75. Telegram 93759 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Nigeria1 2


  • a) Lagos 5026; b) Lagos 5102; c) Lagos 5164


  • FMG Attitude Toward Relief Flights
While recognizing FMG statement transmitted ref c apparently drafted by MinInfo officials and perhaps not rpt not cleared with Extaff or higher echelon officials, Dept nevertheless concerned at tone and content. We particularly disturbed by extent to which shooting down of aircraft and June 7 statement conflict with assurances given Amb. Ferguson by Gowon that there had been no policy change which might lead to relief planes being attacked in air and that notice would be given all concerned should there be such change (refs a and b).
While leaving to your discretion whether to pave way with Arikpo you should seek early appointment with Gowon and (a) state that while we do not wish enter public debate on matter, we are surprised at June 7 statement, particularly its references to qte double standards and hypocrisy unqte. We find it difficult to believe these represent official views of FMG. Quite apart from this, we seriously concerned over implications of last para of statement in light previous assurances given Ferguson; (b) explain our deep [Page 2] concern at shooting down of ICRC aircraft (heightened by presence Amcit pilot among crew of downed plane) in light those same assurances; (c) seek categorical re-statement from Gowon of his position that relief flights into Biafra would not rpt not be subject to interdiction in the air by military aircraft; (d) state that we recognize, as our June 6 statement made clear, problem caused by intermingling of arms flights and relief flights and danger of confusion this causes. However, interdiction of relief flights in air by NAF can only do grave damage to FMG in long run. We therefore continue to hope Gowon will adhere to policy he stated to Ferguson and insist on strict compliance by military and NAF units in field.
FYI: Joint Embassy-Datt message 0256 just received adds even greater urgency to above, especially to importance of Gowonʼs insuring that all military and NAF units comply with his orders. End FYI.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27–9 Biafra-Nigeria. Secret; Immediate. Repeated to Addis Ababa, Cotonou, Lisbon, London, and Geneva. Drafted by Smith (AF/W); cleared by Moore and Ferguson; and approved by Palmer.
  2. The Department expressed its concern that the Federal Military Government (FMG) statement transmitted in telegram 5164 (Document 73) indicated its policy toward relief flights had changed after the ICRC plane was shot down. The Department was aware of the intermingling of arms and relief flights but believed interdiction of relief planes would do damage to the FMG in the long run.