tripartite Military Meeting: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: Soviet entry into the war against Japan; a review of the ground, naval, and air situation in the war against Japan; and future operations in the war.
July 24 *The United States Chiefs of Staff to the Soviet Chiefs of Staff
Five questions relating to Soviet-American cooperation in the war against Japan.
1279 1327
July 24 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposed amendments to the draft agreement concerning political principles for the treatment of Germany.
879 814
July 24 (tel. Comea 340) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State
Report on a meeting of the European Advisory Commission concerning the proposed agreements on the zones of occupation in Germany and on additional requirements to be imposed on Germany.
1031, 1037 1003, 1008
July 24 (tel. 2667) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on a Soviet note to the British Chargé at Moscow concerning the Soviet press and radio campaign against the Greek Government and the British in Greece.
1067 1046
July 24 *ByrnesEdenMolotov Luncheon Meeting and ByrnesMolotov Meeting: Page Minutes
Minutes of a discussion between Secretary Byrnes and Foreign Commissar Molotov concerning the proposed Council of Foreign Ministers.
Undated *Memorandum by the Commanding General, United States Military Mission to the Soviet Union
Recommendations with respect to the agenda and procedure for a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States and the Soviet Union.
1280 1328
July 24 *TrumanBierut Conversation: Memorandum by the Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Memorandum of a conversation concerning the western frontier of Poland.
July 24 (tel. M 25095) (Conf-mess 14) The Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Statistics on the resources of East Prussia before World War II.
919 862
July 24 (tel. 1441) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Acknowledgment of the receipt of two messages; notification that the Ambassador will seek a meeting with the Soviet Acting Foreign Commissar.
1232 1260
1945 July 24 *Eighth Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the Rapporteur’s report on the Seventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers; the admission of Italy and the former German satellites and the non-admission of Spain to the United Nations; diplomatic relations with Italy and the former German satellites; European inland waterways; revision of the Montreux Convention on the Turkish Straits; preparation of the Conference Communiqué; the western frontier of Poland; repatriation of prisoners from a British camp in Italy; and the food supply for Vienna.
July 24 *Eighth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 24 *Memorandum by the President’s Chief of Staff
Note on the attitude of the United States with respect to the passage of ships through the Turkish Straits and fortification of the Straits.
1371 1434
July 24 (1346) The Ambassador in Greece to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a report by the Assistant Military Attaché concerning violations of the Greek-Yugoslav border.
1079 1068
July 24 *Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff: Combined Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of a discussion concerning operations in the Southeast Asia Command.
July 24 *The Adviser on German Economic Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Recommended safeguards to be sought in any agreement with the Soviet Union concerning reparations.
924 867
July 24 [25?] *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposed plan for the exaction of reparations from Germany.
925 867
July 24 (tel. 667) The Military Attaché in Sweden to the War Department
Report of Soviet intentions to fly interned German aircraft out of Sweden as war booty.
990 956
July 24 *Morse-Weston Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from unofficial sources on this conversation.
July 24 *Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Notes on the conditions requisite for the establishment of a strong, free, and independent Poland.
1136 1128
Undated *Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Notes on political and economic problems affecting Poland.
1137 1129
July 24 *Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Statement in favor of the Oder-Neisse line as the western frontier of Poland; review of factors necessitating an immediate determination of this frontier.
1149 1140
July 24 (tel. 7445) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Summary of reports from the British Chargé at Warsaw to the Foreign Office concerning political conditions in Poland.
1138 1130
1945 July 24 *TrumanStalin Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this conversation, during which the President told Generalissimo Stalin of the development of a new weapon of unusual destructive force.
July 24 *Byrnes Conversation With Members of the Polish Delegation: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this conversation.
July 24 *MorseWeston Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from unofficial sources on this conversation concerning the distribution of captured German vessels.
July 24 *Second Meeting of the Subcommittee on Implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Mr. Walter Brown’s diary summarizing the discussion at this meeting.
July 24 (tel. 498) The Acting Representative in Rumania to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of a conversation with Mr. Iuliu Maniu concerning the political situation in Rumania.
814 714
July 24 (tel. 746) The Ambassador in Greece to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of the resignation of Foreign Minister Sophianopoulos; comments on the political situation in Greece.
1068 1046
July 24 [*Diary Entry by the Secretary of War]
[Account of discussions with President Truman concerning the need for Soviet entry into the war against Japan, the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan, the Japanese dynasty, and targets for atomic attack in Japan; quoted in footnotes to a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the Secretary of State (document No. 1236, page 1265), a memorandum of July 20, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the President (document No. 1241, page 1271), a memorandum of July 16, 1945, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President (document No. 1275, page 1323), and a message of July 23, 1945, from the Secretary of War to the Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee (document No. 1310, page 1373), q. v.]
July 24 Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State
Memorandum of a discussion with the Portuguese Ambassador concerning Portuguese participation in the liberation of Timor.
(Attachment: Note of July 24, 1945, from the Portuguese Ambassador to the Acting Secretary of State on the above subject.)
1301 1357
July 24 (tel. 3047) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of a conversation between the British Ambassador at Belgrade and Marshal Tito concerning Greek-Yugoslav relations.
1078 1067
1945 July 24 (tel. 4463) The Appointed Ambassador to Poland to the Acting Secretary of State
Recommendation that the Secretary of State take up at the Berlin Conference the tactics used by the Soviet authorities in delaying Ambassador Lane’s departure for Warsaw.
1139 1131
July 24 (tel. 2381) The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland
Instructions to notify the Foreign Office that the powers occupying Germany claim title to or control over German-owned or controlled external assets.
(Identical instructions were sent on the same date to the Minister in Sweden as telegram No. 1416; to the Ambassador in Portugal as telegram No. 1218; and to the Ambassador in Turkey as telegram No. 759.)
991 956
July 24 (tel. 115) The Acting Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Report that the Soviet Union is now demanding German bank stocks in Rumania.
989 955
July 24 (tel. 117) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Summary of notes of July 18 and 19, 1945, from the Yugoslav Foreign Office to the American Embassy at Belgrade with respect to Macedonia; recommendations concerning a reply thereto.
1077 1065
July 25 *President Truman to Prime Minister Churchill
Views as to the procedure for issuing the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan; notification that a new directive to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on lend-lease questions is being prepared.
1183, 1248 1183, 1279
July 25 *TrumanMountbatten Conversation: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this conversation.
July 25 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Suggested language on the control of German external assets to be used to amend the proposed declaration on reparations and related matters.
992 957
July 25 (tel. Victory 286) *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Minister in Sweden
Summary of the status of the question of German external assets at the Berlin Conference.
993 957
July 25 *The War Shipping Administrator to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Recommendations as to points concerning the division of German merchant tonnage which should be covered in the Protocol of the Proceedings of the Berlin Conference.
(Attachment: Notes on the relationship of the Soviet Union to the United Maritime Authority.)
1009 973
July 25 *Prime Minister Churchill to President Truman
Acknowledgment of the President’s letter of July 25, 1945, with respect to lend-lease; concurrence in the issuance of the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan; transmittal of the approved text of the proclamation with a suggested amendment.
1184, 1249 1183, 1279
1945 July 25 (tel. 313) The White House Map Room to the Ambassador in China
Request for an immediate answer with respect to Chinese concurrence in the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan.
1250 1281
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of a statement for the President to make at a plenary meeting of the Berlin Conference with respect to constitutional restraints on his treaty-making powers.
744 642
July 25 *TrumanStalin Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available on this conversation, during which Generalissimo Stalin handed to the President written Soviet answers to five questions relating to Soviet-American cooperation in the war against Japan.
July 25 United States Delegation Working Paper
Agenda for the Ninth Plenary Meeting.
July 25 *Ninth Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the western frontier of Poland; disposition of the German Fleet; transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia and Poland; constitutional restraints on the President’s treaty-making powers; reparations from Germany; German forces in Norway; European inland waterways; and repatriation of Soviet citizens from Austria and Germany.
July 25 *Ninth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 25 United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the discussions in the Ninth Plenary Meeting.
July 25 *United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the status of problems before the Berlin Conference as of July 25, 1945.
July 25 *Dunn-Harriman-Mikolajczyk Conversation: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this conversation; reference to three memoranda handed to Ambassador Harriman by Mr. Mikolajczyk.
July 25 (tel. 944) The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union Instruction to request a meeting with Foreign Commissar Molotov during the recess of the Berlin Conference to explain Japanese intentions; statement of the Japanese position with respect to Soviet desires in the Far East and unconditional surrender. 1233 1260
July 25 *StimsonStalin Conversation: Memorandum by the Secretary of War
Memorandum of discussions concerning military operations against Germany, the significance of the war, cooperation in the war against Japan, and Soviet-American relations.
1945 July 25 *Eighth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: inland waterways; transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland; and preparation of the Conference Protocol and Communiqué.
July 25 *Eighth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Foreign Commissar Molotov to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Eighth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 25 *United States Delegation Working Paper
List of Berlin Conference subcommittees with pending business, with a summary of assignments given to each subcommittee and the names of the United States representatives thereon.
July 25 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Statement of the United States position with respect to the use of Allied property for reparations or “war trophies” exacted from the former German satellites.
842 744
July 25 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposed procedure concerning removals from Germany of properties of United Nations or neutral nationals.
926 870
July 25 (tel. M 25102) (Conf-mess 16) The Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Revised statistics on the resources of East Prussia before World War II.
928 872
July 25 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the President
Transmittal of a report by Messrs. Luther Gulick and J. Howard Marshall on the removal of machinery from Berlin by the Soviet authorities.
929 873
July 25 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Transmittal of statistics on the resources of the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany.
930 877
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Statistics on prewar assets in the eastern zone of Germany (excluding Berlin) and in the area east of the Oder–Neisse Line.
931 879
Undated United States Delegation Working Paper
Statistics on food and raw material surpluses in the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany (excluding Berlin) in 1936.
932 882
1945 Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft statistical proposal on reparations from Germany.
933 882
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Statistics on the resources of East Prussia.
934 883
July 25 (tel. M 1296) The Chief of the Military Representation on the Allied Control Commission for Rumania to the War Department
Report of obstacles put in the way of travel by American officials in Rumania.
815 715
July 25 *The Secretary of the Soviet Delegation to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Transmittal of an aide-mémoire complaining of alleged anti-Soviet activities in Austria and Germany.
790, 1055 683, 1036
July 25 *The Secretary of the Soviet Delegation to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Transmittal of an aide-mémoire on the status of German forces in Norway.
