112. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to the Director of the Federal Preparedness Agency (Bray)1


  • Program Review (U)

The President has directed that you undertake a major review of your agency’s programs and make recommendations to the Special Coordination Committee for appropriate improvements and changes. (C)

All Federal agencies involved in continuity of government programs are directed to cooperate fully in expediting this review. (U)

An ad hoc group, chaired by the NSC staff and including representatives from OMB, OSTP, the Office of the Special Assistant to the President for Administration, and you will coordinate the review. The ad hoc group will approve the review’s terms of reference and follow its progress. (U)

The review should include the following areas:

Protection of national leadership. Recommend improvements in the procedures and methods for ensuring effective Presidential succession [Page 533] in a crisis as well as protection and re-constitution of the Congress and the Judiciary. (C)
Continuity of essential functions of the Federal Government. Identify those functions of government which are essential in an emergency and recommend improvements which enhance their continuity through a crisis to eventual national recovery. (C)
Protection of state and local government. Make recommendations for enhancing the continuity of state and local government and for activities appropriate for each level in supporting overall continuity and national recovery. (C)
Emergency telecommunications. Review the adequacy of communication to support Presidential succession, protection of national leadership and essential functions of government and resource allocations for mobilization and recovery. (C)
Resource allocation, mobilization, and recovery. Examine present plans for carrying out these activities. Make recommendations for changes in policy, process, and organization to enhance the conduct of these activities. (C)

The results of the continuity of government program review should be submitted to the SCC for consideration and recommendation to the President by September 30, 1979. The ad hoc group will determine an appropriate time for submitting the results of the resource and mobilization parts of the review. (C)

Zbigniew Brzezinski
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files, Box 21, PD/NSC–41 [1]. Confidential. Copies were sent to Vance; Brown; McIntyre; Jones; Turner; Press; Burdyl Tirana, Director of the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency; Marvin Beaman, Director of the White House Military Office; and Dinneen.