128. National Security Decision Memorandum 3331 2


  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Director of Central Intelligence


  • Enhanced Survivability of Critical U.S. Military and Intelligence Space Systems

The President has expressed concern regarding the emerging Soviet anti-satellite capability and the possible threat to critical U.S. space missions this implies. He considers preserving the right to free use of space to be a matter of high national priority. The U.S. trend toward increasing exploitation of space for national security purposes such as strategic and tactical reconnaissance, warning, communications, and navigation—combined with the simultaneous trend toward a smaller number of larger, more sophisticated satellites—emphasizes the need for a reassessment of U.S. policy regarding survivability of critical military and intelligence space assets.

Policy for Survivability of Space Assets

The President has determined that the United States will continue to make use of international treaty obligations and political measures to foster free use of space for U.S. satellite assets both during peacetime and in times of crisis. However, to further reduce potential degradation of critical space capabilities resulting from possible interference with U.S. military and intelligence space assets, the President also considers it necessary to implement improvements to their inherent technical survivability. Such survivability improvements should supplement and reinforce the political measures, as well as extend the survivability of critical space asset into higher level conflict scenarios.

The survivability improvements in critical military and intelligence space assets should be predicated on the following U.S. objectives:

Provide unambiguous, high confidence, timely warning of any attack directed at U.S. satellites;
Provide positive verification of any actual interference with critical U.S. military and intelligence satellite capabilities;
Provide sufficient decision time for judicious evaluation and selection of other political or military responses the initiation of an attempt to interfere and before the loss of a critical military or intelligence space capability;
Provide a balanced level of survivability commensurate with mission needs against a range of possible threats, including non-nuclear co-orbital interceptor attacks, possible electronic interference, and possible laser attacks;
Substantially increase the level of resources needed by an aggressor to successfully interfere with critical U.S. military and intelligence space capabilities;
Deny the opportunity to electronically exploit the command system or data links of critical U.S. military and intelligence space systems.

Planning for Improved Survivability

The President directs that efforts be initiated jointly by the secretary of Defense and the Director of Central intelligence to prepare an aggressive time-phased, prioritized action plan which will further develop and implement this policy framework. This plan should (1) place emphasis on short-term and intermediate-term measures to enhance the survivability of critical military and intelligence space capabilities against Soviet nonnuclear and laser threats at low altitudes and Soviet electronic threats at all altitudes, and (2) consider long-term measures which will provide all critical military and intelligence space systems with a balanced level of survivability commensurate with mission needs against all expected threats, including threats at higher altitudes.

Short/intermediate term measures for consideration in the plan should include, but not be limited to, the following capabilities:

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Longer-term measures should provide balanced survivability for critical space capabilities against the full range of credible threats. The plan should detail the military and intelligence utilization of specific systems at various levels of potential conflict and should select survivability measures and implementation schedules for each critical military or intelligence satellite in accord with their scenario-related mission needs. The threats to be considered include threats of physical attack against satellites, either by non-nuclear or laser techniques; electronic and exploitation threats against command links, data links, and communications links; and threats of electronic or small-scale physical attack against ground stations. Continued consideration should be given to protection against nuclear effects from events other than direct attack, for those space assets which support nuclear scenarios. This portion of the plan should consider measures necessary to enhance the survivability of both ground and spaceborne elements and should consider proliferation or back-up alternatives where appropriate, as well as active and passive measures.

The plan should develop a range of implementation schedule/funding profiles for Presidential consideration. An initial version of this plan should be submitted to the President no later than November 30, 1976.

Brent Scowcroft
  1. Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, Presidential File of NSC Logged Documents, Box 38, 7602528. Top Secret. Copies were sent to the Secretary of State, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
  2. President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs Brent Scowcroft outlined policy objectives for enhancing the survivability of U.S. space assets and ordered development of an action plan.