1056 1037
July 25 Report by the European Advisory Commission
Transmittal, for consideration and approval by the four member governments, of an agreement on certain additional requirements to be imposed on Germany, signed at London, July 25, 1945.
1038 1008
July 25 *Clayton-Mikolajczyk Conversation: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of discussions on the following subjects: Poland’s need for assistance in reconstruction; the relationship of Poland to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration; the export of coal from Poland; the economic situation in Poland; and United States economic aid to Poland.
July 25 *Clayton-Mikolajczyk Conversation: Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Summary of the discussions described supra.
1386 1525
July 25 (tel. Victory 316) *MoselyStrang and MoselyGusev Conversations: The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Report of conversations at the Berlin Conference concerning authorization sent to the British and Soviet Delegations to the European Advisory Commission to sign two pending agreements relating to Germany.
July 25 Conversation Concerning the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available on this conversation.
1945 July 25 (tel. Victory 323) *The Secretary of State to the Acting Representative in Rumania
Notification that the question of revising Allied Control Commission procedures in Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary is under discussion at the Berlin Conference; instructions to keep the matter open in local negotiations.
(Parallel messages were sent on the same date to the Representative in Hungary as telegram No. Victory 324 and to the Representative in Bulgaria as telegram No. Victory 325.)
816 716
July 25 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to free and unrestricted navigation of international inland waterways.
757, 1372 655, 1434
July 25 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposed agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to free and unrestricted navigation of international inland waterways, including an undertaking to support such free navigation in any revision of the Montreux Convention.
758, 1373 656, 1435
July 25 (tel. 381) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the political situation in Bulgaria with special reference to the forthcoming elections; observation that Allied intervention looking toward the postponement of those elections and revision of the electoral procedures is imperative; recommendation for the prompt exertion of American influence.
817 716
July 25 *The Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Summary, in connection with preparation of the Conference Protocol, of the conclusions reached by the Heads of Government with respect to Tangier, disposal of the Italian colonies, the crisis in Syria and Lebanon, revision of the Montreux Convention on the Turkish Straits, and the withdrawal of forces from Iran; recommendation that clarification or expansion of the agreements in principle concerning the Montreux Convention and Iran be included in the Protocol.
736, 1069, 1332, 1342, 1358, 1374 635, 1047, 1393, 1400, 1416, 1435
July 25 *The Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Suggestion that items on Tangier, trusteeship, Syria and Lebanon, and Iran might be suitable for inclusion in the Conference Communiqué comments on these subjects.
1379 1441
July 25 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of the United States position with respect to the exaction of reparations from Italy.
1102 1094
July 25 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Alternative draft of the United States position with respect to the exaction of reparations from Italy.
1103 1095
1945 July 25 (tel. 334) The Representative in Hungary to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on a conversation with an officer of the Citizens Democratic Party with respect to elections in Hungary.
818 718
July 25 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the President and the Secretary of State
Notification that instructions concerning Chinese concurrence in the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan have been received, and that the text of the proclamation has been delivered to the Chinese Foreign Minister and will be delivered to Generalissimo Chiang tonight.
1247 1278
July 25 *Report by the Subcommittee on Cooperation in Solving Immediate European Economic Problems
Summary of discussions in the Subcommittee; report that the Soviet Union will participate in the European Inland Transport Conference and that it will review the question of participation in the Emergency Economic Committee for Europe and the European Coal Organization.
1162 1161
July 25 Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs
Memorandum of a discussion between the Greek Ambassador and the Director of Near Eastern and African Affairs concerning a note from the Yugoslav Legation at Athens to the Greek Foreign Office with respect to Macedonia.
1080 1071
July 25 (tel. 119) The Petroleum Administrator for War to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Summary of the petroleum situation in Europe; comments on the desirability of obtaining oil from eastern Europe for the supply of liberated European countries.
1323 1385
July 25 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposal for an agreement by the Heads of Government for the supply to the Allies of western Europe of oil from Hungary, Austria, and Rumania upon a purchase basis to be negotiated.
1324 1386
July 25 (tel. 1450) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Transmittal of the text of a statement made orally by Ambassador Sato to Acting Foreign Commissar Lozovsky and subsequently communicated to the latter in writing concerning the Japanese proposal to send Prince Konoye to Moscow on a special mission.
1234 1262
July 25 (tel. 1449) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Report of a conversation with Acting Foreign Commissar Lozovsky concerning the Japanese desire to send Prince Konoye to Moscow on a special mission.
1235 1263
1945 July 25 (tel. 3057) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of Soviet action with respect to the provisioning of Vienna and of a directive by Field Marshal Alexander with respect to military government and occupational responsibilities for the British sector of Vienna.
781 675
July 25 (tel.War 38253) The War Department to the United States Delegation
Request for views on a draft message to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, concerning civil administration in Venezia Giulia.
1206 1213
July 25 Prime Minister Tito and the Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs to President Truman
Comments on the administration of Venezia Giulia; proposal for elections in that area.
(Enclosure: Note of July 17, 1945, from the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry to the American Embassy at Belgrade protesting that the conduct of Allied Military Government in Venezia Giulia has not been in accord with the Belgrade agreement of June 9, 1945.)
1207 1214
July 25 (tel. 3062) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Summary of a report concerning repatriation problems at a British prisoner-of-war camp at Cesenatico.
1165 1163
July 25 *The Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Informal summary of the negotiations in the Economic Subcommittee with respect to reparations.
927 870
July 25 (tel. 121) The Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Report on Anglo-American discussions in Washington with respect to German supply problems.
880 815
July 25 (tel. 122) The Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy
Report on action taken by the American and British Embassies in Madrid in notifying the Spanish Government that the powers occupying Germany claim title to or control of German external assets and requesting Spanish cooperation; notification that instructions to take similar steps have been sent to the American Missions at Stockholm, Bern Lisbon, and Ankara.
994 958
July 25 (tel. 124) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Summary of messages received reflecting Soviet policy and methods in eastern Europe with respect to elections.
749 647
July 26 (tel. 131) The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Summary of an exchange between the British Embassy and the Department of State regarding the possibility that the constituent republics of the Soviet Union might enter separate reparations claims and seek separate representation on the Allied Commission on Reparations.
938 887
1945 July 26 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the President and the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a message from Generalissimo Chiang giving Chinese concurrence in the issuance of the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan as submitted to him with an amendment to the first paragraph.
1251 1282
July 26 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the President and the Secretary of State
Report on a conversation with Generalissimo Chiang and his advisers concerning the proposed proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan.
1252 1282
July 26 (tel. 504) The Acting Representative in Rumania to the Acting Secretary of State
Report concerning an interpretation of the Soviet proposals as to Allied Control Commission procedures in Rumania as they affect the size of the United States mission in that country.
820 721
July 26 (tel. 7519) (Co pre 2) The Alternate Delegate to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations to the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs
Report that a meeting at Potsdam on July 25, 1945, considered the question of the officers of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations and of its Executive Committee.
739 639
July 26 [Messrs. Nikola Petkov, Assen Stambolisky, and Georgy Yordanov to the Bulgarian Prime Minister]
[Request that the Bulgarian Prime Minister ask that the forthcoming elections in Bulgaria be held under Allied control, even though such action might necessitate a postponement of the elections; quoted in a telegram of July 27, 1945, from the Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State (document No. 823, page 724), q. v.]
July 26 (tel. 4505) The Representative in the Conversations Concerning Tangier to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that the British and French are preparing an invitation to the Soviet Government to participate in the Paris conversations on Tangier.
1359 1417
July 26 (tel. Victory 338) [*The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, United States Forces of Occupation in Germany]
[Directive to take all necessary steps to achieve stated objectives with respect to German coal production and exports; text of directive printed as an attachment to a memorandum of July 27, 1945, from President Truman to Generalissimo Stalin (document No. 1046, page 1028), q. v.]
July 26 (tel. Victory 341) *The Assistant Secretary of War to the War Department
Transmittal of an amendment to a message to be sent to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, with respect to civil administration in Venezia Giulia.
1208 1219
1945 July 26 *Meeting of the United States and Soviet Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: establishment of weather stations in Siberia; definition of operational zones for United States and Soviet forces in the Far East; liaison arrangements between the United States and Soviet commanders in the Far East; use of Soviet Far Eastern ports and airfields for repairs to United States ships and planes and medical assistance for United States personnel; future operations against Japan; and a review of recent naval and air action against Japan.
July 26 *Third Meeting of the Subcommittee on Implementation of the Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe: The First Secretary of Embassy in Portugal to the Director of European Affairs
Summary of discussions in the Subcommittee concerning freedom of the press in eastern Europe and revision of the procedures of the Allied Control Commissions for Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; comments on the Soviet proposals for revising the Allied Control Commission procedures.
—, 819 417, 719
July 26 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Amended draft of a proposed agreement by the Heads of Government concerning freedom of the press in liberated Europe.
750 648
July 26 *HarrimanGrabski Conversation: Editor’s Note
Cross reference to a memorandum on this conversation prepared by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister.
July 26 *HarrimanGrabski Conversation: Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Notes on a conversation between Ambassador Harriman and Vice President Grabski and other members of the Polish Delegation concerning Polish claims as to the western frontier of Poland and related economic problems.
1387 1528
July 26 *First Meeting of the Protocol Subcommittee: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of discussions on the following subjects: texts and titles of the first three sections of the Conference Protocol; arrangement of the Protocol; and procedure for submission of texts for the Protocol.
July 26 Report by the European Advisory Commission
Transmittal, for consideration and approval by the four member governments, of an agreement on zones of occupation in Germany making provision for a French zone of occupation and a French sector in Berlin, signed at London, July 26, 1945.
(Footnote: Citation to the text of the agreement which accompanied this report.)
1032 1003
July 26 *Proposal by the United States Delegation [?]
Redrafted text of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to the admission of Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, and Rumania and the non-admission of Spain to the United Nations.
730 627
1945 July 26 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft statistical proposal on reparations from Germany.
935 884
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Statistics on physically movable capital equipment in manufacturing industries in Germany at the beginning of 1945.
936 885
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Analysis of the problems involved in evaluating removable equipment in the Ruhr area.
937 886
July 26 (tel. 7529) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Notification of British concurrence in Soviet participation in the Paris conversations on Tangier.
1360 1417
July 26 *Proclamation
Proclamation by the Heads of Government of the United States, China, and the United Kingdom, calling for the surrender of Japan, defining Allied policy in certain matters with respect to Japan, and warning Japan that the alternative to surrender is prompt and utter destruction.
