244. Telegram 641 From the Embassy in Uganda to the Department of State1 2


  • Renewed Contacts with GOU

1. As Dept aware, following Jan. 25 coup we cut back rigorously on all contacts with all ministries and other entities of GOU. As Amin regime consolidates its control, and particularly since formation of new cabinet, Embassy, AID, PC, and USIS have picked up somewhat low level contacts within government, being careful however to avoid conduct new business but rather following up on existing old business.

2. Above agencies, and particularly AID, are faced with deadlines, programs and commitments which make it necessary start transacting certain new matters, calls forward for trainees being specific case in point.

3. Country team this morning felt it necessary and in our best interests continue picking up speed and increasing level of meetings within GOU so that business can proceed with as little further interuption as possible. Additionally, there several outstanding matters which government has indicated are definitely open for negotations. Dept. will recall Amin, in his meeting with Charge, Monday, February 1, indicated GOU willingness proceed on AID bi-lateral and Lincoln School. Both are matters to which all concerned attach great importance and of which time is of essence.

4. We propose, therefore, in addition to recommending [Page 2] contacts referred to above, to arrange meetings between DCM and appropriate FonOff official to discuss those two matters, as well as forthcoming visit of National War College. We further propose, starting next week, to exchange notes with government on outstanding matters, e.g. matter of mariine guards for Embassy. Furthermore, Ambassador hopes next week to start paying calls on new cabinet members, particularly those known to us from earlier days. As Department aware, Ambassador has already been in informal contact with two of lawyer Ministers during course of meetings relating to legal profession.

5. We would anticipate that by end of month we should be in position to take up matter of bi-lateral signing with MinFonAff.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL Uganda-US. Confidential; Priority.
  2. Ambassador Ferguson reported that all contacts had been reduced following the coup; he recommended developing contacts at the ministerial level to begin new business relations.