152. Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Haig) to the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1 2


I am informed that the attached cable has probably been leaked by the British to State and therefore strongly recommend that you mention this to Elliot Richardson during your meeting today, pointing out that the Biafrans had contacted Eagleburger and that the Biafrans refused to deal with State on this issue.

Al Haig
[Page 2]


Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Haig) to the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)

[2 pages not declassified]

[Page 3]


  • Items to Discuss with Elliot Richardson on Friday, January 9, 1970 at 6:00 p.m.

I assume that you wish to utilize the main portion of your meeting with Elliot Richardson to discuss the Middle East paper. Your talker for this purpose is on the left flap of this folder together with the Middle East paper. If you have time you will wish to discuss the following additional subjects:

1. During your last meeting Mr. Richardson left a memo with you on the problem of the appointment of a replacement for Bill Colby. Charlie Cooke indicated in the memorandum left with you by Mr. Richardson that MACV may attempt to replace Colby, who is supposed to be leaving at the end of March, with a military officer or to downgrade the position if another civilian is appointed. I cannot comment on the accuracy of this memorandum since I am not aware of any major problems between Colby and Abrams. One thing however is clear— John Vann is not the man for the job for reasons which I think were all too evident to you. Bill Sullivan and Phil Habib also suggested by Charlie Cooke would, of course, be outstanding in just about any job they might be considered for. I fear, however, that both men can make a greater contribution at a higher level because of their experience and effectiveness. This leaves only Mendenhall. whom I do not know. I would only add one additional criteria to those mentioned by Charlie Cooke and that is that he should also not be a State bureaucrat or an egomaniac like Bob Komer (Tab A)

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes_____ No_____


2. Mention to Elliot that you have received a letter from Secretary Volpe enclosing a copy of his Eyes Only letter to Elliot which deals with the US/Italy Air Transport Agreement. If you discuss this [Page 4] with Elliot now you will be able to assure Volpe that you have done so should he call on you for help. Letter at Tab B.

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes____ No_____


3. The President has written to both you and Pete Flanigan about utilizing Willis Armstrong, who is apparently a close friend of the Presidentʼs, in some foreign policy role. You may wish to ask Elliot to look into the possibility of bringing him aboard in some key role. Tab C.

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes____ No_____


4. The President has sent you a copy of a memorandum written by Henry Kearns, President of the Export-Import Bank, who wrote some rather sharp impressions about the Foreign Commercial Service. The President affirmed his agreement with Kearnsʼ impressions, especially those which conclude that:

a. State Department personnel assigned to commercial and economic representation abroad seldom have any knowledge of business;

b. commercial assignments are generally a dead-end for foreign service personnel; and

c. Stateʼs selection process discourages aggressive actions by their commercial attaches.

Kearns concluded with a recommendation that a Trade Commissioner Corps be established. The President noted that he wants you to shake Samuels hard and get action rather than their continuous tinkering with status quo. I am sure you will want to show the Kearns memorandum and the Presidentʼs hand-written comments to Mr. Richardson (Tab D).

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes_____ No_____


[Page 5]

5. Discuss with Mr. Richardson the essentiality of not having the Secretaryʼs year-end report (posture statement) published before the Presidentʼs report, which is being prepared by the NSC.

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes [checked] No_____

Comments: [handwritten note]

6. Bring Mr. Richardson abreast of the of the status of the NATO and your future plans with respect to it.

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes_____ No_____


7. Discuss the current status of Safeguard II.

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes_____ No_____


8. I know this will be difficult but I believe you should inform Mr. Richardson of the initiative taken by Larry Eagleburger on Biafra. [text not declassified] it is therefore quite likely that State already knows. I think Mr. Richardson will understand that the Biafrans have refused to deal with State on the issue and it is, therefore, logical that they would contact one of your people. You could also make a point that this was just a feeler operation which you authorized Eagleburger to explore. (Tab E)

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes [checked] No_____

Comments: [handwritten note]

9. Discuss the current status of the Toxin issue.

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes [checked] No_____

Comments: [handwritten note]

[Page 6]

10. Discuss the handling of the US/ChiCom Ambassadorial talks which will commence January 20.

I have discussed this with Richardson: Yes_____ No_____


  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 742, Country Files, Africa, Nigeria, Vol. I. Top Secret; Umbra; Eyes Only.
  2. The memorandum illustrates the division between the White House and State over Nigeria/Biafra, with Eagleburger meeting privately with Biafran representatives in Brussels and not informing any Department of State official. Haig advised Kissinger to inform Richardson about the meeting, claiming that the Biafrans refused to deal with State and this was only a feeler.