10. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Director of Central Intelligence Turner1
- Implementation of SCC Decision on Increased Covert Media Activity on Cubans in Africa
On 27 March 1978 the SCC agreed
“that there should be increased covert media activity on Cubans in Africa with special effort to project information on Cuban casualties and problems into Cuba itself. CIA will prepare plans for implementation, including additional Presidential findings, if required.”
Your agency’s “Memorandum of Notification” dated 14 April 1978 reflects implementation of this decision. Coordination of this memorandum through the Special Activities Working Group mechanism brought forth a number of recommendations for change or abandonment of your plans. I should like to make very clear that the SCC’s decision is not to be altered or its implementation delayed as a result of a sub-SCC review process. Once taken, SCC decisions re covert action [less than 1 line not declassified] are to be implemented unless withdrawn by the Chairman.
In this case, since a month has already passed since the SCC decision was taken, implementation should proceed as you have outlined it in your Memorandum of Notification.
- Source: National Security Council, Carter Administration Intelligence Files, Subject Files: A–E, Box 29, USSR-Cuban Intervention in Africa, 9 Jan 1978–7 July 1978. Secret; Sensitive. Copies were sent to Vance and Brown.↩