298. Memorandum From the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Packard) to the Secretary of the Army (Resor)1 2

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  • Study Group Report—Kagnew Station

I have considered the recommendations in your memorandum of 19 March 1970, subject as above, that consolidation of DCS facilities at Kagnew Station be deferred indefinitely with Service assignments remaining unchanged and, alternatively, that if the decision is made to proceed with consolidation, operation and maintenance (O&M) responsibility be assigned to the Army vice the Navy.

After re-examination of the various facets of our operations in Ethiopia, I still consider it inadvisable, both politically and economically, to attempt to retain the status quo at Kagnew Station.

I appreciate your concern over the phase-out of the Army Strategic Communications Command Facility at Kagnew that will result from implementation of the proposed consolidation plan forwarded by the Navy in response to the specific guidance provided in my memorandum of 17 July 1969. However, I do not consider the rationale included in support of your recommendations contains sufficient justification to warrant a change in my decision to effect consolidation at Kagnew based on single Service communications O&M with responsibility assigned to the Navy. Analysis of your supporting material discloses no pertinent information that had not previously been carefully considered.

Accordingly, I have directed the Director, Defense Communications Agency, in coordination with the Services, to prepare a Management Engineering Plan for communications consolidation based on the Navy plan referred to above.

David Packer
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files: FRC 330–76–067, Ethiopia 1970. Secret; Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals.
  2. Packard turned down an Army request to retain the status quo at Kagnew Station and directed consolidation on the basis of the Navy plan.