(Footnote: Text of Foreign Commissar Molotov’s statement of August 8, 1945, to the Japanese Ambassador at Moscow notifying the latter of the Soviet declaration of war on Japan.)
1382 1474
July 26 *The Secretary of State to the Soviet Foreign Commissar
Transmittal of a copy of the proclamation by the Heads of Government of the United States, China, and the United Kingdom, calling for the surrender of Japan.
1253 1284
July 26 (tel. Victory 349) *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Army–Navy Liquidation Commissioner
Request for information on the status of a project to transfer American trucks to Poland.
1155 1153
July 26 Memorandum by the President’s Personal Representative
Memorandum of a conversation between Mr. Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., and the British Minister at Washington concerning a rotating chairmanship for the Executive Committee of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations.
740 639
July 26 (tel. Victory 352) (24) *The Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, and Chief of Naval Operations to the Navy Department
Notification of Soviet agreement to the United States proposal concerning weather stations in Siberia; request for information concerning shipment of equipment needed for this project.
1281 1332
July 26 (tel. Victory 358) (25) *The Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, and Chief of Naval Operations to the Navy Department
Instruction for the appointment of an officer to serve on the Capcraft Commission to select tugs suitable for United States purposes.
1010 974
1945 July 26 *Conversations Among United States Officials Regarding War Criminals: The Assistant Secretary of War to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum recording discussions during two separate conversations on the evening of July 26, 1945, with respect to United States policy regarding war criminals and renegades.
July 26 (tel. 339) The Representative in Hungary to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of discussions with leaders of the Social Democratic Party concerning political and economic problems in Hungary.
821 721
July 26 (21/334/45) The British Embassy to the Department of State
Summary of British policy with respect to civil aviation.
1188 1189
July 26 (tel. 1439) [The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden]
[Instructions to express to the Swedish Government the view that Sweden should not permit the disposition of German property as war booty; quoted in a telegram of July 31, 1945, from the Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State (document No. 1001, page 963), q. v.]
July 27 (tel. 385) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Recommendation that American influence at the Berlin Conference be exerted in support of an appeal by leaders of the Bulgarian National Agrarian Union to the Bulgarian Prime Minister to ask that the forthcoming Bulgarian elections be held under Allied control.
822 722
July 27 (tel. 386) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Transmittal of the text of a letter of July 26, 1945, from Messrs. Nikola Petkov, Assen Stambolisky, and Georgy Yordanov to the Bulgarian Prime Minister requesting the latter to ask that the forthcoming Bulgarian elections be held under Allied control, even though such action might necessitate a postponement of the elections.
823 724
July 27 *The Information Officer in the Office of the Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Report that Lieutenant General Hull would prefer that a Soviet complaint concerning alleged anti-Soviet activities in Austria and Germany be referred to the War Department in Washington.
791 684
July 27 *The Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs to the Secretary of the Soviet Delegation
Notification that a Soviet complaint concerning alleged anti-Soviet activities in Austria and Germany has been referred to the appropriate United States military authorities.
792 685
1945 July 27 *The Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs to the Secretary of the Soviet Delegation
Comment that the problem of German forces in Norway, raised in a Soviet aide-mémoire of July 25, 1945, is an area of primary British responsibility; statement of the assumption that the British Government will therefore provide the necessary information.
1057 1038
July 27 *The Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs to the Secretary of the Soviet Delegation
Comment that the problem of a camp near Cesenatico, raised in a Soviet aide-mémoire of July 23, 1945, is entirely a British matter; statement of the assumption that the aide-mémoire was transmitted to the United States Delegation for information purposes only.
1166 1164
July 27 (A–183) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State
Transmittal of the full text of a note of July 19, 1945, to the Soviet Foreign Commissariat with respect to an Anglo-American démarche to the Spanish Government concerning German assets in Spain.
997 959
July 27 *President Truman to Generalissimo Stalin
Transmittal of a copy of a directive issued to General of the Army Eisenhower to take all necessary steps to achieve stated objectives with respect to German coal production and exports; expression of hope that the Soviet Government will issue parallel instructions to the Soviet commander in Germany.
1046 1028
July 27 *The Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs to the Secretary of State
Recommendation that the President approve the agreement on the French zone of occupation in Germany signed in the European Advisory Commission on July 26, 1945. (The source text bears President Truman’s signature and the date of approval as July 28, 1945.)
(Footnote: Citation to the text of the agreement referred to; summary of the exchanges of letters which accompanied the agreement.)
1033 1004
July 27 (tel. 3074) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report concerning the discussion which took place at the Berlin Conference on July 24, 1945, with respect to recognition of the Renner government in Austria.
763 662
July 27 *The President to the Chief of Staff, United States Army
Directive concerning the withdrawal of United States forces from Tehran.
1333 1394
July 27 *Memorandum by the Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission
Draft text concerning discussions on Austria at the Berlin Conference for inclusion in the Conference Communiqué.
783 677
1945 July 27 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Revised draft text concerning discussions on Austria at the Berlin Conference for inclusion in the Conference Communiqué
784 678
July 27 (tel. Victory 373) *The Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Request for information on the status of proposed public statements concerning the European Advisory Commission agreements on Austria.
785 678
July 27 (tel. Victory 375) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China
Transmittal of the text of an invitation to the Government of China to become a member of the Council of Foreign Ministers; instruction to Ambassador Hurley to present this invitation, in concert with his British and Soviet colleagues, upon receipt of further authorization.
715 616
July 27 (tel. 1018) The Ambassador in Turkey to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of Anglo-Turkish conversations with respect to the discussion at the Berlin Conference of matters relating to Turkey.
1376 1437
July 27 (tel. 1458) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Observations on the Japanese request to send a special envoy to Moscow and on the probability that the Soviet attitude is designed to compel Japan to make a concrete proposal; report on the proceedings at the Berlin Conference as related to the above subject, with emphasis on the significance of the fact that Generalissimo Stalin has for the first time participated in a discussion of the war in the Far East.
1256 1291
July 27 (tel. 550) The Ambassador in Iran to the Acting Secretary of State
Summary of the views of the Persian Gulf Command with respect to the withdrawal of United States forces from Tehran.
1334 1394
July 27 *Ninth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: review of problems before the Berlin Conference; admission of Italy to the United Nations; diplomatic relations with Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; reparations from Germany, Austria, and Italy; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; oil supplies from eastern Europe; Soviet participation in European economic organizations; and removal of oil equipment from Rumania.
July 27 *Ninth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 27 *Ninth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the discussions in the Ninth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
1945 July 27 *Ninth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Foreign Commissar Molotov to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Ninth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 27 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Revised draft definition of war trophies.
939 888
July 27 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of, and summary of, a report on Soviet removals of equipment and personnel from the United States sector of Berlin.
940 888
July 27 [*The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Chairman of the Allied Commission on Reparations]
[Review of negotiations on the subject of reparations and explanation of the reasons for the submission by the United States of a proposal for taking removals on a zonal basis; printed as enclosure 2 to a letter of July 28, 1945, from Ambassador Pauley to the Secretary of State (document No. 942, page 893), q. v.]
July 27 *United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the status of problems before the Berlin Conference as of July 27, 1945.
July 27 (tel. Victory 380) *The Director of European Affairs to the Special Assistant to the Director of European Affairs
Recommendation that Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., be urged to reconsider his decision not to accept the post of Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission in Italy.
1115 1102
July 27 *ByrnesMolotov Meeting: Bohlen Minutes
Minutes of a discussion concerning the issuance of the proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan and the question of reparations from Germany.
July 27 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Suggestion for joint examination by Soviet and British representatives of the question of ownership of certain equipment removed from Rumania by the Soviet authorities.
843 745
Undated Department of State Memorandum
Comparison of the terms of the proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan issued from the Berlin Conference on July 26, 1945, with the policy of the Department of State as to the matters touched upon in the proclamation.
1254 1284
July 27 (tel. 256) The White House Information Officer to the President’s Secretary
Transmittal of a message from officials of the Office of War Information reporting on the handling of the proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan.
1255 1290
1945 July 27 *Meeting of the Subcommittee on Inland Waterways: The Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs to the Secretary of State
Memorandum of July 29, 1945, summarizing a discussion of European inland waterways and the Turkish Straits in a meeting of the Subcommittee on Inland Waterways, July 27, 1945.
July 27 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Revised draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning international inland waterways and revision of the Montreux Convention on the Turkish Straits.
759, 1375 657, 1436
July 27 (tel. 318) The Chargé in Yugoslavia to the Acting Secretary of State
Summary of a letter to President Truman from Prime Minister Tito and Foreign Minister Subašić, commenting upon the administration of Venezia Giulia and proposing elections in that area.
1209 1219
July 27 (tel. 319) The Chargé in Yugoslavia to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the Cabinet crisis in Yugoslavia caused by differences over parliamentary and electoral matters.
1203 1209
July 27 (tel. Comea 344) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission
Report on the status of proposed public statements concerning the European Advisory Commission agreements relating to Austria.
786 679
July 27 (tel. Sgs 687) Headquarters, United States Forces Austria, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Report on quadripartite military consultations in Vienna with respect to the food situation in Austria.
782 675
July 27 (tel. 215) The Chief of the Division of African Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of a conversation with the Spanish High Commissioner concerning the problem of Tangier.
1361 1417
July 27 *Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Summary of the discussion, at a reception given by Generalissimo Stalin for the Polish Delegation, of the western frontier of Poland, cooperation among the Slavic nations, and the general election in the United Kingdom.
1388 1529
July 27 (tel. 147) The Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Discussion of the possibility that a démarche to the Swiss Government would tend to discourage Swiss cooperation in tracing and disclosing German external assets; report on a conversation with the Swiss Chargé in Washington concerning deletions from the Proclaimed List of Certain Blocked Nationals.
995 958
1945 July 27 (tel. 148) The Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy and the Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Revised estimates of total German assets in neutral countries.
996 959
July 27 (tel. 1256) The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy
Notification that Colonel James H. Douglas, Jr., has requested that his nomination as Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission in Italy be withdrawn, but that a final decision concerning his appointment depends upon discussions at the Berlin Conference.
1116 1103
July 28 (tel. 952) The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union
Instruction to arrange a meeting with Foreign Commissar Molotov without delay and to try to find out the attitude of the Soviet Union regarding the proclamation issued from the Berlin Conference calling for the surrender of Japan.
