269. Telegram 78521 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Ethiopia1 2
- Emperorʼs Visit
1. Request you extend Presidential invitation to Emperor Haile Selassie to make state visit to Washington during July 1969. FYI Emperor will be first African leader to receive such invitation. END FYI
2. Please propose and attempt confirm soonest dates July 7–9 for Washington leg of trip. Although willing consider other times, their approval unlikely as Presidentʼs schedule extremely tight. All other details are still in planning stage and subject to final Presidential approval. At this point you should confine your approach to confirmation of above dates.
3. FYI Tentative planning is as follows: visit to Washington would Last two days plus. HIM to arrive afternoon or evening July 7 and depart morning July 10. Department seeking, but has not yet obtained, White House approval for late afternoon [Page 2] arrival ceremonies at White House on July 7, including brief exchange of remarks after which HIM would retire to Blair House. First full day July 8 would include office call with President 11000 a.m. to 12030 p.m. and state dinner White House that evening. If arrival ceremony on July 7 not approved, then arrival would take place morning July 8 prior to office call. July 9 would have luncheon given by Secretary and presumably late afternoon reception by Ethiopians Tentative plans provide for brief farewell meeting of HIM with President. End FYI
[Page 3]4. Given Emperorʼs age and Washington heat in July, will endeavor not overload schedule.
5. State visits usually provide travel for several days outside Washington and such can be provided for Emperor. However assume in light his previous visits this country and heat, he will probably wish return fairly soon to Ethiopia or Europe after leaving Washington. FYI We have in mind possibility Emperor devoting one additional day to visit agricultural experimental station and also to Martin Luther Kingʼs tomb at Atlanta. Your comments appreciated. END FYI
6. Emperor and party not exceeding total of eight will be invited stay at Blair House. No more can be accommodated since section of Blair House under repair and thus any others will have to be put up at hotel at IEG expense. Hope party can be kept relatively small. In any case not more than twelve can be invited to White House dinner.
7. No press announcement until dates firmed up and time agreed upon for simultaneous US-Ethiopian release.
8. It is intended that theme for visit and principal subjects to be discussed will concentrate on exchange of views on current African developments with “Elder Statesman of Continent” and on Ethiopiaʼs [Page 4] economic development. Appreciate that Emperor will also want to talk about his traditional fears of Arab-Soviet penetration of Red Sea Basin and he will probably put in plug for more military assistance. However we shall want to play down US military assistance, Kagnew, etc., particularly for media output, and by focusing on Ethiopiaʼs economic development, give encouragement to new Cabinet team and its efforts assign priority to economic and social progress.
9. Ref CA–4728, Jan 9, 1969, except
President no longer attends return receptions.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 7 ETH. Secret; Limdis. Drafted May 14 by M. Looram (AF/NE); cleared in draft by Palmer, J, AF/P, DOD/ISA, and S/CPR; cleared in S/S and and by the White House; and approved by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Moore (AF). Repeated to Athens.↩
- The Department asked the Embassy to extend a Presidential invitation to Emperor Haile Selassie to make a state visit to Washington July 7–9. Themes of the visit would be current African developments and Ethiopiaʼs economic development.↩