147. Telegram 208132 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Nigeria1 2
- Lagos 10725; Lagos 10686; Addis 5445 NOTAL
1. Request you seek appointment Arikpo at earliest possible time and convey following message from Under Secretary Richardson.
2. USG has been much encouraged by prospect Addis talks under HIM aegis and by FMG statesmanlike and constructive attitude in agreeing to talks. Under Secretary has now read with concern confusing current press reports re present state Addis talks. Reports indicate Biafran delegation en route but Federal participation in doubt. We appreciate these preliminary unconditional talks do not meet FMG declared requirements for substantive negotiations. However, we hope they might lead to more substantive negotiations and felt FMG taking wise course in demonstrating flexibility and willingness explore opportunity to move toward serious talks.
[Page 2]3. Under Secretary concerned now that FMG will be put publicly in position of appearing responsible for failure HIMʼs effort. Under Secretary is sure Arikpo will appreciate that friends of Nigeria will have difficult time internationally and in US explaining and defending such outcome. He is concerned that much of sympathy and understanding FMG achieved by constructive attitude daylight flight agreement may be dissipated by such an outcome. In light USG public statements re daylight agreement crediting the FMG for constructive attitude and pointing to Biafran failure agree, appearance of FMG responsibility for failure Addis talks would create difficult situation.
4. Under Secretary also wishes recall that following conversations Arikpo here, he has talked with French urging them use influence Biafrans toward negotiations. He wants Arikpo to know in great confidence that he believes French have, in fact, been helpful in getting Biafran acceptance Addis talks. Our own ability deal effectively with French will be greatly weakened if talks do not materialize. He was most encouraged by talk with Arikpo here and this message is in spirit of that conversation and in the belief he should convey to Arikpo our concern.
[Page 3]5. FYI We understand HMG instructing Glass continue his efforts with FMG and assume you coordinating with Glass. Assistant Sec Newsom calling in FMG Charge Udoh today, will convey substance of above and inform Udoh Under Secretaryʼs message going to Arikpo. End FYI.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 27–14 Biafra-Nigeria. Secret; Immediate. Repeated to Addis Ababa, London, Paris, and USUN. Drafted by Brubeck (AF/SN); cleared by Moore AF, Newsom, and Eliot; and approved by Richardson.↩
- The Department transmitted a message for Nigerian Federal Commissioner for External Affairs Arikpo from under Secretary of Sate Richardson. The prospect of Addis talks under the supervision of His Imperial Majesty was encouraging, but while Biafran representatives were en-route, Federal Military Government (FMG) participation was in doubt. Richardson sought to convince Arikpo that FMG attendance was essential, if only for positive public relations.↩