1257 1292
July 28 Press Conference Statement by Prime Minister Suzuki
Statement of views that the proclamation issued from the Berlin Conference is but a rehash of the Cairo Declaration, that Japan should ignore it entirely, and that Japan must fight for the successful conclusion of the war.
1258 1293
July 28 (tel. 554) The Ambassador in Iran to the Acting Secretary of State
Views and recommendations concerning the withdrawal of United States forces from Tehran.
1335 1395
July 28 *The Ambassador to the Soviet Union to the Secretary of State
Recommendation concerning the negotiation of a Soviet-American protocol on policy toward China.
1218 1243
July 28 (tel.) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China
Transmittal of a message for Prime Minister Soong recommending a resumption of Sino-Soviet negotiations.
1219 1245
July 28 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a copy of a letter of July 28, 1945, from Sir David Waley to the Chairman of the Allied Commission on Reparations concerning the financing of imports into Germany, together with an enclosed British memorandum on the same subject.
881 817
July 28 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Estimates of the amount of reparations which could be taken from Germany; suggestions concerning the course of negotiations with the Soviet Delegation on this subject.
941 892
1945 July 28 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of (a) a copy of a letter of July 28, 1945, from Ambassador Pauley to the President, requesting approval of a proposed communication to the Chairman of the Allied Commission on Reparations, and (b) a copy of a letter dated July 27, 1945 (but not yet sent), from Ambassador Pauley to the Chairman of the Allied Commission on Reparations, reviewing negotiations on the subject of reparations and explaining the reasons for the submission by the United States of a proposal for taking removals on a zonal basis; request that Secretary Byrnes review the proposed communication to Mr. Maisky.
942 893
July 28 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Statistics on German coal and food production and consumption.
1047 1030
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Proposed redraft of economic principles for the treatment of Germany in the initial control period.
882 818
July 28 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Preliminary estimates of capital removals required to reduce German war potential.
943 897
July 28 *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Comments on a memorandum concerning the restitution of art objects.
944 898
July 28 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of a memorandum to the Deputy Military Governor of the United States zone of occupation in Germany requesting the issuance of a decree by the Allied Control Council vesting German external assets.
998 960
July 28 *The First Secretary of Embassy in Portugal to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Suggestions for handling the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee draft of revised statutes for the Allied Control Commission for Hungary.
824 725
July 28 (tel. Victory 391) *The Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations Division, War Department General Staff, to the Deputy Chief of Staff, United States Army
Interpretation of the Presidential directive for withdrawal of United States forces from Tehran.
1336 1396
July 28 (tel. Victory 392) *The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Instructions to amend the draft reply to be made to Yugoslav notes concerning Macedonia so as to indicate the willingness of the United States to recommend the appointment of an Anglo-Soviet-American commission to investigate the Yugoslav charges on the spot.
1081 1073
July 28 (tel. Cfb 2015) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State
Acknowledgment of instructions with regard to requesting Chinese acceptance of the invitation to membership in the Council of Foreign Ministers.
716 617
1945 July 28 (tel.) [The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission]
[Transmittal of the text of a proposed quadripartite statement concerning consultation with other Allied governments in the exercise of the authority of the occupying powers in Austria; printed as attachment 3 to an undated memorandum from Assistant Secretary of State Dunn to the Secretary of State (document No. 788, page 681), q. v.]
July 28 (tel. 1476) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Report that an immediate meeting with Foreign Commissar Molotov is out of the question; observations on a United States broadcast to Japan and on the indefinite and piecemeal nature of the Japanese approach to the Soviet Union.
1259 1294
July 28 *Clayton-Mikolajczyk Conversation: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of a discussion of the economic situation in Poland and of Poland’s import and credit requirements.
July 28 *Clayton-Mikolajczyk Conversation: Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Memorandum on the discussions described supra.
1389 1532
July 28 *The Additional Secretary to the British Cabinet to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Transmittal of a draft text on the question of the Turkish Straits.
1377 1438
July 28 (tel. 128) The Political Adviser for Austrian Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on military meetings with the Soviet authorities in Vienna on July 24, 25, and 26, 1945.
787 680
July 28 *Memorandum by the Polish Delegation
Transmittal of a memorandum of July 28, 1945, by Vice President Grabski and of three supporting memoranda justifying on political, military, economic, and historical grounds the Polish claim to the Oder–Neisse Line as the western frontier of Poland.
1150 1141
July 28 (tel. 259) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Ambassador in France
Summary of negotiations with the Soviet Union before the Berlin Conference on the question of air traffic between the United States and the Soviet Union via Berlin.
1172 1168
July 28 *Diary Entry by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Notes on a Soviet-Polish conference regarding industrial dismantling and rolling stock.
1390 1538
July 28 (tel. 378) The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting Representative in Rumania
Views on recommendations by Brigadier General Schuyler for United States policy with respect to actions taken by Soviet officials in Rumania.
825 726
1945 July 28 The British Embassy to the Department of State
Formal notification that the British Government agrees to Soviet participation in the Paris conversations on Tangier and that the British Ambassador at Paris has been instructed to inform the French Government of the extent of the discussion of this subject at the Berlin Conference.
1362 1418
July 28 *TrumanAttlee Meeting: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this meeting, at which East Prussia, the Polish boundary question, and reparations were discussed.
July 28 *Tenth Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the Rapporteur’s reports on the Eighth and Ninth Meetings of the Foreign Ministers; the Japanese proposal to send Prince Konoye to Moscow on a mission to ask the Soviet Government to take part in mediation to end the war; the admission of Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy, and Rumania, and the non-admission of Spain to the United Nations; and reparations from Austria and Italy.
July 28 *Tenth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 28 (tel. 154) The Chief of the Division of Lend-Lease and Surplus War Property Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy
Report on the status of a project to transfer American trucks to Poland.
1156 1153
July 28 (tel. 220) The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Yugoslavia
Instructions to inform the Yugoslav Government that the United States is prepared to recommend the appointment of an Anglo-Soviet-American commission to investigate Yugoslav charges of violations by the Greek Government in Macedonia of the principles of international law.
1082 1073
July 29 (tel. Cfb 2087) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a message from Prime Minister Soong concerning the latter’s return to Moscow to resume negotiations with the Soviet Union.
1220 1245
July 29 [*The Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs to the Secretary of State] [Summary of a discussion of European inland waterways and the Turkish Straits in a meeting of the Subcommittee on Inland Waterways, July 27,1945; printed under the editor’s heading for the meeting of the Subcommittee (page 453), q. v.]
July 29 (tel. Victory 406) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Notification of Presidential approval of the European Advisory Commission agreement providing for a French zone of occupation in Germany and a French sector in Berlin and of the accompanying report.
1034 1006
1945 July 29 (tel. 282) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State
Comments on conversations which Ambassador Hurley had with Generalissimo Chiang and Prime Minister Soong concerning the Sino-Soviet negotiations.
1221 1245
July 29 *TrumanMolotov Meeting: Bohlen Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the illness of Generalissimo Stalin; the western frontier of Poland; reparations from Germany; disposition of the German Fleet and Merchant Marine; and Soviet entry into the war against Japan.
(Footnote: Memorandum of July 29, 1945, from Mr. Walter J. Brown to the Secretary of State transmitting a message from the Soviet Delegation concerning Generalissimo Stalin’s inability to attend a plenary meeting on July 30, 1945.)
July 29 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government that, pending the final determination of Poland’s western frontier, the former German territories up to the line of the Oder and the eastern Neisse be placed under Polish administration.
1151 1150
Undated *The Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs to the Secretary of State
Transmittal, for approval, of the texts of three proposed public statements concerning the agreements relating to Austria recently concluded in the European Advisory Commission.
(The memorandum bears the approval of the Secretary of State, dated July 29, 1945. Citations to two of the texts transmitted with the memorandum are given in lieu of the texts themselves.)
788 681
July 29 *The First Secretary of Embassy in Portugal to the Director of European Affairs
Summary of recent difficulties with respect to the Allied Control Commissions for Hungary and Rumania.
826 727
Undated *The Secretary of State and the Secretary of War to the President
Review of discussions within the United States Government with respect to financing imports into Germany; transmittal of a proposed letter of instructions for the President to issue to the Secretary of War on this subject.
883 820
July 29 *The President to the Secretary of War
Statement of objectives to which an import program for Germany should contribute; directive to the War Department to assume procurement and initial financing responsibility for all imports into Germany for which the United States assumes responsibility and for the United States share of any combined financing of imports.
884 821
July 29 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Summary of further action needed at the Berlin Conference on German economic questions and related questions.
885 823
1945 July 29 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Transmittal of a draft memorandum to the Deputy Military Governor of the United States zone of occupation in Germany concerning the restitution of art objects.
945 898
July 29 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of statistical information concerning reparations from Germany.
946 899
July 29 *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Secretary of State
Comments and suggestions concerning the negotiations at the Berlin Conference on reparations from Germany.
947 900
July 29 *The Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Report that the constituent republics of the Soviet Union have not so far put forward separate, reparations claims.
948 901
Undated *The Adviser on Administration and Political Science on the United States Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations Summary of additional evidence on the removal of raw materials, industrial equipment, and art objects from Berlin. 949 902
Undated *The Commander in Chief of the Soviet Forces of Occupation in Germany to Generalissimo Stalin
Report on United States and British removals of rolling stock from the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany.
950 903
July 29 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the President
Transmittal of a report by Committee I of the United States Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations (text printed as attachment 1) concerning United States and British removals of factory equipment and personnel from the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany.
(Attachment 2: Undated report by the Commander in Chief of the Soviet Forces of Occupation in Germany to Generalissimo Stalin concerning United States and British removals of factory equipment and personnel from the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany.)
951 904
Undated *United States Delegation Working Paper
Alternative drafts, for use in case of either agreement or disagreement at the Berlin Conference, of the conclusions of the Conference with respect to reparations from Germany.
952 912
1945 July 29 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning the exaction of reparations from Germany.
953 913
July 29 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning the disposition of the German Fleet and Merchant Marine.
1011 975
July 29 *Generalissimo Stalin to President Truman
Undertaking to give appropriate study to the question of the use of German coal to satisfy European needs.
1048 1031
July 29 * Generalissimo Stalin to President Truman
Expression of agreement with the President’s proposal of July 20, 1945, concerning a change in the air route from the United States to the Soviet Union to a route via Berlin; suggestion that Soviet and American representatives study the technical questions involved.
