208. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon1 2


  • Post-Khartoum Actions

In redoubling our endeavors to combat terrorism following the Khartoum tragedy, the following steps have been taken:

By immediate telegram, and via Ambassador Macomber’s representations, urged the Sudan Government to administer just punishment to the terrorists.
Circularized all posts making clear that any nations who might provide asylum or cooperation with these terrorists would incur the ill will of the United States Government.
Emphasized to the Arab governments that the United States is taking a serious view of their support for or toleration of the Black September Organization.
Initiated a study of measures we might take with respect to Arab governments which continue to support or tolerate the BSO.
Sent two special messages to our Embassy in Beirut to take up BSO’s machinations in Lebanon, including one from Ambassador Meyer to the Prime Minister, an old friend.
Have sent to all posts overseas two additional alerts warning that Black September might strike again and suggesting specific precautions to be taken.
Circulated to all our personnel the text of your remarks at the State Department making clear our policy of non-submission to blackmail.
In the weekly meeting of the Cabinet Committee’s Working Group instituted a broad review of what further steps should be taken both at home and abroad.
Called a March 13th meeting of the principals of the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism to consider specific recommendations from the Working Group for augmenting security for our officials abroad and for officials here, along the lines of your discussion with us at the State Department on March 7.

William P. Rogers
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 286, Agency Files, Department of State, Vol. XVIII, January 1973–May 1973. Confidential. The attached NSC correspondence profile indicates that Nixon noted the memorandum on March 14. Nixon’s March 6 address at a Department of State ceremony honoring Noel and Moore is published in Public Papers: Nixon, 1973, pp. 169–171.
  2. Rogers provided an update on efforts to combat terrorism after the March 2 assassinations in Khartoum, Sudan.