320. Telegram 127073 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Somalia1 2

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  • Ambassadorʼs Departure Plans


  • Mogadiscio 1407, 1408
We have all been highly pleased with the persistent, tactful and effective efforts which you have made with GSDR officials to obtain release of five craft. We know that your task has not been an easy one and that you have had to change your departure plans in order to remain in Mogadiscio to see the task through. For all of this we are most appreciative.
The assurances given you by General Siad, General Samantar and Omar Arteh are indeed encouraging. Hopefully craft will be released by July 18 as General Siad implied. Nevertheless we remain concerned that GSDR has not yet informed you amount of fine to be imposed or possible other conditions. Until we have this Department of State [Page 2] specific information, and the companyʼs reaction to it, we cannot be certain that all problems relating to release of ships have been resolved.
I am fully sympathetic with your desire to be on your way, and hope that things work out so that you can in fact leave on July 18. Nevertheless, in view of intense interest in problem here I feel that it is essential that you remain at the post until conditions of release of ships are known and you are fully convinced that there are no remaining obstacles to their release. END
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 33–4 Somali-US. Confidential; Limdis. Drafted by W.B. Coote (AF/E) and approved by Newsom.
  2. While the assurances given were encouraging, the Department wanted Ambassador Hadsel to remain at his post until the amount of the fine was known and all problems had been resolved.