1173 1169
July 29 *President Truman to Prime Minister Attlee
Transmittal of a copy of a directive of July 29, 1945, from the President to the Joint Chiefs of Staff interpreting his directive of July 5, 1945, on lend-lease questions; notification that Assistant Secretary of State Clayton has been instructed to engage in informal conversations with British officials in London concerning postwar Anglo-American economic arrangements.
1185 1184
July 29 *Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of the situation in Syria and Lebanon.
1343 1401
July 29 (tel. 323) The Chargé in Yugoslavia to the Acting Secretary of State
Further report on the Cabinet crisis in Yugoslavia; comment that there is now a brief opportunity for the United States and the United Kingdom to show their support for democratic principles in Yugoslavia.
1204 1210
July 29 *TrumanAttlee Meeting: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this meeting.
July 29 *Forrestal-Bevin Conversation: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Secretary of the Navy Forrestal’s diary for July 29, 1945, concerning a discussion with Foreign Secretary Bevin of political and economic questions in the United Kingdom, the advisability of maintaining the institution of the Emperor in Japan, trade patterns in Europe, and the Balkans.
July 29 *DespresMinc Conversation: Memorandum by the Adviser on German Economic Affairs
Memorandum of a discussion relating to a conference between Mr. Mine and United States military authorities, Polish membership in European economic organizations, Polish-American economic relations, and Soviet activities and problems in Poland and Germany.
1945 July 29 (tel. Victory 416) *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Chief of the Mission for Economic Affairs in the United Kingdom
Comments on the British coal position.
1049 1032
July 29 (tel. 155) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Comments on a Yugoslav note concerning civil administration in Venezia Giulia.
1210 1220
July 29 *Diary Entry by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Summary of a discussion between President Bierut and Generalissimo Stalin concerning the western frontier of Poland, including the possibility of a compromise line along the Queiss River.
1391 1539
July 29 *The Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a message from the Soviet Delegation concerning the appointment of Soviet members of the Technical Subcommittee on Disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine.
1012 976
July 30 (tel. Victory 419) *The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union
Report concerning Soviet plans to fly interned German aircraft out of Sweden as war booty.
999 961
July 30 *Conversation Between Members of the United States and Polish Delegations: Editor’s Note
Cross reference to a diary entry by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister relating to this conversation.
July 30 *Conversation Between Members of the United States and Polish Delegations: Diary Entry by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Notes on a discussion concerning the supply of coal from Poland to the American sector of occupation in Berlin.
1392 1539
July 30 (tel. 560) The Ambassador in Iran to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that the Persian Gulf Command has received new instructions concerning the withdrawal of United States forces from Tehran.
1337 1397
July 30 *The Polish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Secretary of State
Request that the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity be enabled to take control of Polish forces now under Allied command.
1140 1132
July 30 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Comments on a Soviet proposal of July 29, 1945, concerning reparations from Germany.
954 915
July 30 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Comments on a Soviet proposal of July 29, 1945, concerning reparations from Germany.
955 916
1945 July 30 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Secretary of State
Comments on a memorandum of July 29, 1945, by Assistant Secretary of State Clayton with respect to reparations from Germany.
956 917
July 30 *Memorandum by the General Counsel of the United States Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations
Comments on the delivery of reparations from the western zones of Germany to the Soviet Union in return for shipments of food, fuel, and fertilizer from the Soviet zone to western Germany.
957 918
July 30 *The President to the Commanding General, United States Forces, European Theater
Request for an investigation and report on Soviet charges concerning the removal of property from the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany by the United States Army.
958 919
Undated *Mr. Josiah E. DuBois, Jr., of the Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations, to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Analysis of the legality of treating gold as war booty.
959 919
July 30 [*President Truman to Generalissimo Stalin]
[Expression of regret at Generalissimo Stalin’s illness; quoted in footnote 2 to the minutes of the Truman-Molotov meeting of July 29, 1945 (page 471), q. v.]
July 30 (tel. 180) The Assistant to the President’s Personal Representative at Vatican City to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of conversations which Brigadier General Hume has had with the Pope and other ecclesiastical authorities concerning the withdrawal of Allied troops from Italy.
1109 1098
July 30 *ByrnesMolotov Meeting: Bohlen Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the western frontier of Poland; the admission of Italy to the United Nations; freedom of the press in Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, and Rumania; reparations from Germany; internationalization of the Ruhr; reparations from Austria and Italy; and war criminals.
July 30 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Revised draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government that, pending the final determination of Poland’s western frontier, the former German territories up to the line of the Oder and the western Neisse be placed under Polish administration.
1152 1150
July 30 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning relations with Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, and Rumania; the admission of those countries to the United Nations; and the non-admission of Spain to that organization.
731 629
1945 July 30 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Revised draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning the satisfaction of Soviet and Polish reparations claims.
961 921
July 30 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal for the international administration of the Ruhr industrial district.
1027 1000
July 30 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal concerning the exaction of reparations from Austria and of reparations from Italy in the amount of $300,000,000.
1104 1095
July 30 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning the trial of the principal German war criminals.
1016 984
July 30 [*Generalissimo Stalin to President Truman]
[Acknowledgment of the President’s note of sympathy on the Generalissimo’s illness and statement of the expectation that the latter will be able to take part in the Conference on July 31; quoted in footnote 2 to the minutes of the Truman-Molotov meeting of July 29, 1945 (page 471), q. v.]
July 30 *Tenth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: the agenda for the meeting; the invitation to China and France to participate in the Council of Foreign Ministers; notification to the French Government of the Conference decisions on political principles for the treatment of Germany; reparations from Austria, Germany, and Italy; admission of Italy to the United Nations; diplomatic relations with the former German satellites; the western frontier of Poland; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; disposition of the German Fleet and Merchant Marine; German external assets; political principles for the treatment of Germany; Yugoslavia; war criminals; anti-Soviet activities in Austria and Germany; German forces in Norway; internationalization of the Ruhr; repatriation of alleged Soviet nationals; and the agenda for the Eleventh Plenary Meeting.
July 30 *Tenth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the discussions in the Tenth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 30 (P 69) *Tenth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Foreign Secretary Bevin to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Tenth Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
July 30 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposal that the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and (if possible) France, issue a declaration assuming jurisdiction over German external assets; transmittal of alternative drafts of such a declaration.
1000 961
1945 July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Statement of the British position with respect to a plan for the exaction of reparations from Germany.
960 920
July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposal with respect to the sources of supply of food and coal for the zones of occupation in Germany, including the area of Greater Berlin.
1051 1033
July 30 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal for the disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine.
1013 976
July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Review of the discussions at the Berlin Conference concerning the disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine; suggestions as to the decisions of the Conference on this subject.
1014 977
July 30 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposed addition to that part of the draft agreement on political principles for the treatment of Germany dealing with central administrative machinery.
886 824
July 30 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Revision of an addition proposed by the Soviet Delegation to that part of the draft agreement on political principles for the treatment of Germany dealing with central administrative machinery.
887 825
July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Suggestion that the Berlin Conference issue a statement concerning the peaceful solution of existing differences in southern Europe and the democratic development of the area along the lines of such documents as the Varkiza and the TitoŠubašić agreements.
1083 1074
July 30 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Suggestion that the Heads of Government at the Berlin Conference accept the proposals put forward by Prime Minister Tito and Foreign Minister Šubašić of Yugoslavia concerning civil administration in the Trieste–Istria district.
1211 1221
July 30 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Revised draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government concerning the trial of the principal German war criminals.
1017 985
July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Transmittal of a suggested text for inclusion in the Protocol and Communiqué of the Berlin Conference concerning war criminals.
1018 986
July 30 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Proposed addition to the agreement by the Heads of Government concerning the exaction of reparations from Germany.
962 922
1945 July 30 *Memorandum by the Soviet Delegation
Complaint concerning the failure of the British authorities to repatriate citizens of the Baltic republics, the western Ukraine, and western Byelorussia.
1167 1165
July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposal that reparations should not be exacted from Austria and that future removals from Austria should be settled by the Control Council.
770 666
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Proposal that the British Government urge the Regent of Greece to reconstitute the Greek Government in the spirit of the Varkiza agreement.
1423 1592
July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposal for the inclusion of language concerning the “first charge” principle regarding payment for imports into Germany in the agreement on economic principles for the treatment of Germany.
888 825
July 30 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Proposal concerning the liability of Italy to pay reparations.
1105 1096
July 30 *United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the status of problems before the Berlin Conference as of July 30, 1945.
July 30 (tel. Victory 444 of July 31) *LaneModzelewski Conversation: The Appointed Ambassador to Poland to the Acting Secretary of State
Report, dated July 31, 1945, concerning a discussion between Ambassador Lane and Polish officials at the Berlin Conference on the following subjects: admission of press correspondents to Poland; establishment of United States Consulates in Poland; the diplomatic rate of exchange; policing in Warsaw; Polish-American economic problems; the possible appointment of Mr. Oskar Lange as Polish Ambassador to the United States; and the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Poland.
July 30 (tel. 399) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Analysis of the views of Prime Minister Georgiev of Bulgaria; report on the political situation in Bulgaria; recommendation for a public statement of United States views on the elections in Bulgaria, recognition of the Bulgarian Government, and the negotiation of a treaty of peace with Bulgaria.
827 728
July 30 *The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum from Mr. Clayton and Ambassador Pauley to the Deputy Military Governor of the United States zone of occupation in Germany concerning the restitution of objects of art.
964 923
July 30 The Director of Near Eastern and African Affairs to the Acting Secretary of State
Transmittal of a memorandum by Mr. William Yale, of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs, concerning the probable attitude of the new British Government with respect to Palestine.
1345 1403
1945 July 30 (tel. 1480) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Speculation as to the Soviet relationship to the proclamation to Japan issued from the Berlin Conference by the Heads of Government of the United States, China, and the United Kingdom.
1260 1296
July 30 (tel. Victory 439) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China
Instructions to proceed at once in accordance with prior instructions concerning delivery of an invitation to China to become a member of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
717 617
July 30 (tel. Victory 440) *The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom
Notification of approval of the proposed public statements concerning the European Advisory Commission agreements relating to Austria.
789 682
July 30 *Meeting of the Communiqué Subcommittee: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Mr. Walter J. Brown’s diary regarding this meeting.
July 30 [?] *ByrnesAttlee Meeting: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this meeting.
July 30 *MoselyWard and MoselyGusev Conversations: Memorandum by the Political Adviser to the Representative on the European Advisory Commission
Note concerning notification given to the British and Soviet Delegations at the Berlin Conference of United States approval of the proposed public statements concerning the European Advisory Commission agreements relating to Austria.
July 30 [*The British Foreign Secretary to the Soviet Foreign Commissar]
[Report on the detention and disarming of German forces in Norway; printed as enclosure 1 to a note of July 31, 1945, from Foreign Secretary Bevin to the Secretary of State (document No. 1058, page 1038), q. v.]
Undated [*The Soviet Ambassador to the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs]
[Note transmitting the text of entries for the Protocol of the Berlin Conference on questions raised by the Soviet Delegation; quoted in footnote 8 to a memorandum on the First Meeting of the Protocol Subcommittee, July 26, 1945 (page 419), q. v.]
Undated *Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of trusteeship questions.
1426 1594
1945 Undated *Text Submitted by the British Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of questions relating to Austria.
1427 1595
Undated *Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of the extension of the authority of the Provisional Government of Austria.
1428 1596
Undated *Text Submitted by the British Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of the question of the western frontier of the Soviet Union and the ultimate transfer of the Konigsberg area to the Soviet Union.
1429 1597
Undated *Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of the question of the western frontier of the Soviet Union and the transfer of the Konigsberg area to the Soviet Union.
1430 1598
Undated *Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of the question of the western frontier of the Soviet Union and the transfer of the Konigsberg area to the Soviet Union.
1431 1599
Undated *Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of a Soviet aide-mémoire relating to a prisoner-of-war camp in the Cesenatico district in Italy.
1432 1600
Undated *Text Submitted by the Soviet Delegation
Draft text for inclusion in the Protocol of the Berlin Conference concerning consideration at the Conference of the necessity of revising the Montreux Convention on the Turkish Straits.
1433 1600
July 30 The Third Secretary of the British Embassy to the Assistant Adviser on German Economic Affairs
Transmittal of an aide-mémoire notifying the Department of State of British approval of a proposed directive to the zone commanders in Germany on German coal production and exports.
1050 1032
July 30 (tel. 1484) The Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
Report of a conversation with Acting Foreign Commissar Lozovsky in which Ambassador Sato attempted to expedite a Soviet reply to the Japanese proposal to send Prince Konoye on a special mission to the Soviet Union.
1261 1297
July 30 (tel. 3125) The Ambassador in Italy to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the formation of provincial governments in Styria and Carinthia.
764 662
1945 July 30 (tel. War 41011) The Secretary of War to the President
Request for authorization to release a Presidential statement concerning the projected atomic attack on Japan.
1313 1374
July 31 (tel. Cfb 2223) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State
Notification that Ambassador Hurley is proceeding to execute his instructions with reference to inviting China to become a member of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
718 617
July 31 *President Truman to Generalissimo Stalin
Transmittal of the draft of a letter from the President to Generalissimo Stalin, to be signed and dispatched if the latter requested it after conclusion of the pending Sino-Soviet negotiations, giving the views of the United States as to Soviet cooperation with the powers at war with Japan in the light of the Moscow Declaration of 1943 and the Charter of the United Nations.
1282 1333
July 31 *The British Foreign Secretary to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a copy of a letter from Mr. Bevin to Foreign Commissar Molotov surveying the situation with respect to German forces in Norway.
1058 1038
July 31 *TrumanRowan Conversation: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this conversation.
July 31 *Prime Minister Attlee to President Truman
Request for the President’s agreement to suggested action with respect to the supplying of lend-lease to the United Kingdom; transmittal of a memorandum on British lend-lease requirements.
1186 1186
Undated *Prime Minister Attlee to President Truman
Statement of factors to be considered before the Washington Munitions Assignments Board is abolished; suggestion that United States and British officials in Washington work out concrete proposals with respect to assignments machinery for submission to the President and the Prime Minister.
1200 1205
July 31 *Prime Minister Attlee to President Truman
Acknowledgment of the receipt of President Truman’s memorandum of July 24, 1945, concerning Palestine; assurance that the British will give early careful consideration to the memorandum.
1346 1406
July 31 *The Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of copies of United States and British proposals on navigation on international inland waterways and of a summary of a meeting of the Subcommittee on Inland Waterways; suggestions as to the future course of negotiations on this subject.
760 658
July 31 *United States Delegation Working Paper
Suggestion for implementing a British proposal concerning the “first charge” principle with regard to imports into Germany.
889 826
July 31 United States Delegation Memorandum
Statement of the United States position with respect to the exaction of reparations from Italy.
1106 1096
1945 July 31 *The Ambassador to the Soviet Union to the Secretary of State
Recommendations for action by the United States with respect to Sino-Soviet relations.
1222 1246
July 31 *Meeting of the Technical Subcommittee on Disposition of German Navy and Merchant Marine: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of minutes covering this meeting; cross reference to the text of the Subcommittee’s report.
July 31 *ByrnesMolotov Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from published sources on this conversation.
(Footnote: Note on the relationship of this conversation to the ByrnesMolotov meeting of July 30, 1945, and on the presumption that a further meeting actually did take place on July 31, 1945.)
July 31 (tel. Victory 444) [*The Appointed Ambassador to Poland to the Acting Secretary of State]
[Report concerning a discussion of July 30, 1945, between Ambassador Lane and Polish officials at the Berlin Conference concerning admission of press correspondents to Poland, establishment of United States Consulates in Poland, the diplomatic rate of exchange, policing in Warsaw, Polish-American economic problems, the possible appointment of Mr. Oskar Lange as Polish Ambassador to the United States, and the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Poland; printed under the editor’s heading for the LaneModzelewski conversation of July 30, 1945 (page 506), q. v.]
July 31 (tel. 401) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the political situation in Bulgaria; comment that every friend of democracy in Bulgaria is looking to the Berlin Conference for some sign of hope.
830 733
July 31 *The Assistant Secretary of War to the Secretary of State
Recommendations concerning the negotiations at the Berlin Conference on reparations from Germany.
965 925
Undated *United States Delegation Memorandum Agenda for the Eleventh Plenary Meeting. 511
July 31 *Eleventh Plenary Meeting: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: reparations from Germany; the western frontier of Poland; admission of states to the United Nations; German external assets; elections, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion in Poland; air communications with Warsaw and Moscow; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; internationalization of the Ruhr; political principles for the treatment of Germany; transfer of German minorities; disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine; revision of Allied Control Commission procedures in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; Greek-Yugoslav relations; Yugoslavia; war criminals; international inland waterways; the Turkish Straits; notification to the Polish Provisional Government of decisions of the Conference with respect to the Polish frontiers; preparation of the Conference Communiqué and schedule of meetings at the Conference.
1945 July 31 *Eleventh Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
July 31 *United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of the discussions at the Eleventh Plenary Meeting.
July 31 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Redraft of language for inclusion in the agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to the reparations claims of the Soviet Union and Poland against Germany.
966 926
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to the exaction of reparations from Germany.
1425 1593
July 31 *Proposal by the United States Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to revision of the procedures of the Allied Control Commissions for Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary.
828 732
July 31 *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Draft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to revision of the procedures of the Allied Control Commissions for Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary.
829 733
July 31 *Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for European, Far Eastern, Near Eastern, and African Affairs
Suggestion that the Polish Delegation to the Berlin Conference be notified of the decisions of the Conference with respect to the Polish boundary.
1153 1151
July 31 (tel. 7709) (Copre 4) The Alternate Delegate to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations to the Director and the Deputy Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs
Report that Soviet agreement is awaited to a proposal made at Potsdam for a rotating chairmanship for the Executive Committee of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations.
741 640
July 31 (tel. 403) The Representative in Bulgaria to the Acting Secretary of State
Report of the acceptance of the resignation of Mr. Nikola Petkov; request for information as to what the United States Government is really prepared to do about the political and election situation in Bulgaria.
831 734
July 31 (533) The Ambassador in France to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs
Transmittal of an invitation to the Government of France to participate in the Council of Foreign Ministers.
1395 1543
1945 July 31 (669) The Ambassador in France to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs
Transmittal of the text of the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference with respect to political principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period; expression of the hope that the Government of France will be able to associate itself with these principles.
1396 1544
Undated *Proposal by the Soviet Delegation
Redraft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to the exaction of reparations from Germany.
963 922
July 31 *The General Counsel of the Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations
Recommendations for further action concerning the negotiations on reparations from Germany.
968 928
July 31 *Memorandum by the General Counsel of the Delegation to the Allied Commission on Reparations
Suggestion as to procedure for incorporating the proposed agreement on reparations into the Protocol of the Berlin Conference.
969 929
July 31 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State
Report that Ambassador Hurley has presented the matter of Chinese participation in the Council of Foreign Ministers to Generalissimo Chiang and Prime Minister Soong informally, that the Generalissimo will give a favorable reply when the question is presented formally by the American, British, and Soviet Ambassadors, and that the formal presentation of the matter will take place on August 1, 1945.
719 618
July 31 *Harriman Conversation With Members of the Polish Delegation: Editor’s Note Cross reference to a diary entry by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister relating to this conversation. 541
July 31 *Harriman Conversation With Members of the Polish Delegation: Diary Entry by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Note on Ambassador Harriman’s call to invite the Polish Delegation to see President Truman on August 1, 1945.
1393 1540
July 31 *Meeting of the Communiqué Subcommittee: Editor’s Note
Quotations from Mr. Walter J. Brown’s diary regarding this meeting.
July 31 *United States Delegation Memorandum
Summary of questions pending before the Berlin Conference as of July 31, 1945.
July 31 (tel. 4640) The Ambassador in France to the Acting Secretary of State
Confirmation of French acceptance of the proposal for quadripartite supervision of elections in Greece.
1070 1048
1945 July 31 *The Soviet Delegation to the United States Delegation
Request that Soviet repatriation representatives be permitted to enter American and British camps for German prisoners of war in order to establish the identity of Soviet citizens held in those camps.
1168 1165
July 31 (tel. Victory 454) *The Secretary of State to the Appointed Ambassador to Poland
Transmittal of the text of the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference regarding the transfer of German populations to Germany; instructions to communicate this text to the Polish Provisional Government.
(Parallel messages were sent on the same date to the Representative in Hungary as telegram No. Victory 455 and to the Chargé in Czechoslovakia as telegram No. Victory 456.)
1054 1035
July 31 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Redraft of an agreement by the Heads of Government with respect to the exaction of reparations from Germany.
967 927
July 31 (tel. 1710) The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union
Instructions to approach the Soviet Government concerning the conduct of an investigation into Yugoslav charges concerning Macedonia.
(Parallel instructions were sent on the same date to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom as telegram No. 6375.)
1084 1075
July 31 (tel. 164) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Notification of instructions sent to the American Legation at Stockholm to express to the Swedish Government the view that Sweden should not permit the disposition of German property as war booty.
1001 963
July 31 (tel. 167) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Report that the Department of State is instructing the American Embassies at Moscow and London to approach the Soviet and British Governments concerning the conduct of an investigation into Yugoslav charges concerning Macedonia.
1085 1076
July 31 (tel. 168) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Report of Mr. Cordell Hull’s views on United States policy toward Spain.
1178 1173
Aug. 1 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State
Notification of Chinese concurrence in the proposals for the establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers and of Chinese acceptance of membership in the Council.
720 619
Aug. 1 *TrumanBierut Conversation: Editor’s Note
Summary of information available from United States sources on this conversation; cross reference to a memorandum of the conversation prepared by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister.
1945 Aug. 1 *TrumanBierut Conversation: Memorandum by the Polish Deputy Prime Minister
Notes on President Truman’s communication to the Polish Delegation of the decisions of the Berlin Conference with respect to the western frontier of Poland; notes on a brief conversation with Ambassador Harriman on this subject.
1394 1540
Aug. 1 *The Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Suggestion for substituting a revised page in a directive from the President to the Secretary of War with respect to financing imports into Germany.
890 826
Undated *The Secretary of State to the Soviet Foreign Commissar
Notification of proposed action by the United States Government looking toward the control of Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Rumanian assets in neutral countries.
846 747
Aug. 1 *Report by the Technical Subcommittee on Disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine
Transmittal of drafts of agreements by the Heads of Government (with certain passages still unagreed) with respect to disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine, and of a draft of an announcement on this subject to be made by the Conference.
1015 980
Aug. 1 *Prime Minister Attlee to President Truman
Acknowledgment of a letter from President Truman concerning the new weapon to be used on Japan; expression of appreciation for the President’s kind words about and personal consideration for Mr. Attlee.
1314 1375
Aug. 1 Eleventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: reparations from Germany; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine; war criminals; use of Allied property in the settlement of satellite reparations; German external assets; oil supplies from eastern Europe; removal of oil equipment from Rumania; preparation of the Conference Protocol; anti-Soviet activities in Austria and Germany; repatriation of alleged Soviet nationals; treatment of Soviet prisoners of war; trusteeship; the Turkish Straits; Konigsberg; a statement on Austria; revised procedures for the Allied Control Commissions for Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; freedom of the press and radio in eastern Europe; and acceptance by China of the invitation to be a member of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
1945 Aug. 1 *Eleventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers: Rapporteur’s Report
Report by Secretary of State Byrnes to the Heads of Government on the discussions in the Eleventh Meeting of the Foreign Ministers.
Aug. 1 *HarrimanMikolajczyk Conversation: Editor’s Note
Note on the absence of documentation on this conversation.
Aug. 1 *The President’s Special Counsel to the Secretary of State
Memorandum of a telephone conversation with the United States Representative to the International Conference on Military Trials on questions relating to war criminals.
1019 987
Aug. 1 *The United States Representatives on the Economic Subcommittee to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of, and comments on, the third report by the Economic Subcommittee to the Foreign Ministers, dealing with economic principles for the treatment of Germany, German external assets, and oil supplies from eastern Europe.
891, 1002, 1325 827, 963, 1387
Aug. 1 (tel.) The Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of the official reply of the Chinese Government to the invitation to China to become a member of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
721 619
Undated *Draft of Report by the Drafting Committee on Reparations From Germany
Summary of disagreements within the Drafting Committee with respect to the proposed agreement by the Heads of Government on the exaction of reparations from Germany.
970 929
Undated *Text Considered by the Drafting Committee on Reparations From Germany
Redraft of an agreement by the Heads of Government on the exaction of reparations from Germany, with an indication of points in the draft reserved by the Soviet and British Delegations.
971 930
Aug. 1 United States Delegation Working Paper
Suggested agenda for the Twelfth Plenary Meeting.
1945 Aug. 1 *Twelfth Plenary Meeting: Thompson Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: reparations from Germany; German external assets; an invitation to France to become a member of the Allied Commission on Reparations; the coal and food supply for Berlin; reparations from Austria; economic principles for the treatment of Germany; war criminals; use of Allied property for satellite reparations or war booty; oil supplies from eastern Europe; removal of oil equipment from Rumania; anti-Soviet activities in Austria and Germany; repatriation of alleged Soviet nationals; preparation of the Conference Protocol; revised procedures for the Allied Control Commissions for Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; notification to the Polish Delegation of the decisions of the Conference with respect to Poland; air communications with Warsaw; freedom of the press and radio in eastern Europe; disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine; a message to former Prime Minister Churchill and former Foreign Secretary Eden; inland waterways; and relationship of the Conference Protocol to the Conference Communiqué.
Aug. 1 *Twelfth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
Aug. 1 Report by the Drafting Committee on Reparations From Germany
Report that the Drafting Committee has reached no agreement on a protocol of German reparations; transmittal of a redraft of an agreement by the Heads of Government on the exaction of reparations from Germany, with an indication of points in the draft reserved or not accepted by the Soviet, British, and United States representatives on the Committee.
972 931
Aug. 1 *Proposal by the British Delegation
Suggestion that an instruction be issued to the Allied Control Council for Germany to draw up a program for the food, coal, and fuel which must be imported into the Greater Berlin area in the next six months, such amounts to be supplied by the Soviet Government as an advance delivery under the agreement on reparations.
1052 1034
Aug. 1 (tel. 781) The Ambassador in Greece to the Acting Secretary of State
Comments with respect to the Yugoslav charges concerning Macedonia.
1086 1076
Aug. 1 (671) The Ambassador in France to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Transmittal of the text of the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference with respect to the transfer of German populations to Germany, and of an invitation to France to associate itself with that agreement. 1397 1545
1945 Aug. 1 (675) The Ambassador in France to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs
Transmittal of the text of the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference with respect to the western frontier of Poland.
1398 1546
Aug. 1 (677) The Ambassador in France to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs
Transmittal of an invitation to France to become a member of the Allied Commission on Reparations.
1399 1546
Aug. 1 (678) The Ambassador in France to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs
Transmittal of the text of the statement agreed to at the Berlin Conference with respect to war criminals and of an invitation to France to associate itself with that statement.
1400 1547
Aug. 1 (tel.) *The President to the Ambassador in China
Transmittal of a message to Generalissimo Chiang notifying the latter of the agreement reached by the President and the British Prime Minister, on the advice of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, with respect to boundaries of command in Indochina and requesting the Generalissimo’s concurrence in the proposed arrangements.
1273 1321
Aug. 1 *The Secretary of State to the Soviet Foreign Commissar
Notification of instructions issued to the United States commander in Germany with respect to restitution of objects of art.
(An identical note was sent on the same date to the British Foreign Secretary.)
973 933
Aug. 1 *Draft Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Request that the Deputy Military Governor of the United States zone of occupation in Germany urge the Allied Control Council for Germany to adopt an attached text with respect to principles of restitution.
974 934
Aug. 1 *The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations and the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Deputy Military Governor, United States Zone in Germany
Request that the Deputy Military Governor of the United States zone of occupation in Germany urge the Allied Control Council for Germany to adopt an attached text with respect to Allied and neutral property in Germany.
975 935
Aug. 1 (tel. 7752) The Ambassador in the United Kingdom to the Acting Secretary of State
Further report on steps taken by the British Government to liquidate the affairs of the Polish Government-in-Exile.
1141 1133
Aug. 1 *Meeting of the Communiqué Subcommittee: Editor’s Note
Quotation from Mr. Walter J. Brown’s diary regarding this meeting.
1945 Aug. 1 (tel. 2732) The Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Acting Secretary of State
Recommendations with respect to routing couriers to Moscow.
1174 1169
Aug. 1 (tel. 1270) The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Portugal
Report on a conversation of July 24, 1945, with the Portuguese Ambassador concerning Portuguese participation in the liberation of Timor; summary of the current status of this question.
1302 1359
Aug. 1 *The President to the Deputy Military Governor, United States Zone in Germany
Directive to urge the Allied Control Council for Germany to issue an attached draft decree vesting German external assets.
1003 964
Aug. 1 (tel. 172) The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State
Summary of reports from the Representative in Bulgaria; request for instructions for the guidance of the Representative in Bulgaria before the forthcoming Bulgarian elections.
832 734
Aug. 1 *The Special Assistant to the Secretary of State to the President and the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a revised draft of a Communiqué to be issued by the Heads of Government; analysis of and comments upon unresolved disagreements in the Communiqué Subcommittee.
(Editor’s Note: Approval of the Communiqué by the Heads of Government.)
(Footnote: Extract from Mr. Walter J. Brown’s diary for August 1, 1945, with respect to the report by the Communiqué Subcommittee.)
1380 1442
Aug. 1 *The Secretary of State to the Soviet Foreign Commissar
Proposal that the Allied Commission on Reparations convene in Berlin at once.
976 936
Aug. 1 *Thirteenth Plenary Meeting: Department of State Minutes
Minutes of discussions on the following subjects: reparations from Germany; use of Allied property for satellite reparations and war booty; the western frontier of Poland; admission of states to the United Nations; approval of the Conference Protocol; revision of the draft of the Conference Communiqué; release of the Communiqué; comparison of English and Russian texts of the Protocol; signature of the Protocol and Communiqué; closing remarks; and adjournment of the Conference.
(Footnotes: Extracts from Mr. Walter J. Brown’s diary for August 1, 1945, with respect to discussion of the Communiqué and signature of the final documents.)
Aug. 1 *Thirteenth Plenary Meeting: Cohen Notes
Notes on the discussions described supra.
1945 Aug. 1 m *Protocol of the Proceedings of the Berlin Conference
Record of the conclusions of the Heads of Government at the Berlin Conference on the following subjects: establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; political and economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period; reparations from Germany; disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine; the city of Konigsberg and the adjacent area; war criminals; Austria; Poland; conclusion of peace treaties and admission to the United Nations; territorial trusteeship; revised Allied Control Commission procedure in Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary; the orderly transfer of German populations; oil equipment in Rumania; Iran; the International Zone of Tangier; the Black Sea Straits; international inland waterways; the European Inland Transport Conference; directives to military commanders on the Allied Control Council for Germany; and use of Allied property for satellite reparations or war trophies.
(Editor’s Note and Footnotes: Explanation of the evolution of the text of the Conference Protocol; text of the additional section on military talks at the Conference and of the additional annex on the use of Allied property for satellite reparations or war trophies.)
1383 1478
Aug. 2 *Communiqué
Public report on the conclusions of the Heads of Government at the Berlin Conference on the following subjects: creation of a just and enduring peace; establishment of a Council of Foreign Ministers; political and economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period; reparations from Germany; disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine; the city of Konigsberg and the adjacent area; war criminals; Austria; Poland; conclusion of peace treaties and admission to the United Nations; territorial trusteeships; revised Allied Control Commission procedure in Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary; orderly transfers of German populations; and military talks during the Conference.
1384 1499
Aug. 2 *The Soviet Foreign Commissar to the Secretary of State
Agreement that the Allied Commission on Reparations should meet at Berlin, provided that its permanent seat continues to be at Moscow.
977 937
Aug. 2 (tel. Victory 479) *The Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy and the Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Notification that a memorandum has been delivered to Foreign Commissar Molotov concerning the control of Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Rumanian assets in neutral countries.
847 749
Aug. 2 (tel. Victory 480) *The Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls to the Acting Chief of the Division of Economic Security Controls
Notification that the President has directed the Deputy Military Governor of the United States zone of occupation in Germany to urge the Allied Control Council for Germany to adopt a decree vesting German external assets.
1004 968
1945 Aug. 3 (W 10212/22/13) The British Acting Assistant Under-Secretary of State to the Minister in the United Kingdom Transmittal of a communication containing a brief summary of discussions at the Berlin Conference with respect to the European Inland Transport Conference. 1163 1162
Aug. 4 The Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the Deputy Military Governor, United States Zone in Germany
Summary of discussions at the Berlin Conference concerning eastern European oil supplies.
1326 1388
Aug. 6 White House Press Release
Statement by the President announcing the first atomic attack against Japan, summarizing the wartime program of atomic research, and announcing the President’s intention to recommend to the Congress the establishment of a commission to control the production and use of atomic power in the United States.
1315 1376
Aug. 6 (526) The French Chargé to the Acting Secretary of State
Notification that the French Provisional Government has taken note of the acceptance in principle by the Allied Command of the French offers of military participation in the war against Japan; expression of the hope that the necessary agreement to render French participation effective can be concluded as soon as possible.
1401 1548
Aug. 6 (tel. 4722) The Ambassador in France to the Acting Secretary of State
Report that the French Provisional Government is upset over the statements in the Communiqué of the Berlin Conference regarding reparations from Germany and is also concerned about the references in the Communiqué to the possibility of setting up a central government for Germany.
1402 1548
Aug. 6 (tel. 4728) The Ambassador in France to the Acting Secretary of State
Transmittal of a translation of a note from the French Foreign Minister by which the French Provisional Government associated itself with the agreement of the Heads of Government at the Berlin Conference with respect to war criminals.
1403 1549
Aug. 7 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of the questions discussed at the Berlin Conference and of the disposition made of those questions.
Aug. 7 (tel. 4743) The Ambassador in France to the Acting Secretary of State
Report on the generally favorable French reaction to the results of the Berlin Conference.
1404 1549
1945 Aug. 7 (tel. 4769) The Ambassador in France to the Acting Secretary of State
Notification that the French Foreign Minister has handed to the American, Soviet, and British Ambassadors six identical notes containing the views of the French Government on the decisions made at the Berlin Conference, the texts of which will be transmitted to Washington by telegram.
1405 1550
Aug. 7 (tel. 4770) The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a translation of a note from the French Foreign Minister commenting upon the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference with respect to transfers of German populations.
1406 1551
Aug. 7 (tel. 4771) The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a translation of a note from the French Foreign Minister commenting upon the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference with respect to the western frontier of Poland.
1407 1551
Aug. 7 (tel. 4772) The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a translation of a note from the French Foreign Minister inquiring whether the information so far supplied to the French Government concerning the Berlin Conference covers the whole of the results of the Conference.
1408 1552
Aug. 7 (tel. 4773) The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a translation of a note from the French Foreign Minister accepting the invitation to France to participate in the work of the Allied Commission on Reparations, designating the French representatives on that Commission, and reserving the right to make known at a later date the French position on the agreements reached at the Berlin Conference with respect to economic principles to govern the treatment of Germany and with respect to settlement of the reparations problem.
1409 1552
Aug. 7 (tel. 4774) The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a translation of a note from the French Foreign Minister accepting the invitation to France to participate in the Council of Foreign Ministers but setting forth certain reservations with respect to the text on this subject agreed to at the Berlin Conference.
1410 1553
Aug. 7 (tel. 4775) The Ambassador in France to the Secretary of State
Transmittal of a translation of a note from the French Foreign Minister commenting upon the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference with respect to political principles to govern the treatment of Germany in the initial control period and suggesting an exchange of views among the powers which share the responsibility of the occupation and control of Germany.
1411 1554
Undated Log of the President’s Trip to the Berlin Conference
Record of the President’s movements and appointments during his trip to the Berlin Conference, July 6–August 7, 1945.
710 4
1945 Aug. 8 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of Soviet and British policy at the Berlin Conference with respect to Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland.
833 736
Aug. 8 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of Soviet and British policy at the Berlin Conference with respect to Yugoslavia.
1087, 1205 1077, 1212
Aug. 8 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of Soviet and British policy at the Berlin Conference with respect to Poland.
1142, 1154 1135, 1152
Aug. 8 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of Soviet and British policy at the Berlin Conference with respect to Spain.
1179 1175
Aug. 8 [The Soviet Foreign Commissar to the Japanese Ambassador in the Soviet Union]
[Notification of declaration of war by the Soviet Union on Japan; translation quoted in footnote 1 to the proclamation of July 26, 1945, calling for the surrender of Japan (document No. 1382, page 1474), q. v.]
Aug. 8 (tel. 6684) (Preco 23) The Secretary of State to the Alternate Delegate to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations
Request for information concerning the discussions which took place at the Berlin Conference with respect to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations.
742 641
Aug. 9 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of Soviet and British policy at the Berlin Conference with respect to trusteeship.
737 636
Aug. 9 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of Soviet and British policy at the Berlin Conference with respect to Italy.
738, 1093, 1107 637, 1086, 1097
Aug. 9 Memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat
Summary of Soviet and British policy at the Berlin Conference with respect to Turkey and the Black Sea Straits.
1378 1439
Aug. 9 (tel. 8019) The Alternate Delegate to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations to the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs
Report that the principle of rotation with respect to officers of the Executive Committee of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations was discussed on the margin of the Berlin Conference but that the Soviet representatives had not given a definitive reaction on this subject.
743 641
1945 Aug. 10 (tel. 2841) [The Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Secretary of State]
[Transmittal of a translation of the Soviet declaration of war on Japan handed to the Japanese Ambassador at Moscow on August 8, 1945; quoted in footnote 1 to the proclamation of July 26, 1945, calling for the surrender of Japan (document No. 1382, page 1474), q. v.]
Aug. 11 (558) The French Ambassador to the Secretary of State
Notification that the French Provisional Government has given its full consent to the proclamation of July 26, 1945, calling for the surrender of Japan; request that France be made a party to discussions regarding Japan’s offer to surrender and be permitted to participate in the signing of the act of surrender.
1412 1555
Aug. 14 (tel. 8243) The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs to the Secretary of State
Summary of discussions at the Berlin Conference with respect to the disposition of captured gold.
978 937
Aug. 15 (tel. 3860) The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France
Authorization to inform the French Foreign Minister of seven decisions taken at the Berlin Conference which were not touched upon in the Conference Communiqué.
1413 1556
Aug. 16 (tel. 8296) The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Clarification of decisions taken at the Berlin Conference with respect to German economic questions.
892, 979 829, 938
Aug. 18 (tel. 163) The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Jerusalem
Summary of remarks made by the President at a news conference on August 16, 1945, regarding the extent of discussion at the Berlin Conference of the questions of a Jewish national state and Jewish immigration into Palestine.
1347 1407
Aug. 21 (tel. 7101) The Secretary of State to the Chief of the Aviation Division
Reference to a statement made by Secretary of State Byrnes to Sir Alexander Cadogan at the Berlin Conference that a discussion of aviation questions was desired.
1189 1191
Aug. 23 Memorandum of Conversation
Memorandum of a discussion between Secretary of State Byrnes and French Foreign Minister Bidault concerning the decisions of the Berlin Conference and the French reaction thereto, with special reference to the decisions relating to Germany.
1414 1557
Sept. 4 Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs
Memorandum of a discussion between the Under Secretary of State and the French Ambassador with respect to the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference as to the disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine.
(Attachment: Note No. 678 from the French Ambassador to the Secretary of State, dated September 4, 1945, protesting against the agreement reached at the Berlin Conference as to the disposition of the German Navy and Merchant Marine.)
1415 1564
1945 Sept. 20 The Representative and the Associate Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations to the President
Report on international negotiations in the period from February to September 1945 with respect to reparations from Germany. (Only part V of the report, summarizing reparations negotiations at the Berlin Conference, is printed.)
980 940
Dec. 3 [The Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy to the Counselor]
[Summary of discussions at the Berlin Conference on August 1, 1945, with respect to the use of Allied property for satellite reparations or war trophies; quoted in footnote 19 to the minutes of the Twelfth Plenary Meeting, August 1, 1945 (page 566), q. v.]
1960 Mar. 28 Memorandum by the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
Summary, based on contemporary notes and memory, of the discussion between President Truman and Generalissimo Stalin at Babelsberg on July 17, 1945, with respect to the following subjects: the agenda for the Berlin Conference; the general election in the United Kingdom; British attitudes toward the war against Japan; Soviet entry into the war against Japan; and the StalinSoong conversations which had recently taken place in Moscow.
1418 1582
Mar. 28 Memorandum by the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
Summary, based on contemporary notes and memory, of a discussion between President Truman and Generalissimo Stalin at Babelsberg on July 18, 1945, concerning a message from the Emperor of Japan with respect to a mission of Prince Konoye and the reply to be made thereto.
1419 1587